23 research outputs found

    The effect of polyamines and SICS on the compatibility, fertility and yield indices of apple cv. Golden Delicious

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    The most critical problems of temperate fruit trees are poor fruit setand low yield. To solve the problem, some major chemical compounds such as polyamines and SICS (self-incompatibility control substance, Mn+B) can be used. Popular polyamines including Putrescine (0.1 and 0.25 mM), both Spermine and Spermidine (0.05 and 0.25 mM), and SICS (1 and 2 mg L-1) were used alone or with cotton coverage bags to cover branches in order to investigate self-incompatibility in Malus domestica. Results showed that Spermidine (0.25 mM) led to higher yields in comparison with that of the control. SICS (2 mg L-1), also, demonstrated the highest yield compared with that of the control. At June fruit set, treatment with Spermidine (0.25 mM) led to the highest percentage of fruit set and also the highest index of self-incompatibility and percentageof final fruit set among treatments

    The effect of polyamines and SICS on the compatibility, fertility and yield indices of apple cv. Golden Delicious

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    The most critical problems of temperate fruit trees are poor fruit setand low yield. To solve the problem, some major chemical compounds such as polyamines and SICS (self-incompatibility control substance, Mn+B) can be used. Popular polyamines including Putrescine (0.1 and 0.25 mM), both Spermine and Spermidine (0.05 and 0.25 mM), and SICS (1 and 2 mg L-1) were used alone or with cotton coverage bags to cover branches in order to investigate self-incompatibility in Malus domestica. Results showed that Spermidine (0.25 mM) led to higher yields in comparison with that of the control. SICS (2 mg L-1), also, demonstrated the highest yield compared with that of the control. At June fruit set, treatment with Spermidine (0.25 mM) led to the highest percentage of fruit set and also the highest index of self-incompatibility and percentageof final fruit set among treatments

    Influence of Preharvest Ethephon Spray on Fruit Quality and Chemical Attributes of 'Cigany' Sour Cherry Cultivar

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    ABSTRACT Influences of preharvest ethephon spray on fruit quality attributes and certain nutritional compounds of 'Cigany' sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) were investigated. Trees were sprayed with 250 ppm ethephon one week before anticipated commercial harvest. Fruits from ethephon-sprayed trees had significantly lower soluble solids concentration (SSC), anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity, and firmness than those from non-sprayed control. The ethephon spray did not affect total phenolic content, although its content tended to be higher in fruits from non-treated control. Titratable acidity (TA), pH and SSC/TA ratio were not affected by ethephon spray. There was a significantly positive correlation between anthocyanin content and SSC (r = 0.99)

    Identification and Quantification of Heavy Metals Concentrations in <i>Pistacia</i>

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    The levels of heavy metals are very important in pistachio nuts, because the edible nuts have an important and increasing role in human nutrition. Pistachio is one of the native nuts of Iran which contains high genetic resources, but there is insufficient information regarding nutritional properties and other elements like heavy metals. The objective of the present study was to investigate and compare heavy metals contents in the kernels of various pistachio samples including; ‘Daneshmandi’, ‘Sephid’, ‘Garmeh’, ‘Momtaz’, ‘Ahmad Aghaei’, ‘Badami Zarand’, Pistacia atlantica Desf. (‘Baneh’), Pistacia vera ‘Sarakhs’ and chance seedling as ‘Non-grafted 1’, ‘Non-grafted 2’ and ‘Non-grafted 3’. Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrophotometer (ICP) was used for the determination of aluminium, chromium, nickel, copper, strontium, arsenic, cadmium and cobalt concentrations in pistachio kernels. This study showed that there were significant differences among the samples in all measured heavy metals except the arsenic, cadmium and cobalt. The content of aluminium varied from 3.22 to 9.59 (mg kg-1 of dry matter) and chromium concentration from 0.60 to 1.86 (mg kg-1 of dry matter). The nickel content of examined pistachio samples was found between 0.43 and 3.63 (mg kg-1 of dry matter) and copper ranged from 3.20 to 12.33 (mg kg-1 of dry matter). The strontium content was observed between 4.96 and 24.93 (mg kg-1 of dry matter). The contents of arsenic, cadmium and cobalt not reported, because their amounts were lower than the detection limit of the applied measuring method (ICP). These data demonstrated that the concentrations of heavy metals in pistachios varied by cultivar

    Effect of Different Solvents on Total Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activity of Zizyphus jujube Miller Fruits

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    Introduction: Phenolic compounds have an ability to scavenge free radicals and cause the balance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in our body. This balance prevents atherosclerosis, coronary heart and cancer diseases. Butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) is a well-known synthetic antioxidant, which is restricted to be used due to its probable toxic effects. Therefore, replacement of synthetic antioxidants with plant materials with high amounts of antioxidant activity, which protect the body from free radicals and many diseases caused by lipid peroxidation, is an appropriate option. ZiziphusjujubaMiller is one of the forty species belonging to Rhamnaceae family, which produces a great deal of industrial raw materials for horticultural, ornamental, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Antioxidants can be extracted by various solvents and extraction methods. Solvent extraction is the most common method used for separating natural antioxidants. Solvent properties undoubtedly play a key role in the extraction of antioxidative compounds. The type and yield of antioxidant extracted have been found to vary as affected by the solvent properties such as polarity, viscosity and vapor pressure. Therefore, it is difficult to develop a unified standard method for the extraction of antioxidants from all plant materials. Materials and Methods: Plant materials Fresh fruits were collected from Birjand, Iran, in late summer 2014. The samples were air dried under the shade at room temperature. Dried fruits were ground by using a mortar and pestle and were separately extracted by distilled water and organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol and acetone (50%, 90% and100% (v/v)). After filtering through the Whatman paper #3 and removing the solvents (using a rotary evaporator (BUCHI V-850)) and water (using a freeze dryer, (OPERON, FDB-5503, Korea)), the dried extracts were stored in refrigerator for further analysis. Determination of Total Phenolic Content (TPC) Samples were measured for TPCs colorimetrically using the Folin-Ciocalteu method with modification. Absorbance was read at 725 nm against blank using UV-Visible spectrophotometer (Cecil. UK.). A calibration curve was prepared using a standard solution of Gallic acid (0.2-1mg/ml). Results were expressed as mg Gallic acid/g dry extract (mg GA/g DE). Determination of Total Flavonoid Content (TFC). TFC was determined using the method of Huang et al. (13) with minor modifications. Absorption was measured at 430 nm using UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Cecil. UK.). TFC was determined using a standard curve with quercetin as the standard, and expressed as mg of quercetin equivalents (CE)/g dry extract (mg QE/g DE). Determination of Total Anthocyanin Content (TAC). TAC was measured using a spectrophotometric differential pH method. Its absorbance was read at 510 and 700nm. Results were expressed as milligrams of cyanidin-3-glucoside (CY.) equivalents per g of dry extract. Determination of Total Tannin Content. For determination of tannins in the sample extracts, vanillin–HCl method was used. The absorbance was read at 500 nm using UV–vis spectrophotometer. The content of tannins in the sample was expressed as mgcatechine equivalent (CE)/100g sample. Determination of Antioxidant Activity. Antioxidant activity of the samples was determined using DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-pic-rylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). In the presence of antioxidant, FRAP assay reduced Fe3+-TPTZ (2, 4, 6-tris (2-pyridyl)-5-triazine) complex to Fe2+ - TPTZ at low pH. The absorbance of the mixture was measured by using spectrophotometric ally at 595 nm. The effect of antioxidant on DPPH radical was thought to be due to their hydrogen donating ability or radical scavenging activity. DPPH assay expressed as IC50 and percentage inhibition. Lower IC50 value indicates higher antioxidant activity. Results and Discussion: Efficiency of different solvent extractions depends on the matrix of plant materials as well as the type of extractable compounds. The correct selection of solvent can improve the extraction yield of antioxidants from plants matrices considerably. For this reason, in the present study, some selected types of solvent showed different results. For extraction of total phenol and flavonoid compound, acetone 50% was the best yield. In methanolic extract (50, 100%), the highest amounts of anthocyanin and total tannin were reported. In all extracts, water had the least efficiency in comparison with other solvents. High correlation was observed in total phenolic content and antioxidant activity which was determined by DPPH and FRAP assay. Acetone 50% was the most potent for scavenging free radicals and reducing a ferric-tripyridyltriazine, Fe (III)-TPTZ, complex to ferrous, Fe (II) in all extracts. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicated that polarity, selectivity, viscosity, and vapor pressure are important physicochemical properties that should be considered when selecting a suitable solvent for the extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials

    Identification and Quantification of Heavy Metals Concentrations in <i>Pistacia</i>

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    The levels of heavy metals are very important in pistachio nuts, because the edible nuts have an important and increasing role in human nutrition. Pistachio is one of the native nuts of Iran which contains high genetic resources, but there is insufficient information regarding nutritional properties and other elements like heavy metals. The objective of the present study was to investigate and compare heavy metals contents in the kernels of various pistachio samples including; ‘Daneshmandi’, ‘Sephid’, ‘Garmeh’, ‘Momtaz’, ‘Ahmad Aghaei’, ‘Badami Zarand’, <i>Pistacia atlantica</i> Desf. (‘Baneh’), <i>Pistacia vera</i> ‘Sarakhs’ and chance seedling as ‘Non-grafted 1’, ‘Non-grafted 2’ and ‘Non-grafted 3’. Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrophotometer (ICP) was used for the determination of aluminium, chromium, nickel, copper, strontium, arsenic, cadmium and cobalt concentrations in pistachio kernels. This study showed that there were significant differences among the samples in all measured heavy metals except the arsenic, cadmium and cobalt. The content of aluminium varied from 3.22 to 9.59 (mg kg-1 of dry matter) and chromium concentration from 0.60 to 1.86 (mg kg-1 of dry matter). The nickel content of examined pistachio samples was found between 0.43 and 3.63 (mg kg-1 of dry matter) and copper ranged from 3.20 to 12.33 (mg kg-1 of dry matter). The strontium content was observed between 4.96 and 24.93 (mg kg-1 of dry matter). The contents of arsenic, cadmium and cobalt not reported, because their amounts were lower than the detection limit of the applied measuring method (ICP). These data demonstrated that the concentrations of heavy metals in pistachios varied by cultivar

    &lt;i&gt;In vitro&lt;/i&gt; Pollen Grain Germination and Tube Growth of Ten Iranian Jujube (&lt;i&gt;Ziziphus jujuba&lt;/i&gt;) Cultivars

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    Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) is a species particularly prone to erratic fruit set. Several causes such as pollen germination and tube growth involve in this behaviour. Thus, the present research aimed to evaluate and compare of pollen grains germination and tube growth of ten Iranian jujube cultivars on in vitro condition. A factorial trial based on completely randomized design with five replications was carried out. The pollen grains were collected from un-opened-flowers of Al-Ghour’, ‘Bardaskan’, ‘Doroh’, ‘Gazik’, ‘Ghom’, ‘Giouk’, ‘Kangan’, ‘Kalkestan’, ‘Magham Sari’ and ‘Noghab’ cultivars at balloon stage. This study showed that there were significant differences among the cultivars in all measured factors. The highest percentage of pollen grains germination was observed for ‘Gazik’, followed by ‘Bardaskan’, while the lowest was in ‘Al-Ghour’. The percentage of pollen grains germination increased with the increasing time of incubation period up to 36 h. Also, flowering times are found to be effective in germination of pollen grains, which 1 flash had highest percentage of germination of pollen grains than in comparison to other flowering times. The results also showed that the mean time germination varied from 24.52-25.92 h, mean hourly germination from 0.67-1.55, hourly germination speed from 0.64-1.48 and coefficient of velocity of germination of pollen grains from 0.058-0.061. The length of pollen tube was found between 44.4 and 624.8 ”m. These data demonstrated that cultivar is the main factor determining pollen grains germination and tube growth in jujube, which this important information can be useful for selection of superior desirable jujube genotypes for bringing to commercial cultivation

    Investigation of Antioxidant Capacity and Some Bioactive Compounds of Iranian Pistachio (Pistachio vera L.) Cultivars

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    <span lang="EN"><p>Edible nuts have an increasing role in human diet. Pistachio is a popular but less known kind of edible nut nevertheless it is rich in health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. Therefore, this study attempts to determine the antioxidants capacity, total phenolics and amount of some major elements (nitrogen, potassium, calcium and phosphorus), present in the most important Iranian pistachio nut, to enhance the health benefits, and use in breeding programs. For this reason eleven pistachio cultivars (‘Akbary’, ‘Ahmad Aghaii’, ‘Daneshmandi’, ‘Kalle Ghoochi 1’, ‘Kalle Ghoochi 2’, ‘Garmeh’, ‘Ohadi 1’, ‘Ohadi 2’, ‘Sefid’, ‘Momtaz’, and chance seedling tree ("None-grafted") as control) which are grown in commercial orchards of Fayzabad (Khorasan-e-Razavi) were analyzed for determination of some major elements, antioxidants capacity and total phenolics contents. The results showed that the amounts of the nutrients in 100 g kernel were within the following ranges: N 2.5-4.1 g, P 355.9-546.6 mg, K 573.6-994.9 mg and Ca 61.5-134.5 mg. Total phenolics content varied from 5.3-9.9 mg gallic acid equivalents in g fresh weight. The results also showed that the capacity of antioxidant ranged from 1.6-3.7 (mg ascorbic acid equivalents in g fresh weight). Weak correlation was observed between total phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity (r<sup><span style="font-size: x-small;">2</span></sup>=0.3824). The result demonstrates that there is adequate variation in major elements, antioxidants capacity and total phenolics contents within pistachio cultivars and hence there is potential for improvement towards enhancing these health-promoting photochemical in this nuts.</p></span

    <i>In vitro</i> Pollen Grain Germination and Tube Growth of Ten Iranian Jujube (<i>Ziziphus jujuba</i>) Cultivars

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    Jujube (<i>Ziziphus jujuba</i>) is a species particularly prone to erratic fruit set. Several causes such as pollen germination and tube growth involve in this behaviour. Thus, the present research aimed to evaluate and compare of pollen grains germination and tube growth of ten Iranian jujube cultivars on <i>in vitro</i> condition. A factorial trial based on completely randomized design with five replications was carried out. The pollen grains were collected from un-opened-flowers of Al-Ghour’, ‘Bardaskan’, ‘Doroh’, ‘Gazik’, ‘Ghom’, ‘Giouk’, ‘Kangan’, ‘Kalkestan’, ‘Magham Sari’ and ‘Noghab’ cultivars at balloon stage. This study showed that there were significant differences among the cultivars in all measured factors. The highest percentage of pollen grains germination was observed for ‘Gazik’, followed by ‘Bardaskan’, while the lowest was in ‘Al-Ghour’. The percentage of pollen grains germination increased with the increasing time of incubation period up to 36 h. Also, flowering times are found to be effective in germination of pollen grains, which 1 flash had highest percentage of germination of pollen grains than in comparison to other flowering times. The results also showed that the mean time germination varied from 24.52-25.92 h, mean hourly germination from 0.67-1.55, hourly germination speed from 0.64-1.48 and coefficient of velocity of germination of pollen grains from 0.058-0.061. The length of pollen tube was found between 44.4 and 624.8 ”m. These data demonstrated that cultivar is the main factor determining pollen grains germination and tube growth in jujube, which this important information can be useful for selection of superior desirable jujube genotypes for bringing to commercial cultivation