68 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous integration of KY(WO4)2-on-glass : a bonding study

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    Rare-earth ion doped potassium yttrium double tungstate, RE: KY(WO4)(2), is a promising candidate for small, power-efficient, on-chip lasers and amplifiers. There are two major bottlenecks that complicate the realization of such devices. Firstly, the anisotropic thermal expansion coefficient of KY(WO4)(2) makes it challenging to integrate the crystal on glass substrates. Secondly, the crystal layer has to be, for example, < 1 mu m to obtain single mode, high refractive index contrast waveguides operating at 1550 nm. In this work, different adhesives and bonding techniques in combination with several types of glass substrates are investigated. An optimal bonding process will enable further processing towards the manufacturing of integrated active optical KY(WO4)(2) devices. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    Ion-exchanged rare-earth doped amplifiers and lasers

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    Intégration verticale d'une fonction dichroïque en optique intégrée sur verre (application à un duplexeur pompe/signal pour amplificateur optique hybride )

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    L'échange d'ions sur verre est une technologie mature qui a permis de réaliser de nombreux circuits intégrés optiques aussi bien passifs (diviseurs, multiplexeurs) qu'actifs (amplificateurs, lasers) pour des applications allant des télécommunications optiques au capteur. Les recherches actuelles s'orientent vers l'intégration d'un nombre croissant de fonctions sur une même puce en réduisant leur empreinte. Le travail présenté s'inscrit dans cette démarche puisqu'il s'agit de réaliser un duplexeur large bande intégré verticalement pour des amplificateurs optiques hybrides. Il contient un dimensionnement théorique du dispositif proposé, la réalisation de via optiques sans perte et finalement la fabrication et la caractérisation d'un prototype intégré verticalement dont les performances sont conformes aux objectifs initiaux (isolation supérieure à 20 dB, bandes passantes supérieures à 200 nm).The development of optical telecommunication networks entailed a huge effort on research for optical integrated circuits (IOC). Among all the technologies that have been studied to realize IOCs~ ion exchange has been one of the major technologies for realizing IOCs. Nowadays researches aim at integrating several functions on one single wafer as well as hybridizing different technologies. This work deals with the study of a vertically integrated pump-signal duplexer for hybrid optical ampli fiers made by ion-exchange on glass. First, sorne theoritical models have been derived, then the realization process flow has entirely been numerically simulated. The realised duplexer showed an isolation between its two outputs of 21.dB :!:: 0.4 dB at À,= 980 nm and of 44. dB :!:: 0.4 dB at À,= 1.55 /lm. The bandwidth around these nominal wavelengths is larger than 200 nm. The obtained results prove the interest of the proposed design for the realization of integrated amplifying modules on glass.GRENOBLE1-BU Sciences (384212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Optimization of an integrated optic broadband duplexer for 0.8/1.3-micrometer applications

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    International audienceThese last years, the growth of data traffic has increased the interest for broadband integrated optic devices. Their applications include, for example, the fiber communications on a single fiber by adding the transmission capacity of two optical telecommunication windows for Local Area Networks (LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN) or by combining pump and signal wavelenghts in rare earth doped intergrated optical amplifiers. A promising technology to realize those devices is ion-exchange on glass. Indeed, it allows the integration of different functions in a glass substrate with efficient results and a better compatibility in fiber systems with a low cost. We propose in this paper an original broadband duplexer based on a leaky structure. First, the physical principle of the component is explained. The core of the structure is a leaky zone which involves a non-resonant coupling and ensures a broadband spectral behavior to the component. Then, the broadband duplexer is presented and the focus is specially made on the improvement of the outputs crosstalk through the suppression of parasitical back reflections. Theoretical optimization and validation by simulations are presented. Finally, perspectives of this work are proposed