5 research outputs found
The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005
The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005
ISSN 1583 - 199X
EUV - Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, 2005
The British Coucil in Bucharest and The School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), within the West University of Timisoara, edited The Romanian Journal of European Studies - special issue on migration and mobility (Guest editor: Mr. Martin GEIGER, Bonn University, Germany; contact: [email protected]). For more information or to obtain a printed copy, please contact Mr. Dan MOGA, at SISEC (E-mail: [email protected])
Foreword; Grigore Silasi ... page 5
Editorial; Martin Geiger ... pages 7 - 8
Forms and Features of the Post-Enlargement Migration Space; Paolo Ruspini ... pages 9 - 18
Managing Migration for an Enlarging Europe - Inter-governmental Organizations and the Governance of the Migration Flows; Martin Geiger ... pages 19 - 30
Balkan Migrations and The European Union: Patterns and Trends; Martin Baldwin-Edwards ... pages 31 - 43
Workers' Mobility': Europe's Integration and Second Thoughts; Peter van Krieken ... pages 45 - 53
Romania's External Migration in the Context of Accesion to the EU: Mechanisms, Institutions and Social-Cultural Issues; Luminita Nicolescu, Daniela-Luminita Constantin ... pages 55 - 63
Migrations et incidence sur la répartition spatiale de la population en Roumanie au niveau national et régional; Vasile Ghetau ... pages 65 - 8
Evolution de la fécondité en Roumanie. Une approche longitudinale
Ghe-tau Vasile. â The Development of Fertility in Romania. A Longitudinal Study. During the last 25 years, there have been considerable fluctuations in fertility in Romania. The liberalization of abortion in 1957 was followed by a considerable decline in the birth rate which fell from 24 per 1 000 in 1956 to 14 per 1 000 in 1966. A return to a more restrictive policy led to a leap in the number of births during the following year and, in the long run, resulted in the maintenance of a level of fertility which was relatively high compared with other European countries. The current trend, however, is downward, and in 1982 the crude birth rate was estimated to be about 16 per 1 000. These fluctuations are examined from the longitudinal point of view for the first time. A study of the considerable changes in both current and cohort fertility of Romanian women born between 1935 and 1958 is of interest, because of the exceptional nature of their experience which is without precedent in peacetime in Romanian history.Ghejau Vasile. â Evolution de la fĂ©conditĂ© en Roumanie. Une approche longitudinale. La fĂ©conditĂ© roumaine a enregistrĂ© de trĂšs fortes fluctuations depuis vingt- cinq ans. La libĂ©ralisation de l'avortement en 1957 a Ă©tĂ© suivie par une chute considĂ©rable de la natalitĂ©, le taux brut passant de 24 p. 1000 en 1956 Ă 14 p. 1000 en 1966. Le retour Ă une lĂ©gislation restrictive, Ă la fin de 1966, a provoquĂ© un bond prodigieux du nombre de naissances l'annĂ©e suivante et entraĂźnĂ© le maintien ultĂ©rieur de la natalitĂ© Ă un niveau relativement Ă©levĂ©, par rapport Ă la plupart des pays europĂ©ens. Mais la tendance actuelle est orientĂ©e Ă la baisse et, pour 1982, on peut estimer le taux brut de natalitĂ© Ă environ 16 p. 1000. Ces fluctuations de la fĂ©conditĂ© roumaine sont examinĂ©es ici, pour la premiĂšre fois, dans une perspective longitudinale. L'Ă©tude des changements considĂ©rables survenus dans le calendrier et la descendance finale des gĂ©nĂ©rations fĂ©minines roumaines nĂ©es de 1935 Ă 1958, dont l'ampleur n'a pas de prĂ©cĂ©dent historique en pĂ©riode de paix, est d'un intĂ©rĂȘt tout particulier en raison de son caractĂšre exceptionnel.Ghejau Vasile â EvoluciĂłn de la fecundidad en Rumania. Estudio longitudinal. En Rumania, la fecundidad ha experimentado fuertes variaciones en el curso de los Ășltimos 25 aĆos. DespuĂ©s de la liberalizaciĂłn del aborto en 1957 hubo una baja sensible de la natalidad; la tasa bruta pasĂł de 25 p. 1 000 en 1956 a 14 p. 1 000 en 1966. A fines de 1966 se impuso de nuevo una legislaciĂłn restritiva, hecho que provocĂł un aumento prodigioso del numero de nacimientos en el curso del Đ°ĐčĐŸ siguiente. A partir de entonces la fecundidad se ha mantenido a un nivel relativamente elevado en comparaciĂłn al resto de paĂses europeos. Pero la ten- dencia actual de la fecundidad es descendente y en 1982 se puede estimar la tasa bruta de natalidad en alrededor de 16 p. 1 000. Por primera vez se examinan, en este articulo, las fluctuaciones de la fecundidad rumana en una perspectiva longitudinal. El estudio de los cambios considerables ocurridos tanto en el calendrio como en la descendencia final de las generaciones femeninas nacidas entre 1935 y 1958, cuya amplitud no tiene prĂ©cĂ©dentes en tiempos de paz, ofrece un interĂ©s my especial, debido a su carĂĄcter exceptional.Ghetau Vasile. Evolution de la fĂ©conditĂ© en Roumanie. Une approche longitudinale. In: Population, 38á” annĂ©e, n°2, 1983. pp. 247-265
Le redressement spectaculaire de la natalité en Roumanie
Ghetau Vasile. Le redressement spectaculaire de la natalité en Roumanie . In: Economie et statistique, n°12, Mai 1970. pp. 51-55
L'évolution de la fécondité en Roumanie
Ghetau Vasile. Fertility Trends in Romania. The decline in fertility in Romania since the end of the war of 1939-1945 is a continuation of the trend which began during the second decade of the present century and which is similar to that experienced in other European populations. The specific situation in Romania differs mainly in its timing and the rate of decline. The vast economic and social changes which occurred after the war led to a reduction in fertility differences between different provinces of the country, between urban and rural areas, between persons belonging to different educational levels and socio-economic groups. .However, some differences have persisted. The indications are that fertility in Romania has ceased to grow. It is, however, more difficult to be certain whether it has reached a stable level or will continue to decline.Ghetau Vasile. Evolution de la fĂ©conditĂ© en Roumanie. La tendance Ă la baisse de la fĂ©conditĂ© en Roumanie depuis la seconde guerre mondiale poursuit un mouvement dĂ©clenchĂ© dans les annĂ©es 1910 et s'inscrit d'ailleurs dans l'Ă©volution commune de toutes les populations europĂ©ennes. Les particularitĂ©s du processus en Roumanie concernent essentiellement la chronologie et le rythme de la baisse. Les profonds changements Ă©conomiques et sociaux d'aprĂšs la guerre, ont surtout conduit Ă une homogĂ©nĂ©isation du comportement, par dĂ©partements, par zones urbaines-rurales, par niveaux d'instruction, par catĂ©gories socio-professionnelles, etc. quoique des diffĂ©rences subsistent encore. Tout concorde Ă laisser supposer que la fĂ©conditĂ© roumaine a cessĂ© de s'accroĂźtre. Il est plus difficile de savoir si elle va se stabiliser ou encore baisser dans l'avenir.Ghetau Vasile. EvoluciĂłn de la fecundidad en Rumania. En Rumania, la tendencia a la baja de la fecundidad observada a partir de la segunda guerra mundial, prosigue un movimiento desencadenado en la dĂ©cada de 1910 y que prĂ©senta rasgos similares en la evoluciĂłn de todas las poblaciones europeas. En este sentido las particularidades del proceso rumano se refieren tanto a la cronologia como al ritmo del descenso. Los profundos cambios econĂłmicos y sociales producidos en Rumania despuĂ©s de la segunda guerra mundial, han conducido principalmente a una homogeneizaciĂłn del comportamiento, ŃĐŸĐł departamentos, ŃĐŸĐł zonas urbanos-rurales, por nivelĂ©s de instrucciĂłn, por categorias socio-prof esionales, etc., a pesar de que aun subsisten algunas diferencias. Todos los elementos disponibles conducen a pensar que la fecundidad de la poblaciĂłn rumana ha dejado de crecer. Es mĂĄs difĂcil decir si en el futuro esta fecundidad se va a estabilizar ĐŸ va a bajar aĂșn mĂĄs.Ghetau Vasile. L'Ă©volution de la fĂ©conditĂ© en Roumanie. In: Population, 33á” annĂ©e, n°2, 1978. pp. 425-439
Special Issue - Six articles on immigration policy.
The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005 ISSN 1583 - 199X. EUV - Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, 2005 The British Coucil in Bucharest and The School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), within the West University of Timisoara, edited The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005 - special issue on migration and mobility (Guest editor: Mr. Martin GEIGER, Bonn University, Germany; contact: [email protected]). CONTENTS: Foreword; Grigore Silasi ... page 5 Editorial; Martin Geiger ... pages 7 - 8 Forms and Features of the Post-Enlargement Migration Space; Paolo Ruspini ... pages 9 - 18 Managing Migration for an Enlarging Europe - Inter-governmental Organizations and the Governance of the Migration Flows; Martin Geiger ... pages 19 - 30 Balkan Migrations and The European Union: Patterns and Trends; Martin Baldwin-Edwards ... pages 31 - 43 Workers' Mobility': Europe's Integration and Second Thoughts; Peter van Krieken ... pages 45 - 53 Romania's External Migration in the Context of Accesion to the EU: Mechanisms, Institutions and Social-Cultural Issues; Luminita Nicolescu, Daniela-Luminita Constantin ... pages 55 - 63 Migrations et incidence sur la répartition spatiale de la population en Roumanie au niveau national et régional; Vasile Ghetau ... pages 65 - 8