612 research outputs found

    Particularities of the Communication Activities within the Modern Enterprise with a Study Case at SC DEDEMAN SRL

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    Inside an organization, communication has an important role. Communication should be oriented both towards the internal life of the organization and towards the external activity. The communication devices of the company serve to disseminate some major information about the products and services offered to the clients and they also serve to find out how the business environment reacts. Such a double communication system assures a permanent dialogue with the external environment, the market, supplying the firm with all the necessary elements for developing an efficient activity.Communication, Marketing communication, Communication policy, Promotional activity


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    The organizational integrated computer system project management aims at achieving competitiveness by unitary, connected and personalised treatment of the requirements for this type of projects, along with the adequate application of all the basic management, administration and project planning principles, as well as of the basic concepts of the organisational information management development.The paper presents some aspects of organizational computer systems project management competitiveness with the specific reference to some Romanian companies’ projects.competitiveness; management; project management; advanced technologies; organizational integrated computer systems

    Taking decisions by using fuzzy models

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    In the most specialty papers, a mathematical model for establishing the best decisional alternatives is a couple M=(R, K) made up of a matrix R with m lines and n columns and a column vector K with m components. The mathematical modeling of an uncertain information evaluates its most probable value am and the minus possible values as and plus ad. The three real values form an ordered triplet named fuzzy triangular number. A fuzzy model for establishing the best decisional alternative is a couple formed by the results matrix having fuzzy triangular numbers as elements and the importance coefficients vector K. These models, (fuzzy and/or classical) are equivalent models related to a method of hierarchy of decisional alternatives if the two models have the same criteria and alternatives and by using the method to both models, the same hierarchy is obtained.uncertainty, fuzzy triangular numbers, taking decisions, fuzzy models

    Severe Mental Illnesses– impact and burden on community mental health

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    Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Severe Mental Illnesses (SMI) is defined as a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder resulting in serious functional impairment, which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities. The burden of mental illnesses is particularly concentrated among those who experience disability due to SMI. SMI are a small subset of the 300 mental illnesses that are in DSM ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). While the line between mental health and serious mental illness is debatable, the extremities are clear. SMI represent a high burden of disease in Moldova. It’s incidence and prevalence, as well as the disability caused by depressive disorders, has continuously increased. The treatment of SMI involves a holistic, multidisciplinary intervention at community level regardless of form and evolution. Community mental health care means any care or support you receive in order to help you manage a mental health problem while living in the community. Community mental health care focuses on providing services within the community, close to people's homes, and hospital stays are as close as possible, organized promptly and used only in case of need. Community mental health care offers a series of medical and social services, in the form of integrated care, in order to optimize the possibilities of recovery of the person with mental health problems. In this context, community (mental) health care could mean: Treatment, such as psychological interventions (for example, psychoeducation or psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy) or pharmacological interventions (eg, appropriate drugs and dosage) Crisis intervention (for example, hospitalization in the case of acute conditions at rayon hospitals or psychiatric hospital). Support or continuous interventions by the multidisciplinary community mental health team. Within any mental health system, 'good services' are those that provide efficient, safe, high quality care to the people who need them, when they need them. There is no specific model of service delivery or organizational model of good service delivery, rather general factors that underpin successful approaches (World Health Organization - WHO). Aim of the study. The purpose of the research is to identify the social functionality and the needs of people suffering from severe mental illnesses, as well as to elaborate recommendations based on the detected needs. Materials and methods. - Historical analyses of illnesses and care - Interview - Study and analysis of the scientific literature - Quantitative and qualitative processing of results Conclusions. SMI is a current public health problem with a high incidence and prevalence. It leads to a high rate of disability which eventually leads to the disintegration of people within the society. Recovery requires great efforts, a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. It is a social, family and personal burden, which leads to financial, psychological and moral damage. People do not have friends and social network and the results showed this fact. People are rejected from family and society and they feel abandoned. So there is still a long way to go to rehabilitate people with SMI and integrate them into the community

    Competitiveness in organizational integrated computer system project management

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    The organizational integrated computer system project management aims at achieving competitiveness by unitary, connected and personalised treatment of the requirements for this type of projects, along with the adequate application of all the basic management, administration and project planning principles, as well as of the basic concepts of the organisational information management development.The paper presents some aspects of organizational computer systems project management competitiveness with the specific reference to some Romanian companies’ projects

    Information Technology and communication (IT&C) and Research and Development (R&D), outstanding factors of the post-crisis economic recovery

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    Regardless of the business cycle or of the crisis, the knowledge-based society continues to evolve based on two main pillars – IT&C and R&D – although the funding and investments in such areas are currently more or less shrinking. Under these circumstances, there are economic, social, technological and environmental reasons for which investments in the IT&C and R&D fields must be prioritized under the anti-crisis strategies in Romania.    The main argument in favour of is mainly based on the economic and social efficiency, on the technological progress on short, medium and long terms. At the same time, we are pointing out the main ways, instruments and mechanisms through which efficiency could be obtained for IT&C and R&D investments efforts in Romania during the post-crisis economic recovery

    The Financial Accountability of e-Government: The Information Transparency of Decision-making Processes in Public Organizations

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    Effective e-Government can contribute to the modernization of the public sector administration, and increase the efficiency in the activity of governments and national agencies facilitating the participation of citizens in the social and political life.The use of e-Government improves the electronic transactions between government agencies, companies and citizens, in order to improve the quality of the services and to increase the transparency in the public financial sector. The recent reforms in the public financial management are accelerated by new technologies and are creating the premises for a disciplined, transpired and flexible public sector administration.After a presentation of recent views from literature on some main problems of e-government and software services, the research is focused on the development of e-government and public finance administration.

    AurĂ©lie Barjonet, L’Ère des non-tĂ©moins. La littĂ©rature des « petits-enfants de la Shoah »

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    AurĂ©lie Barjonet, maĂźtresse de confĂ©rences en littĂ©rature comparĂ©e Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines et spĂ©cialiste de la production littĂ©raire des « petits-enfants de la Shoah », signe un essai, dont le titre fait rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  l’ouvrage d’Annette Wiervokia, L’Ère des tĂ©moins (Paris, Fayard, coll. « Pluriel », 2013 [1998]), qui vise Ă  « combler un manque » (p. 31), c’est-Ă -dire Ă  enrichir le panorama existant en proposant un ouvrage de synthĂšse sur les Ă©crits rĂ©cents cons..
