43 research outputs found

    Sociological Foundation of Islamic Banking Law Legislation as the Legal Umbrella of Economic and Islamic Finance Development in Indonesia

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    Objective - Sociologically, the existence of Law No.21/2008 on Islamic Banking in the splendor of economic development and Islamic finance is an interesting thing to observe. This paper wants to discuss the sociological foundation of Islamic banking law legislation as the legal umbrella of economic and Islamic finance development in Indonesia.Methods – qualitative Research, includes the study of law.Conclusions – At least, there are several spectrums that can be understood from the emergence of this law. First,the establishment of Islamic Banking Act is essentially a response to the provisions of Islamic law that has become the popular belief in the majority of Indonesian people who crave the realization of banking institutions which are free from usury, which is the Islamic law since his arrival in the archipelago until now classified as living law in the community. This reality is associated with the construction established by von Savigny. Second, the formation of Law No. 21/2008 concerning Islamic Banking is a response to social economic demand both nationally and globally. The presence of Islamic banks have become a necessity in managing the economy and coping with the economic crisis based on the underlying transaction. Third, the Establishment of Law No. 21/2008 concerning Islamic Banking in legal political perspective, has a basic principle, an aim and a response to the dynamic development of Indonesian society, particularly in relation to the development of Islamic economy. Fourth, formation of Islamic Banking Act affects the Islamic economic development in Indonesia, particularly in relation to the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia

    Strategi Humas Polresta Malang dalam Sosialisasi Kewaspadaan Masyarakat pada Isu Tindak Kriminal Begal

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    : Completely new communication is a major factor to successful socialization vigilance the crime begal issues. The purpose of this research is to understand the extent of strategy and faktor-faktor barrier pr polresta unfortunate in the community vigilance on the issues crime begal .Research conducted a qualitative study . The purpose of this research is to understand the extent of strategy and faktor-faktor barrier pr polresta unfortunate in the community vigilance on the issues crime begal .Research conducted a qualitative study . The results of research suggests that strategy public relations poor polresta in implementing socialization of vigilance the community on the issues crime begal is to do partoli and counseling in raise public awareness to be cautious of crime begal with the means of providing information through the print as sepanduk, newspapers and channels radio. Factors barrier that is the lack of consciousness of the community to see any information already provided by the police to minimize actions has crime can against and the around . Keywords: Public relations polresta unfortunate , socialization vigilance crime begal issue

    Tinjauan Terhadap Sistem Multi Partai Dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensial Di Indonesia Pada Era Reformasi

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    Amendment Act of 1945 that occurred in the era of reform based on a commitment to reinforce the Presidential system. In contrast, multi-party system in combination with the current presidential system of government is to encourage parties to form a coalition that actually weakens the presidential system itself. The Coalition is one of the institutions of parliamentary systems which negatively berekses governance. Practices in Indonesian coalition formed before the general election of President and Vice President dominated political dealings regarding the division of public office without the formulation of a common platform. In fact, the coalition was formed not ensure that parties who are members of the coalition that has a representative in the legislature will always support government programs. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government in Indonesia in the reform era at once formulate implications for the executive and legislative relations and the implementation of the ideal. This type of research can be can be classified into types of normative juridical research, because it makes the literature as the main focus. Source of data used, the primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques in this study using the method of literature study.The results showed that the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government actually weaken the presidential system and have implications for the executive and legislative relations. Three things that the implications are; First, the number of political parties interests that conflict with government policy. Second, the absence of permanent coalition arrangement. Third, the weak position of President. Ideally the implementation of a multi-party system, in order to create stability in the Indonesian presidential system of government, then there are three (3) things that need to be addressed in our Presidential system, namely: First, the simplification of the political parties, the second, setting the coalition remains, and the third, the strengthening of institutional design presidency. The author suggests needed coalition of political parties that are permanently defined by the rules of Law clearer so that it will produce a strong and efficient government.Keywords: multi-party system, coalition, a Presidential system

    Analisis Yuridis terhadap Hak Prerogatif Presiden Sebelum dan Sesudah Amandemen Undang-undang Dasar 1945

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    Amendment Act of 1945 that occurred in the era of reform based on a commitment to reinforce the Presidential system. Instead, the powers of the President as head of state seems limited by the meddling of other state institutions such as parliament, it weakens the system as the prerogative of the presidency itself. Prerogative is one muntlak rights owned by the President as head of state. Practice of the presidency in Indonesia established since 18 August 1945, Indonesian has a constitution which became the basis for a set of government (1945) and the presidency, which led the entire nation. In fact, the prerogative established in the Act of 1945 reduced that the institution of Parliament who are members of the prerogative of the President. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the prerogative of the president in Indonesia in the reform era at once formulate implications for the executive and legislative relations and the implementation of the ideal. This type of research can be can be classified into types of normative juridical research, because it makes the literature as the main focus. Source of data used, the primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques in this study using the method of literature study.The results showed that the application of the prerogative of the President in a presidential system of government actually weaken the presidential system and have implications for the executive and legislative relations. Some of the things that the implications are; First, the number of political interests. Second, the absence of regulation of the relationship between state institutions. Third, the weak position of the President as head of state. Prinip ideally application prerogative of the President, in order to create stability prerogative of the President of Indonesia, there are several things that need to be addressed within the prerogative of the President of our system, namely: First, setting the relationship between state institutions, second, does not always have to associate with politics, and Third, strengthening the institutional design of the presidency. The author suggests needed muntlak its prerogatives defined by the rules of law more clearly so that it will produce a strong and efficient government and the effort to strengthen the position of President of the institution of the presidency that is not weak against the Parliament, by way of separation institution of the presidency of the Council of Representatives (DPR) and the prerogative of the President through the rules of the Act are clear

    Tinjauan Yuridis Kebebasan Pers Ssebelum dan Setelah Era Reformasi Berdasarkan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang Berlaku

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    During the New Order is a repressive regime, whereas in the era of reform after the Soeharto‟s fall press imposed by euphoria. During the New Order authoritarian make press system so consequently the press is curbed. In contrast, the Reformation reconanced as democratic future, including in terms of press freedom. The purpose of this research are: First, to explain the freedom of the press before the era of the Reformation by Act No. 21 of 1982 on the Principles of the Press and its amendment. Second, to explain the freedom of the press after the Reformation era by Act No. 40 of 1999 on the Press. Third, to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the press before and after the Reformation.From this research, there are three things that concluded. First, freedom of the press before the era of the Reformation by Act No. 21 of 1982 on the Principles of the Press and amendments if traced the articles are shackles for the life of the press, the press is required to issue a license issue this license that can be used to control the editorial contents and banning. Second, freedom of the press after the Reformation era by Act No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press is to guarantee freedom of the press, because there is no silencing and banning. Third, before the Reformation era Indonesian press called Pancasila press with a free and responsible goals. However, there is no freedom, so no complaints as a result of the deviation of the freedom of the press. However, due to the strict control of the Government of the press lost their identity to carry out its functions independently.Freedom of the press after the Reformation era is done on a national responsibility without limitation license renewal. Disadvantages of the press after the Reformation era is freedom takes precedence over its responsibilities while the excess press after a press Reformation era became an independent institution. Suggestions writer, first to guarantee press freedom ideally built on a foundation of community interest media managers, and the interests of the target service. Secondly, with regard to the interests of community framework is advisable actualization national press freedom, not only will meet the interests unilaterally, either interest manager (source), and the top of the fulfillment of the target interest (public media). The press must be responsive to public situations, because the powerlessness of the public to appreciate his opinion to press leaders should act as a facilitator to be able to appreciate what is desired. Third, freedom of the press after the Reformation era should be retained but remained on its responsibilities so as not to be excessive