29 research outputs found

    Praktyczne zastosowania technik podejmowania decyzji do wyboru odpowiednich technologii eksploatacji w Iranie

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    Mining method selection for an explored ore-body is the critical and problematic issues in mining engineering. Selection of an unsuitable method with regards to deposit characteristics may make exploitation of the ore-body troublesome and sometimes impossible or less economic. In the past, selection of extraction method was based primarily on operating experience at similar type mine and on methods already in use in the districts of the deposit. Recently application of decision theory has been paid attention for different selection problems. Decision-making methods are not using customarily in mining engineering but they are techniques can provide solutions to the problems involving conflicting and multiple criteria as mining method selection problems. This study presents of different decision making methods in complex environment of mining activities for optimal and efficient production. The focus of this article is on inspection of the suitable mining method selection and presentation of procedure, and is based on the decision theory. This paper is divided into two sections. The first section provides an overview of the mining method selection problems and decision making theory. The second section introduces an application of the Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) for mining method selection accompanied by practical illustrations.Wyb贸r metody eksploatacji dla udokumentowanego z艂o偶a rudy jest podstawowym i bardzo trudnym zagadnieniem w in偶ynierii g贸rniczej. Wyb贸r niew艂a艣ciwej technologii eksploatacji dla z艂o偶a o okre艣lonej charakterystyce mo偶e spowodowa膰 wiele k艂opot贸w, a w rezultacie mo偶e doprowadzi膰 do braku mo偶liwo艣ci wybrania tego z艂o偶a lub uczyni膰 eksploatacj臋 mniej op艂acaln膮. W przesz艂o艣ci wyb贸r metody eksploatacji wykonywany by艂 na podstawie do艣wiadcze艅 ruchowych w kopalniach podobnego typu, a opierano si臋 na metodach ju偶 wykorzystywanych w innych cz臋艣ciach tego z艂o偶a. Ostatnio zwr贸cono uwag臋 na mo偶liwo艣膰 wykorzystania metod podejmowania decyzji do rozwi膮zywania problem贸w zwi膮zanych z takim wyborem. Takie metody podejmowania decyzji nie s膮 zwykle u偶ywane w g贸rnictwie, ale s膮 to techniki, kt贸re mog膮 da膰 rozwi膮zanie w zagadnieniach, w kt贸rych wyst臋puje wiele wzajemnie sprzecznych kryteri贸w tak jak to ma miejsce w przypadku wyboru technologii eksploatacji. Artyku艂 prezentuje r贸偶ne metody podejmowania decyzji dla osi膮gni臋cia optymalnej i wydajnej produkcji w z艂o偶onych uwarunkowaniach zwi膮zanych z dzia艂alno艣ci膮 g贸rnicz膮. Celem tego artyku艂u jest, w oparciu o teorie podejmowania decyzji, wyb贸r odpowiedniej metody eksploatacji oraz opis tej procedury. Artyku艂 podzielono na dwie cz臋艣ci. Pierwsza cz臋艣膰 daje przegl膮d problem贸w zwi膮zanych z wyborem metody eksploatacji oraz teori臋 podejmowania decyzji. Druga cz臋艣膰 omawia wielokryterialn膮 analiz臋 decyzyjn膮 zastosowan膮 do wyboru metody eksploatacji wraz z przyk艂adami

    Practical applications from decision-making techniques for selection of suitable mining method in Iran

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    Mining method selection for an explored ore-body is the critical and problematic issues in mining engineering. Selection of an unsuitable method with regards to deposit characteristics may make exploitation of the ore-body troublesome and sometimes impossible or less economic. In the past, selection of extraction method was based primarily on operating experience at similar type mine and on methods already in use in the districts of the deposit. Recently application of decision theory has been paid attention for different selection problems. Decision-making methods are not using customarily in mining engineering but they are techniques can provide solutions to the problems involving conflicting and multiple criteria as mining method selection problems. This study presents of different decision making methods in complex environment of mining activities for optimal and efficient production. The focus of this article is on inspection of the suitable mining method selection and presentation of procedure, and is based on the decision theory. This paper is divided into two sections. The first section provides an overview of the mining method selection problems and decision making theory. The second section introduces an application of the Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) for mining method selection accompanied by practical illustrations

    FMMSIC: a hybrid fuzzy based decision support system for MMS (in order to estimate interrelationships between criteria)

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    One of the main tasks in exploitation of ore-body is to select a suitable mining method. In mining method selection (MMS) problems, a decision procedure has to choose the best exploitation method that satisfies the evaluation criteria. It is generally hard to find a mining method that meets all the criteria simultaneously, therefore a good compromise solution is preferred as the final selection. Furthermore, the MMS problem is an inherently uncertain activity. To deal with the uncertainty, this paper presents an hybrid decision support system based on the fuzzy multi attribute decision making, named the fuzzy mining method selection with interrelation criteria (FMMSIC). FMMSIC models the relative weights of criteria by combining the fuzzy analytic network process and fuzzy entropy, and discusses using these hybrid techniques to determine the overall weights. Subsequently, the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution method was modified by various normalization norms according to the MMS problem condition. Finally, to illustrate how the FMMSIC is used for the MMS problems, an empirical study of a real case is conducted. It shows by means of an application that the FMMSIC is well suited as a decision support system for the MMS. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2012) 63, 218-231. doi: 10.1057/jors.2011.24 Published online 4 May 201