27 research outputs found

    World Economic Prospects in the Context of an Ongoing Global Crisis

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    The current financial crisis which started in 2007 and is still ongoing in 2010, was triggered by a liquidity hortfall in the United States banking system and has been considered the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, since it affected drastically most countries in the world, big corporations and contributed to declines in consumer wealth and a noteworthy downward spiral in the economic activity. In these times of global depression, most countries and companies are affected, some more than others. The financial crisis is turning out to be much deeper and broader than expected. This paper underlines what is the outcome of the financial crisis on the global economy and synthesises the main opportunities for companies in these unstable years.crisis, unemployment, happiness index, oil demand.

    Entering New Markets-A Challenge in Times of Crisis

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    After September 2008, the advanced economies severe decline caused demand for emerging economies’ exports to drop and the crisis became truly global, much deeper and broader than expected. In these times of global depression, most countries and companies are affected, some more than others. The financial crisis has turned out to be much deeper and broader than expected. Entering new markets has always been a hazardous entrepreneurial attempt, but also a rewarding one, in the case of success. The paper aims to asses the market entry risk of a company trying to make a good acquisition, to buy shares of another company, activating in a foreign country. For this purpose, the case of Electroputere S.A., the old Romanian producer of railway equipment, has been chosen. The data were collected from the records of Bucharest Stock Exchange. After two years from the acquisition, one can draw a conclusion whether the strategy of the investor was a good one or a waste of money.risk management, crisis, privatization, takeover

    A Theoretical Approach for Dynamic Modelling of Sustainable Development

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    This article presents a theoretical model for a dynamic system based on sustainable development. Due to the relatively absence of theoretical studies and practical issues in the area of sustainable development, Romania aspires to the principles of sustainable development. Based on the concept as a process in which economic, social, political and natural environment are combined in order to sustain planet management, our goal is to promote an economic tool for Romanian decision-makers in order to evaluate scenarios and planning options.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 6th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy and Environment (EE'11), Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 201

    Econophysical Approaches for the Direct Foreign Investments

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    In this paper will be applied some principles and methods from econophysics in the case of the direct foreign investitions (D.F.I.), particularised for the Greenfield type, and mixed firms of trade and industrial production (Joint Ventures). To this aim will be used some similarities and parallelisms between the mentioned economic domains and some phenomena and processes from physics, especially from thermodynamics, solid state physics (the grow of crystals and thin policrystalline layers etc.), electromagnetism etc.econophysics, thin films, direct investments, joint-venture,greenfield.

    A Theoretical Approach for Dynamic Modelling of Sustainable Development

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    This article presents a theoretical model for a dynamic system based on sustainable development. Due to the relatively absence of theoretical studies and practical issues in the area of sustainable development, Romania aspires to the principles of sustainable development. Based on the concept as a process in which economic, social, political and natural environment are combined in order to sustain planet management, our goal is to promote an economic tool for Romanian decision-makers in order to evaluate scenarios and planning options.sustainable development, economic system, economic development, economic welfare, resources scarcity, natural environment

    Entering New Markets-a Challenge in Times of Crisis

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    After September 2008, the advanced economies severe decline caused demand for emerging economies' exports to drop and the crisis became truly global, much deeper and broader than expected. In these times of global depression, most countries and companies are affected, some more than others. The financial crisis has turned out to be much deeper and broader than expected. Entering new markets has always been a hazardous entrepreneurial attempt, but also a rewarding one, in the case of success. The paper aims to asses the market entry risk of a company trying to make a good acquisition, to buy shares of another company, activating in a foreign country. For this purpose, the case of Electroputere S.A., the old Romanian producer of railway equipment, has been chosen. The data were collected from the records of Bucharest Stock Exchange. After two years from the acquisition, one can draw a conclusion whether the strategy of the investor was a good one or a waste of money.Comment: 10 pages, 3 tables, 5 figure

    Romania’s country risk evolution throughout the years of crisis

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    The current global economic crisis burst in the financial markets of the developed economies in 2008, and shortly the worldwide real economy was affected. The developing world, Romania in particular, has not been isolated from its impact. Briefly, the term of "country risk" is explained and the most important credit rating agencies and political risk providers are listed. Assessing macroeconomic risks is crucial especially for companies wiling to enter new markets and expand their business in emergent regions. The paper makes a succinct analysis of Romanian political, financial and social evolution during the global crisis that came into view in 2008. The country risk prospective has been thoroughly evaluated in a global and regional context, since the last international developments affect Romania's prospects for sustainable growth for the foreseeable futureObecny kryzys gospodarczy miał swój początek w 2008 roku na rynkach finansowych państw rozwiniętych i bardzo szybko rozprzestrzeni się na cały świat. Kraje rozwijające się, Rumunia w szczególności, nie zostały odizolowane od jego wpływu. Ocena makroekonomicznego ryzyka jest szczególnie ważna dla przedsiębiorstw chcących wejść na nowe rynki i rozszerzyć swoją działalność na rynkach wschodzących. W artykule przeprowadzono zwięzłą analizę rumuńskiej politycznej, finansowej i społecznej ewolucji podczas kryzysu globalnego zapoczątkowanego w 2008 roku. Potencjalne krajowe ryzyko zostało dokładnie ocenione w kontekście regionalnym i globalnym od czasu ostatniego rozwoju międzynarodowego wpływającego na perspektywę rozwoju zrównoważonego w Rumuni