Gompertz: A Scilab Program for Estimating Gompertz Curve Using Gauss-Newton Method of Least Squares
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A computer program for estimating Gompertz curve using Gauss-Newton method of least squares is described in detail. It is based on the estimation technique proposed in Reddy (1985). The program is developed using Scilab (version 3.1.1), a freely available scientific software package that can be downloaded from Data is to be fed into the program from an external disk file which should be in Microsoft Excel format. The output will contain sample size, tolerance limit, a list of initial as well as the final estimate of the parameters, standard errors, value of Gauss-Normal equations namely GN_1 GN_2 and GN_3, No. of iterations, variance(sigma^2), Durbin-Watson statistic, goodness of fit measures such as R^2, D value, covariance matrix and residuals. It also displays a graphical output of the estimated curve vis a vis the observed curve. It is an improved version of the program proposed in Dastidar (2005).