181 research outputs found

    In vitro-derived platelets: the challenges we will have to face to assess quality and safety.

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    Platelet transfusions are given to patients in hospital who have a low blood platelet count (thrombocytopenia) either because of major bleeding (following trauma or surgery) or because the bone marrow production of platelets is impaired often due to chemotherapy, infiltration with malignant cells, fibrosis or genetic disorders. We are currently entirely reliant on blood donors as a source of platelets in transfusion medicine. However, the demand for platelets continues to rise, driven by an aging population, advances in medical procedures and ever more aggressive cancer therapies, while the supply of blood donors continues to remain static. In recent years, several groups have made major advances toward the generation of platelets in vitro for human transfusion. Recent successes include results in both generating mature human megakaryocytes as well as in developing bioreactors for extracting platelets from these megakaryocytes. Platelets made in vitro could address several issues inherent to platelets derived from blood donors - the ability to scale up/down more flexibly according to demand and therefore less precarious supply line, reduction of the risk of exposure to infectious agents and finally the possibility of engineering stem cells to reduce immunogenicity. Here we define the quality control tools and suggest measures for implementation across the field for in vitro platelet genesis, to aid collaboration between laboratories and to aid production of the burdens of proof that will eventually be required by regulators for efficacy and biosafety. We will do this firstly, by addressing the quality control of the nucleated cells used to make the platelets with a particular emphasis to safety issues and secondly, we will look at how platelet function measurement are addressed particularly in the context of platelets derived in vitro.This work was supported by grants from the Rosetrees Trust (A1691), NHS Blood and Transplant and the European Union (SilkFusion: AMD-767309-3)

    Beyond Clotting: A Role of Platelets in CNS Repair?

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    This work was supported by the State Government of Salzburg, Austria, (Stifungsprofessur, and 20204-WISS/80/199-2014), through funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreements n° HEALTH-F2-2011-278850 (INMiND), n° HEALTH-F2-2011-279288 (IDEA), n° FP7-REGPOT-316120 (GlowBrain), the Austrian Science Fund FWF Special Research Program (SFB) F44 (F4413-B23) “Cell Signaling in Chronic CNS Disorders,” by the research funds from the Paracelsus Medical University PMU-FFF (Long-Term Fellowship L-12/01/001-RIV to FR and Stand Alone grant 2058).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Frontiers via http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fncel.2015.00511

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in megakaryocytes

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    The biosynthesis of endogenous BDNF has thus far been examined in neurons where it is expressed at very low levels, in an activity-dependent fashion. In humans, BDNF has long been known to accumulate in circulating platelets, at levels far higher than in the brain. During the process of blood coagulation, BDNF is released from platelets which has led to its extensive use as a readily accessible biomarker, under the assumption that serum levels may somehow reflect brain levels. To identify the cellular origin of BDNF in platelets, we established primary cultures of megakaryocytes, the progenitors of platelets, and found that human and rat megakaryocytes express the BDNF gene. Surprisingly, the pattern of mRNA transcripts is similar to neurons. In the presence of thapsigargin and of external calcium, the levels of the mRNA species leading to efficient BDNF translation rapidly increase. Under these conditions, pro-BDNF, the obligatory precursor of biologically active BDNF, becomes readily detectable. Megakaryocytes store BDNF in α-granules, with more than 80% of them also containing platelet factor 4. By contrast, BDNF is undetectable in mouse megakaryocytes, in line with the absence of BDNF in mouse serum. These findings suggest that alterations of BDNF levels in human serum as reported in studies dealing with depression or physical exercise may primarily reflect changes occurring in megakaryocytes and platelets, including the ability of the latter to retain and release BDNF

    Enabling human pluripotent stem cell derived megakaryocyte

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    Annually 4.5 million platelet units are transfused in Europe and the United States. These are obtained solely from allogeneic donations and have a shelf life of 5-7 days. To address the corresponding supply challenge, Moreau et al. have devised a novel process for producing megakaryocytes (MKs, the platelet precursor cell) in vitro. A transcription-factor driven, forward-programming approach converts human pluripotent stem cells into MKs. This strategy has the unique advantage of generating high yields of pure MKs in chemically defined medium through the establishment of 2-3 month long-term cultures. This could lead to the production of a consistent, reliable supply of platelets which overcomes the logistical, financial and biosafety challenges for health organisations worldwide. However to enable commercialisation of platelet manufacture, process optimisation and scale-up are essential. Medium can contribute a significant proportion of the cost of a cell based product. We have used tissue culture flasks to represent static culture and compared this to a scaled-down automated bioreactor system (ambr15, Sartorius) to evaluate feasibility and optimisation factors for the growth of forward programmed (FoP) MKs in scalable stirred-suspension culture. The medium supply and exchange strategy were analysed using high temporal resolution growth curves for three medium exchange regimes. We assessed the productivity of the medium, showing that approximately 1.3 million cells are produced per millilitre of medium. Common metabolites lactate and ammonium were unlikely to be limiting proliferation and only 20% of glucose was depleted. Using novel deterministic modelling software developed by our group, we have constructed a model of forward-programmed MKs growth. Based on inhibitor production, the model demonstrates the most efficient expansion strategy using the exchange strategies and observed growth characteristics of proliferating populations. Cell populations were identified using flow cytometry and phenotype analysis. This type of mechanistic modelling can be used to inform and optimise manufacturing strategy for scaled production of FoPMKs for platelet production and more generally for the manufacturing of cell based therapies

    Platelet α-granules modulate the inflammatory response under systemic lipopolysaccharide injection in mice.

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    BACKGROUND: Beyond their role in hemostasis and thrombosis, platelets are also important mediators of inflammation by the release of hundreds of factors stored in their α-granules. Mutations in Nbeal2 cause gray platelet syndrome (GPS), characterized by the lack of platelet α-granules. This study aims to evaluate the immunological (proinflammatory) effects of platelet α-granules. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We performed an experiment using Nbeal2-/- mice, the mouse model of GPS. Systemic inflammation was induced by intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Inflammatory response was assessed by quantification of inflammatory soluble factors and platelet biological response modifiers. RESULTS: The lack of Nbeal2 (in Nbeal2 -/- mice, compared with controls) significantly reduced the recruitment of circulating neutrophils and monocytes. Moreover, after LPS injection, there was a significant increase in neutrophil and monocyte counts in control animals, compared with Nbeal2 -/- mice. The control of inflammation, evaluated by the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, appeared to be greater in Nbeal2-/- mice compared with controls. Conversely, the production of certain inflammatory-soluble mediators known to characterize normal platelet secretion, such as soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L), was decreased under experimental inflammation in Nbeal2 -/- mice. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that α-granules play a direct role in platelet-mediated inflammation balance, confirming the need to further investigate platelet-associated inflammatory pathophysiology and inflammatory adverse events related to blood transfusion.Supported by grants from the French Blood Establishment (Grant APR), France; the Agence Nationale de la SĂ©curitĂ© et du MĂ©dicament et des Produits de SantĂ© (AAP‐2012‐011, Reference 2012S055); the French “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (ANR‐12‐JSV1‐0012‐01); and the Association “Les Amis de RĂ©mi” Savigneux, France

    Application of quality by design tools to upstream processing of platelet precursor cells to enable in vitro manufacture of blood products

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    Annually 4.5 million platelet units are transfused in Europe and the United States. These are obtained solely from allogeneic donations and have a shelf life of 5-7 days. To address the corresponding supply challenge, Moreau et al.1 devised a novel process for producing megakaryocytes (MKs, the platelet precursor cell) in vitro. A transcription-factor driven, forward-programming (FOP) approach converts human pluripotent stem cells into MKs. This strategy has the unique advantage of generating high yields of pure MKs in chemically defined medium which could lead to the production of a consistent, reliable supply of platelets which overcomes the logistical, financial and biosafety challenges for health organisations worldwide. Here we follow a Quality by Design (QbD) approach to enable improvements to the upstream processing of FOPMKs. Firstly, we created a process flow diagram for production of in vitro platelets for transfusion, which segregated processes into individual unit operations for control and optimisation. Next, we developed a Quality Target Product Profile (QTPP) and identified Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) for each stage. We conducted a range of experiments utilising Design of Experiments (DOE) and mechanistic modelling2 tools to link Critical Process Parameters (CPPs) to CQAs. For adherent culture, we identified a productivity limit related to surface area available for growth and a cell loss phase which was dependent on cell seeding density, RhoK inhibitor usage and seed density. Using suspension cultures of FOPMK. We noted that TPO and Doxycycline concentration were CPPs as these impacted cell net growth rate and phenotype trajectory. Furthermore, we noted that medium exhaustion led to a 30% loss of viable cells over 8 hours. Proof of concept studies also showed that FOPMKs can be cultured in scaled-down suspension systems (ambr-15 and spinner flask culture) whilst retaining CQAs. 1. Moreau, T. et al. Large-scale production of megakaryocytes from human pluripotent stem cells by chemically defined forward programming. Nat. Commun. 7, 1–15 (2016). 2. Stacey, A. J., Cheeseman, E. A., Glen, K. E., Moore, R. L. L. & Thomas, R. J. Experimentally integrated dynamic modelling for intuitive optimisation of cell-based processes and manufacture. Biochem. Eng. J. 132, 130–138 (2018)
