25 research outputs found

    Word-of Mouth Marketing Vs Marketing Viral

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    Noi forme de marketing si publicitate online se impun si transforma cu din ce in ce mai mare viteza marketingul traditional, instrumentele mass-media la indemana marketer-ilor, ca si perceptiile consumatorilor. Factorul interactiv reprezinta un element din ce in ce mai frecvent in marketingul modern, marketer-ii si clientii redefinind in permanenta forma si continutul mesajelor promotionale, instrumente precum blog-urile, podcast-urile, recenziile online, forum-urile sau chat-urile reprezentand noua frontiera in care marketer-ii moderni trebuie sa-si demonstreze calitatile. Ca si ei, managementul organizational, reprezentatii de vanzari sau cei din domeniul relatiilor cu clientii, ca si toate celelalte persoane implicate in functionarea unei organizatii trebuie sa ia in considerare aceasta noua explozie de informatii generate de consumatori, felul in care acestea se reflecta la nivelul perceptiei marcilor sau al produselor, ca si la implicatiile asupra politicii comunicationale sau organizationale.marketing, blog, podcast, blog marketing, buzz marketing, RSS Feeds, etichete RSS

    Societatea Cunoasterii si Net-Economia

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    Toate marile momente din istoria omenirii au avut drept cauza aparitia unor noi tehnologii: plugul pentru revolutia agrara, electricitatea si motorul cu ardere interna pentru cea industriala. Astazi asistam la derularea unui alt mare moment, cel putin la fel de important si spectaculos: microprocesorul si reteaua de comunicatie Internet reprezinta ingredientele noii revolutii, cunoscute deja drept Societatea Cunoasterii.Internet, Information Society, Net-Economy, historical turning point, Societatea Informationala, net-economia, paradigma

    Tehnologii informatice inteligente de accesare multidimensionala a bazelor si depozitelor de date de marketing

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    Una dintre cele mai importante si mai frecvente activitati ale unui departament de marketing consta in gestionarea si utilizarea unor volume mari de date istorice sau care provin din cercetarile de marketing si care impun consultarea interactiva, flexibila si consistenta prin operatii de integrare, sintetizare si agregare, de reorganizare si stocare, de gestionare si procesare in raport de obiectivele de marketing. Acestea se constituie in surse de informatii esentiale in procesul de fundamentare a deciziilor, atat la nivelul activitatilor de marketing, cat si in ansamblul organizatiei. Tehnicile moderne din domeniul IT&C fac insa posibila o analiza mult mai rapida si mai eficienta a acestor date, practic in timp real, in ciuda eventualelor distributii geografice. Aceasta lucrare isi propune prezentare unor situatii teoretice si practice in care tehnici de tip OLAP sau data mining eficientizeaza activitatea profesionistilor in domeniul marketingului.asistarea deciziilor, strategii de marketing, data warehouse, sisteme asistarea deciziilor, OLTP, OLAP, data mining, decisison support, marketing strategy

    Strategia de marketing in spatiul virtual

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    Internetul are deja un impact fundamental asupra modului in care intreprinderile comunica cu clientii si furnizorii lor, modului in care persoanele isi cauta de lucru, modului in care consumatorii gasesc informatii si servicii, ca si asupra felului cum sunt transmise stiri si mesajele publicitare.Internet, marketing strategy, marketing planning, strategie de marketing, planificare de marketing

    Qualitative Marketing Research Through Usability Testing

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    Usability is an attribute of any good product, just as its functionality. It refers mainly to the utility of a product for its indented users, as well as to its ease of use. And whilst a correct functionality is critical for the commercial success of any product, its value comes through the human needs that it fulfills, which is determined through various marketing research techniques. In parallel, the IT&C community has developed in the last two decades its own type of research, called usability testing, used mainly to evaluate interface ease of use and all usability problems associated with.software products. This article aims at finding the right place for usability testing and usability professionals in the marketing community, as well as drawing a wider picture, from a marketing research perspective, on one of the most popular topics in IT&C community for the benefit of marketing scholars and professionals


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    On the Internet, a medium that has already proven its effectiveness in marketing activities, changes take place with astonishing speed. The recent explosion of social networking applications and their number of users has captured the marketers’ attention. Companies have started to rethink their relationships with consumers and adapt to the new online world. In this virtual world of social networks the public is the key element. Consumers perceive the social network as a personal space where they control the content. They decide on their own what they want to see and share with others. Thus, in order to manage marketing communications effectively, marketers must know the consumers’ opinions towards their presence in social networks

    Sisteme inteligente pentru asistarea deciziilor in marketing bazate pe modele

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    Sistemele inteligente bazate pe modele constituie o subclasa a sistemelor informatice interactive de asistare a deciziei (SIAD). Ele au realizat desprinderea de sistemele informatice de procesare a tranzactiilor (OLTP), ce utilizau modele de calcul direct, modele care sunt de fapt relatii de calcul indicate prin proceduri algoritmice, metodologii, acte normative, legislatie. Aici se includ programele de gestiune interna, de gestiune a stocurilor, a planurilor de afaceri si de marketing, din domeniul financiar-contabile, de personal si salarizare, in general pentru gestiunea tehnico-operativa.asistarea deciziilor, marketing, model, probabilitate, decision support, probability

    Caracteristici demografice ale blogosferei din Romania

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    Cresterea recenta a mass-mediei generate de catre consumator (CGM), cunoscuta si sub numele de mass-media noua, a schimbat natura interactiunilor dintre consumator si firme dintr-una unidirectionala, intr-una bidirectionala. Articolul de fata prezinta rezultatele unei cercetari extensive realizate la nivelul blogosferei din Romania, al carei scop a fost identificarea principalelor caracteristici demongrafice si comportamentale ale persoanelor care utilizeaza aceasta forma de comunicare online.blogging, new media, cercetari de marketing online, online marketing research, comportamentul consumatorilor, consumers behavior

    Online Consumer Behavior Influenced by Rising Prices and Shortage of Goods after COVID-19 and During Wartime

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    In recent years, technological development in the ITandC field led to the exponential increase in the number of mobile terminals such as smartphones, but also in the speed of data transmission, thus creating the premises for the intensification of online commerce. This research focuses on online consumer behavior influenced by a series of elements from the external environment such as rising prices and shortage of goods after COVID-19 and during wartime to see what changes have been in the consumer's decision-making process. The restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic generate the widespread adoption of online commerce where traditional companies have been forced to think in terms of "digital" and "online", to adapt their operating systems, and intensify their presence on the internet and social media channels. Also, the supply chain disruptions, the container crisis, and the rising prices for energy resources caused a shortage of goods and rising prices. The current global problems are becoming a challenge for both advertisers and consumers. These challenges are met by both parties, and they must adapt to these changes: the consumer to rethink his decision-making process when shopping, and advertisers to understand what influences the consumer in the online environment, to adapt and to be able to survive in this competitive context. The results showed that disruptive elements change this process almost completely and that consumer behavior adapts and changes when major phenomena such as those mentioned occur

    Impact of Digitization and Big Data on Romanian Companies - a Qualitative Research

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    Our general investigation is about the degree of understanding of the new economy, "digital economy", in Romanian companies, with a narrow focus on understanding the needs and uses of Big Data technology. We used a structured interview with 30 owners, CEO, IT managers, and Marketing Managers from Romanian companies and applied descriptive statistics on all data collected and content analysis on the open answers. The key findings are that Romanian managers are half aware that the digital economy will dramatically reshape business models and increase the competition. However, around one-third of them don't understand the basic concept of digitalization, digital transformation, and the need for digitalization. The most important department the Romanian managers think they should digitalize is marketing, but some big businesses don't think and want digitalization. One of the main obstacles to the digitalization of Romanian companies is the lack of human resources with proven expertise in the field. In order of Industry 4.0 components, only a few implements and use CRM, ERP, or another form of integration with customers or suppliers. Big Data is poorly known and used, but where it is used, it is a strong competitive advantage. Romanian managers do not understand how public institutions are digitalized to help the private initiative. They expect the public institutions to take the initiative to start digitalization in all society, including companies. The implications of our findings are extremely different from other public studies that suggest Romanian companies are strong in digital transformation. Our study shows the need for further investigation, if not measures to increase support for the digitalization of Romanian companies to remain/become competitive. Our findings are that only a few managers/companies are aware of the new digital economy with increased competition, and the initiative of digitalization, even in the private sector, should be from public institutions