36 research outputs found

    RNAi-mediated suppression of isoprene emission in poplar transiently impacts phenolic metabolism under high temperature and high light intensities: a transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis

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    In plants, isoprene plays a dual role: (a) as thermo-protective agent proposed to prevent degradation of enzymes/membrane structures involved in photosynthesis, and (b) as reactive molecule reducing abiotic oxidative stress. The present work addresses the question whether suppression of isoprene emission interferes with genome wide transcription rates and metabolite fluxes in grey poplar (Populusxcanescens) throughout the growing season. Gene expression and metabolite profiles of isoprene emitting wild type plants and RNAi-mediated non-isoprene emitting poplars were compared by using poplar Affymetrix microarrays and non-targeted FT-ICR-MS (Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry). We observed a transcriptional down-regulation of genes encoding enzymes of phenylpropanoid regulatory and biosynthetic pathways, as well as distinct metabolic down-regulation of condensed tannins and anthocyanins, in non-isoprene emitting genotypes during July, when high temperature and light intensities possibly caused transient drought stress, as indicated by stomatal closure. Under these conditions leaves of non-isoprene emitting plants accumulated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a signaling molecule in stress response and negative regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis. The absence of isoprene emission under high temperature and light stress resulted transiently in a new chemo(pheno)type with suppressed production of phenolic compounds. This may compromise inducible defenses and may render non-isoprene emitting poplars more susceptible to environmental stress

    Current preventive strategies and management of Epstein-Barr virus-related post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in solid organ transplantation in Europe. Results of the ESGICH Questionnaire-based Cross-sectional Survey

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    There is limited clinical evidence on the utility of the monitoring of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNAemia in the pre-emptive management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. We investigated current preventive measures against EBV-related PTLD through a web-based questionnaire sent to 669 SOT programmes in 35 European countries. This study was performed on behalf of the ESGICH study group from the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. A total of 71 SOT programmes from 15 European countries participated in the study. EBV serostatus of the recipient is routinely obtained in 69/71 centres (97%) and 64 (90%) have access to EBV DNAemia assays. EBV monitoring is routinely used in 85.9% of the programmes and 77.4% reported performing pre-emptive treatment for patients with significant EBV DNAemia levels. Pre-emptive treatment for EBV DNAemia included reduction of immunosuppression in 50.9%, switch to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in 30.9%, and use of rituximab in 14.5% of programmes. Imaging by whole-body 18-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is used in 60.9% of centres to rule out PTLD and complemented computer tomography is used in 50%. In 10.9% of centres, FDG-PET is included in the first-line diagnostic workup in patients with high-risk EBV DNAemia. Despite the lack of definitive evidence, EBV load measurements are frequently used in Europe to guide diagnostic workup and pre-emptive reduction of immunosuppression. We need prospective and controlled studies to define the impact of EBV monitoring in reducing the risk of PTLD in SOT recipients

    Laparotomic versus laparoscopic Duhamel pull-through for hirschsprung disease in infants and children

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze the results from laparotomic and laparoscopic Duhamel pull-through in the treatment of Hirschsprung disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In our department, the Duhamel pull-through technique was adopted in most patients and the laparoscopic technique used since 1999 follows the original Duhamel procedure. Patients were identified retrospectively and followed up in our outpatient clinic. Preoperative, operative, and postoperative data were collected and analyzed. RESULTS: Between January 1992 and March 1999, 21 children with Hirschsprung disease underwent primary surgical correction using the classic open Duhamel pull-through. The mean age at operation was 14 months, the median operating time was 297 minutes, and the average postoperative stay was 10 days. From April 1999 to December 2003, 22 children underwent laparoscopic Duhamel pull-through. The mean age at operation was 14.6 months, the mean operative time was 253 minutes, and the mean postoperative stay was 6.8 days. The rates of early (4.7% vs. 4.7%) and late (19% vs. 23.8%) complications were similar in the two groups, but in the laparoscopic group the mean operative time and postoperative hospital stay were lower. CONCLUSION: With these encouraging results, laparoscopic Duhamel pull-through has become our procedure of choice in the surgical management of Hirschsprung's disease

    Evaluation of a pediatric protocol of intrapleural urokinase for pleural empyema: a prospective study.

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    Intrapleural urokinase has been shown to be effective in the treatment of pleural effusions in children. However, optimal dosing in children is debated. The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate a specific pediatric protocol of intrapleural urokinase. METHODS: All children admitted to a single institution over a 6-year period with a diagnosis of pleural empyema were managed with chest tube and fibrinolytics. Clinical data were collected prospectively. Urokinase (56,000 IU in 56 mL saline/m(2) body surface) was administered twice daily, and was continued until resolution of the effusion. Further operative treatment was considered if urokinase treatment was unsuccessful after >/=3 days. Results are shown as median values (interquartile range). RESULTS: Forty-one consecutive children aged 4.4 (3.2-6.9) years were included in the study, and received 420,000 (280,000-750,000) IU of urokinase over 7 (4-8) days. Suction through the chest drain was applied for 8 (6-10) days, and IV antibiotics were discontinued after 12 (10-15) days from the start of intrapleural fibrinolytics. Four children (9.8%) required 5 additional operative procedures (3 thoracoscopic debridements and 2 minithoracotomic debridements). Patients were discharged after 13 (11-16) days from the beginning of intrapleural urokinase. No major side effects attributable to urokinase were observed. CONCLUSION: Intrapleural instillation of urokinase according to a specific pediatric protocol results in a high success rate when applied as a primary treatment in children with pleural empyema. Administration of a size-adjusted dose of urokinase proved to be safe and could optimize drug utilization

    The value of white blood cell count in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Utilit\ue0\ua0 della leucometria nella diagnosi di appendicite acuta

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of acute appendicitis remains a critical challenge for paediatric surgeons. White Blood Cell (WBC) count, once considered a basic exam, is still routinely performed in most institutions, despite its lack of accuracy. Aim of this study is to assess the additional value of WBC count in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of children who underwent appendectomy for acute appendicitis in the last two years at our institution. In the patients treated in 1999 (Group A), WBC count was assessed routinely after admission. The surgeons relied on leukocytosis as well as on clinical findings and on ultrasound abdominal scan for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. In the patients treated in 2000 (Group B), blood cell count was not tested or deliberately ignored by the surgeons. RESULTS: There were 65 children in Group A and 70 in Group B; the two groups of patients were similar in terms of gender (p = 0.989) and age (p = 0.758). Criteria for operation were similar in the two groups (p = 0.222). No differences were found in the number of perforated (p = 0.989) and normal (p = 0.217) appendixes in the two groups as well as in the duration of hospital stay after surgery (p = 0.849). CONCLUSIONS: WBC count at admission has no proven additional value in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and can be omitted without modifying diagnostic pathway and without affecting diagnostic accuracy


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    M\ufcllerian malformations represent a wide spectrum of anomaly of the female reproductive tract, usually detected at birth or at puberty. The presence of uterus didelphys and obstructed hemivagina, associated with ipsilateral renal agenesis, is known as Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome, a rare congenital anomaly. Two cases of uterus didelphic and hematometra caused by vaginal septum are reported; the girls had a delayed diagnosis due to absence of a specific clinical feature. Clinicians must be aware of the existence of these malformations. An adequate radiological study is mandatory to assess the anatomic conformation, and to optimize the therapeutic procedure

    Laparoscopia prudenziale nel criptorchidismo non palpabile: esperienza presso l\u2019UOC di Chirurgia Pediatrica di Treviso

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    Il Criptorchidismo \ue8 un\u2019anomalia dei genitali che interessa circa il 3-5% dei nati a termine e il 9-30% dei nati pretermine. I casi di criptorchidismo endoaddominale (NP) rappresentano il 5% di tutti i casi di testicolo ritenuto. I testicoli ritenuti in addome hanno una probabilit\ue0 di cancerizzare 4 volte superiore rispetto a quelli ritenuti nel canale inguinale, che a loro volta hanno un rischio di sviluppare un tumore testicolare 10-20 volte superiore rispetto ai testicoli normali.Lo scopo di questo lavoro \ue8 di riportare e di analizzare l\u2019esperienza maturata presso l\u2019UOC di Chirurgia Pediatrica dell\u2019Ospedale C\ue0 Foncello di Treviso, in relazione al timing chirurgico e alla scelta della tecnica chirurgica