21 research outputs found

    Do we have proportionate gender in policy making? A Study based on key Government Institutions of SAARC Region

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    Women empowerment has remained a long standing issue for practitioners and policy makers at all levels even in the present modern known era of modernization. The basic objective of this study is to assess gender equality in the top sphere of the SAARC key governmental institutions from the recruitment and selection perspective. This study has used secondary data collected from the official websites of the governments and its affiliated key institutions. The unique feature of this study is that it analyzes gender inequality phenomena form the recruitment and selection perspective. An extensive gap has been identified between male and female top executives serving in key government institutions, which is not only a serious challenge for the global gender equality policy but also a serious question on government gender selection polices in the region. The notion of male dominance clearly prevails in the current scenario of the gender representation in government institutions, which remains a serious challenge for the gender equality. It has been concluded that a special focus is needed to prioritize the selection mechanism for females in top power structure of these governments especially in SAARC region

    Violation of Consumer Rights by Electronic Media through Advertisements

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    This research paper attempts to evaluate the consumer rights and their violation by electronic media through advertisement. This is misguiding the consumer to buy harmful and unnecessary products. This research also aims at interpolating and ascertaining the onus of responsibility of a responsible media with regards to advertising. In the recent past the principle of “Caveat Emptor” which meant “Buyers beware” governed the relationship between a seller and buyer. In the era of open markets the buyer and seller came face to face, seller exhibited his goods, and buyer thoroughly examined them and then purchased them. The assumption would be consumer would use all his care and skill while entering into a transaction. The buyer to examine the goods before hand and most of the transactions are now concluded by correspondence. Discussion on consumer’s rights and their violation by media through advertisements is suggestive that consumers today enjoy a good amount of legal protection. But, even today, a large number of us remain exploited. Keywords: Consumer, Advertisement, Violation of Rights, Electronic Media legislation

    Classical Marxism to Postmodern Marxism: Theorization of Social Conflict and Ideology as a Determinant

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    The present article examines different theories and schools of thought within Marxist paradigm and on the basis of these theories, gives its own angle to look at the nature of the social conflict. This study aims at developing a comprehensive view of the factors that determine the social conflict. This study employs an Eclectic Marxist approach to social conflict utilizing and reformulating Marxist theory. The present research concludes that there is a multiplicity of factors that makes a whole and this whole is conducive to a social conflict. Every element (religion, ideology, culture, economy, politics etc.) that makes this whole plays a significant role to create the social conflict. The contribution of these elements or components varies in different situations. Different parts play their roles at different times through the whole they form. This article alsotraces the roots of social conflict on account of ideology. Drawing on different schools of Marxist thought it establishes the case of ideology as one of the potent source of social conflict. Economic determinism alone cannot ascertain the social conflict but ideology has also a part to play. Insistence on mere economic dialect and exclusion of consciousness and moral elements can limitthe scope of the theory of social conflict. The researcher draws support in favor of his argument from different Marxist theorists who are disenchanted with classical Marxism and criticize Marxist ideas of economic determinism and deterministic and reductionist interpretation of history. These different Marxist schools of thought vary while assigning primacy of place to humanism, economicdeterminism, superstructure, infrastructure and subjectivity and objectivity in the Marxist theory of history and society. Thus this work includes the ignored ideological aspect of Marxist paradigm

    Encephalitis Associated With Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Secondary to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: An Unfamiliar Spin-Off.

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    Checkpoint inhibitors (CPI) have become mainstream in standard therapy in various tumors, especially in malignant melanoma. Despite their widespread beneficial effects, these inhibitors are also notorious for immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is an aggressive and life-threatening syndrome of excessive immune activation. We report a case of a 33-year-old male having a history of metastatic melanoma on immunotherapy (status post two cycles of ipilimumab/nivolumab) admitted for persistent fever and elevated liver enzymes. Additional work showed anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperferritinemia which meet the diagnostic criteria of histiocyte society HLH-2004. The patient was effectively treated with oral prednisone. Moreover, further complications encompassed slurred speech, word-finding difficulties, ataxia, and lower extremity hyperreflexia concerning for autoimmune encephalitis. He was treated with high-dose IV methylprednisolone (1 gram/day for 3 days) with improvement in symptoms. Autoimmune encephalitis associated with HLH can be fatal - high-dose IV methylprednisolone should be considered, but this avenue still needs to be explored

    Does Performing Endoscopy Sooner Have an Impact on Outcomes in Patients With Acute Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage? A Systematic Review.

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    Background Endoscopy is the cornerstone for the diagnosis and treatment of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Regarding the management of nonvariceal bleeding, the administration of crystalloid solution and proton pump inhibitors before endoscopy is well established, but the optimal timing of endoscopy has been a matter of debate and a subject of many investigational studies. The need for urgent endoscopy arises to provide prompt redress to acute bleeding, decrease the length of stay, and lower mortality from ongoing bleeding. Objective This study aimed to determine if endoscopy performed within 24 hours of presentation improves outcomes in terms of mortality, hospital length of stay, and rebleeding in individuals presenting with nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleed with any risk. Methodology We performed a systematic review of two large databases (PubMed and Google Scholar) to incorporate all studies published after 2000. We included studies with nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding and excluded those reporting variceal gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Results We reviewed eight studies that qualified after meeting our inclusion and exclusion criteria. We divided these studies into three separate groups based on the timing of endoscopy. Only two studies found a difference in mortality that was statistically significant in patients who underwent endoscopy within 24 hours of presentation. One study showed lower mortality in a patient who underwent urgent endoscopy, but it did not reach statistical significance. Other studies did not show any statistical difference in mortality, hospital length of stay, and rebleeding rates. The studies showed conflicting evidence on the amount of blood transfusion, though urgent endoscopy was found to be difficult in few studies due to blood obscuring the lesion. Conclusions While data suggest that there is a potential benefit in performing endoscopy sooner, there is no concrete evidence to point to a particular time range. Before performing endoscopy, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2012) recommends adequate resuscitation with crystalloid solutions, blood transfusions, and antisecretory and prokinetic agent therapy. More investigational studies are needed to formulate a time-sensitive flow sheet to approach endoscopy in patients with nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. A strict criterion is also needed to delineate patients into low-risk and high-risk groups. Doing so would provide a systematic approach to help with mortality, rebleeding, and healthcare resource utilization

    A Review of Interstitial Pneumonitis Caused by Elotuzumab Through Case Discussions and Academic Writings.

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    Patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma have undergone two or three previous therapies are now being treated with a humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody elotuzumab (HuLuc63) that targets F7 signalling lymphocytic activation molecule F7 (SLAMF7)- a signalling lymphocytic activation molecule. It is combined with dexamethasone and lenalidomide/pomalidomide for therapy. Adverse effects associated with elotuzumab consists of peripheral neuropathy, fever, constitutional symptoms (fatigue, headache, decreased appetite), and infections. A rare side effect of interstitial lung disease has only been observed in a single case. There are two case studies presented below of hypoxic respiratory failure upon this monoclonal antibody treatment both were successfully treated with steroid therapy. This article brings forth the hypothesis that elotuzumab can cause pneumonitis, and discontinuation of elotuzumab along with high-dose corticosteroids helps reverse the pneumonitis