34,161 research outputs found

    Three Dimensional Gauge Theory with Topological and Non-topological Mass: Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Analysis

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    Three dimensional (abelian) gauged massive Thirring model is bosonized in the large fermion mass limit. A further integration of the gauge field results in a non-local theory. A truncated version of that is the Maxwell Chern Simons (MCS) theory with a conventional mass term or MCS Proca theory. This gauge invariant theory is completely solved in the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalism, with the spectra of the modes determined. Since the vector field constituting the model is identified (via bosonization) to the fermion current, the charge current algebra, including the Schwinger term is also computed in the MCS Proca model.Comment: Eight pages, Latex, No figures

    On The Entanglement Entropy For Gauge Theories

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    We propose a definition for the entanglement entropy of a gauge theory on a spatial lattice. Our definition applies to any subset of links in the lattice, and is valid for both Abelian and Non-Abelian gauge theories. For ZN\mathbb{Z}_N and U(1)U(1) theories, without matter, our definition agrees with a particular case of the definition given by Casini, Huerta and Rosabal. We also argue that in general, both for Abelian and Non-Abelian theories, our definition agrees with the entanglement entropy calculated using a definition of the replica trick. Our definition, however, does not agree with some standard ways to measure entanglement, like the number of Bell pairs which can be produced by entanglement distillation.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; section on Extended Lattice Construction revised and some changes in referencing; some of the discussion of the replica trick changed; section on SU(2) revised for clarit

    Does monetary policy have differential state-level effects? an empirical evaluation

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    The paper examines whether monetary policy has similar effects across major states in the Indian polity. Impulse response functions from an estimated Structural Vector Auto Regression (SVAR) reveal two sets of states: a core of states that respond to monetary policy in a significant fashion vis-à-vis others whose response is less significant. The paper attempts to trace the reasons for the differential response of these two sets of states in terms of financial deepening and differential industry mix.monetary policy; regional effect; optimum currency area

    On the Stability of Coherent States for Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillator

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    We have constructed coherent states for the higher derivative Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillator. In the process we have suggested a novel way to construct coherent states for the oscillator having only negative energy levels. These coherent states have negative energies in general but their coordinate and momentum expectation values and dispersions behave in an identical manner as that of normal (positive energy) oscillator. The coherent states for the Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillator have constant dispersions and a modified Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation. Moreover, under reasonable assumptions on parameters these coherent states can have positive energies.Comment: Title changed, modified version with no major change in results and conclusions, to appear in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Efficient qubit detection using alkali earth metal ions and a double STIRAP process

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    We present a scheme for robust and efficient projection measurement of a qubit consisting of the two magnetic sublevels in the electronic ground state of alkali earth metal ions. The scheme is based on two stimulated Raman adiabatic passages (STIRAP) involving four partially coherent laser fields. We show how the efficiency depends on experimentally relevant parameters: Rabi frequencies, pulse widths, laser linewidths, one- and two-photon detunings, residual laser power, laser polarization and ion motion.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Coherent States for the Non-Linear Harmonic Oscillator

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    Wave packets for the Quantum Non-Linear Oscillator are considered in the Generalized Coherent State framerwork. To first order in the non-linearity parameter the Coherent State behaves very similarly to its classical counterpart. The position expectation value oscillates in a simple harmonic manner. The energy-momentum uncertainty relation is time independent as in a harmonic oscillator. Various features, (such as the Squeezed State nature), of the Coherent State have been discussed

    Mesoscopic superposition and sub-Planck-scale structure in molecular wave packets

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    We demonstrate the possibility of realizing sub-Planck-scale structures in the mesoscopic superposition of molecular wave packets involving vibrational levels. The time evolution of the wave packet, taken here as the SU(2) coherent state of the Morse potential describing hydrogen iodide molecules, produces macroscopicquantum- superposition-like states, responsible for the above phenomenon. We investigate the phase-space dynamics of the coherent state through the Wigner function approach and identify the interference phenomena behind the sub-Planck-scale structures. The optimal parameter ranges are specified for observing these features.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    High time resolution observation of the transient event of 5 March 1979

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    The detection of an intense gamma ray burst with the monitor proportional counter on the HEAO 2 spacecraft is discussed with particular emphasis on the measurement of the time of onset of the event. Based on the mean observed counting rate in the burst and assuming a sharp rise, the uncertainty in the burst onset is found to be + or - 220 microseconds. The time of occurrence was 57124.826908 + or - 0.000220 s UT on March 5, 1979, and the location of the HEAO 2 satellite at this time was latitude 22.15 deg, longitude -27.60 deg at an altitude of 525.0 km
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