846 research outputs found

    Gompertz: A Scilab Program for Estimating Gompertz Curve Using Gauss-Newton Method of Least Squares

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    A computer program for estimating Gompertz curve using Gauss-Newton method of least squares is described in detail. It is based on the estimation technique proposed in Reddy (1985). The program is developed using Scilab (version 3.1.1), a freely available scientific software package that can be downloaded from http://www.scilab.org/. Data is to be fed into the program from an external disk file which should be in Microsoft Excel format. The output will contain sample size, tolerance limit, a list of initial as well as the final estimate of the parameters, standard errors, value of Gauss-Normal equations namely GN_1 GN_2 and GN_3, No. of iterations, variance(sigma^2), Durbin-Watson statistic, goodness of fit measures such as R^2, D value, covariance matrix and residuals. It also displays a graphical output of the estimated curve vis a vis the observed curve. It is an improved version of the program proposed in Dastidar (2005).

    Vertical linkage between formal and informal credit markets: corruption and credit subsidy policy

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    We develop a model of vertical linkage between the formal and informal credit markets which highlights the presence of corruption in the distribution of formal credit. The existing moneylender, the bank official and the new moneylenders move sequentially and the existing moneylender acts as a Stackelberg leader and unilaterally decides on the informal interest rate. The analysis distinguishes between two different ways of designing a credit subsidy policy. If a credit subsidy policy is undertaken through an increase in the supply of institutional credit, it is likely to increase the competitiveness in the informal credit market and lower the informal sector interest rate under reasonable parametric restrictions. Any change in the formal sector interest rate has no effect. However, an anticorruption measure (increase in penalty) unambiguously lowers the interest rate in the informal credit market. Finally, we examine the effects of alternative policies on the incomes of different economic agents in our model.Formal/informal credit markets, informal interest rate; corruption; credit subsidy policy

    Corruption in a Model of Vertical Linkage between Formal and Informal Credit Sources and Credit Subsidy Policy

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    The present paper develops a model of vertical linkage between the formal and informal credit markets highlighting the presence of corruption in the distribution of formal credit. The existing moneylender, the bank official and the new moneylenders move sequentially and the existing moneylender acts as a Stackelberg leader and unilaterally decides on the informal interest rate. The analysis distinguishes between two different ways of designing a credit subsidy policy. If a credit subsidy policy is undertaken through an increase in the supply of institutional credit it is likely to increase the competitiveness in the informal credit market and lower the informal sector interest rate under reasonable parametric restrictions. Any change in the formal sector interest rate has no effect. An anticorruption measure, on the contrary, may be counterproductive and raise the interest rate in the informal credit market.formal/informal credit markets, interest rates

    An automatic and efficient foreground object extraction scheme

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    This paper presents a method to differentiate the foreground objects from the background of a color image. Firstly a color image of any size is input for processing. The algorithm converts it to a grayscale image. Next we apply canny edge detector to find the boundary of the foreground object. We concentrate to find the maximum distance between each boundary pixel column wise and row wise and we fill the region that is bound by the edges. Thus we are able to extract the grayscale values of pixels that are in the bounded region and convert the grayscale image back to original color image containing only the foreground object

    Auctions Where Incomes Are Private Information and Preferences (Non Quasi-linear) Are Common Knowledge

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    Managing CMC for global accelerated marketing approvals

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    In an increasingly complex global regulatory environment, proper planning and where possible, timely engagement with Health Authorities have the potential for up front resolution of potential CMC review issues. Such Health Authority interactions may facilitate faster dossier review and subsequent marketing authorization approval. In this session, a case study of a global new marketing application will be presented. Additionally, a discussion will explore the challenges, including time and resources, associated with in-country testing, which many countries require for imported products. The IFPMA position on waiver of redundant in-country testing will be presented. Success in receiving complete or partial waiver of in-country testing can be achieved, provided it is properly justified and supported by quality systems and controls in place at all stages of the manufacturing and supply chain to assure that products remain fit for their intended use