504 research outputs found


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    Characterized by eclectism and depth of scientific rigor, Professor Virgil Madgearu performed a remarkable activity in the economic sciences. Analyzing the efforts, the teaching and scientific work of the Romanian professor, his areas of expertise come off: economics, management, finance, sociology, cooperative work and study. We also found a major contribution to shaping a new discipline for those times, namely, the management of commercial and industrial companies. Realizing the importance of developing modern managerial skills among Romanian economists and leaders, Virgil Madgearu was the first who wrote, taught university courses and published the first technical and business theory, laying the foundations of science management.economic sciences, management of commercial and industrial companies, Virgil Madgearu.

    Mirizzi syndrome – diagnosis and treatment

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    Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere: Sindromul Mirizzi (SM) este o complicaţie rară a litiazei veziculare cronice cu o incidenţă de 0,7-1,4% la pacienţii colecistectomizaţi. Iniţial SM a fost descris ca o obstructie totalaţsau partialţ a căii biliare principale cu un calcul inclavat în infundibulul vezicular sau ductul cistic printr-o compresie extrinsecă, complicată cu icterul obstructiv. Conform clasificaţiei Csendes se disting următoarele tipuri de SM: tip I, cand calea biliară principală este comprimată de un calcul inclavat în infundibulul vezicular sau ductul cistic fară formarea fistulei colecistobiliare; tip II-IV cu prezenţa fistulei colecistobiliare cu diferit grad de eroziune a canalului hepatic comun. Materiale şi metode: Pe perioada anilor 2006-2011 raportăm 5 cazuri de SM: 1 pacient cu SM tip I, 2 pacienţi – tip II şi 2 pacienţi – tip IV. Doar la doi pacienţi diagnosticul de SM a fost suspectat preoperator prin colecistopancreatografie retrogradă endoscopică, iar în 3 cazuri diagnosticul a fost instalat intraoperator. La toţi pacienţii icterul mecanic era insoţit de colangita purulentă. Rezultate: Operatia a avut ca scop colecistectomie cu lichidarea fistulei bilio-biliare şi rezolvarea icterului obstructiv. Operaţia s-a finisat cu aplicarea anastomozei hepaticojejunale pe ansa Roux cu stent biliar (1 bolnav), drenarea coledocului tip Kehr (3), drenarea coledocului tip Halsted (1). Toţi pacienţii în perioada postoperatorie precoce au fost examinaţi prin fistulocolangiografie pentru controlul permiabilitătii căilor biliare. Concluzii: SM este o complicaţie rară a litiazei veziculare, responsabil de icter si colangită, diferenţierea preoperatorie cu cancerul biliar fiind dificilă. Rezolvarea chirurgicală a SM depinde de forma morfopatologică conform clasificării Csendes.Introduction: Mirizzi syndrome (MS) is a rare complication of longstanding gallbladder stone disease, with an incidence of 0.7-1.4% from all cholecystectomies. SM was originally described as a gallstones impacted in the neck of the gallbladder or cystic duct, which can obstruct the common bile duct (CBD) by extrinsic compression causing obstructive jaundice. According to Csendes classification the following types of MS are distinguished: type I, when the CBD is compressed by a gallstone impacted in cystic duct, without biliary fistula, type II-IV with the bilio-biliary fistula with different degree of destruction of the common hepatic duct wall. Materials and methods: We report 5 patients with MS, treated during the period of 2006-2011: 1 patient with type I MS, 2 patients with type II, and 2 patients with type IV. Only in two patients the MS was suspected prior surgery using endoscopic retrograde cholecystopancreatography, in another three cases the diagnosis was established intraoperatively. Mechanical jaundice in all patients was accompanied by purulent colangitis. Results: The aim of surgery included cholecystectomy, abolition of cholecysto-choledochal fistula, and elimination of obstructive jaundice. Procedure was completed by Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy with biliary stent placement (1patient), suture closure over a T-tube (3), and Halsted tube (1). In the early postoperative period all patients underwent cholangiography in order to control the permeability of the biliary ducts. Conclusions: MS is a rare complication of the gallbladder calculous disease which is responsible for obstructive jaundice and cholangitis, the preoperative differentiation with biliary cancer is difficult. The surgical procedure for MS depends on its morphological form according to Csendes classification


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    In Romania, cereals, and especially wheat and corn, are traditional crops with a high nutritional value of seeds, which are the primary source of food for humans and animals and because they enjoy, in most areas, the conditions. favorable soil and climate. The use of seeds contaminated with fungi or microorganisms during vegetation, during harvesting, during the conservation period, every year brings considerable losses that affect both the yield and the quality of the harvested and stored production. In the presented paper we tested some batches of wheat and corn in order to determinate the presence and levels of mycotoxins as: Aflatoxin B1(AFB) and total aflatoxin (AFT), Ochratoxin A (OTA), Fumonisin B1 (FUMO), T-2/HT-2, Zearalenon (ZEA), Deoxinivalenol (DON) and heavy metal residues (Pb and Cd)

    Mechanical jaundice due to choledocholithiazis

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    Scopul lucrării. Incidența obstrucției căii biliare principale (CBP) cu calcul și dezvoltarea icterului mecanic variază de la 5 la 15% dintre pacienții cu litiază biliară. Tratamentul variază în funcție de mai mulți factori: vârsta și comorbiditățile pacientului; durata icterului; circumstanțele apariției acestuia. Materiale și metode. Pe parcursul anului 2022 în clinica de chirurgie generală a IMSP SCM nr.1 au fost tratați 17 pacienți cu calculi în CBP. Repartizarea bărbați/femei – 10/7. Vârsta cuprinsă între 22 și 76 ani. Patologii concomitente au fost atestate la 13 (76,5%) bolnavi. Tratamentul la 4 (23,5%) pacienți a constat în sfincterotomia endoscopica (SE) cu extragerea calculilor pe cale endoscopică, apoi colecistectomia laparoscopică; la 4 (23,5%) bolnavi s-a efectuat colecistectomie laparoscopică, care ulterior au necesitat SE cu litextracție; 4 (23,5%) bolnavi au suportat laparotomie cu colecistectomie, coledocotomie cu litextracțe și drenare CBP; la 3 (17,6%) pacienți s-a aplicat anastomoză biliodigestivă pe ansa Roux, iar la 2 (11,8%) pacienți a fost suficient doar colecistectomia laparoscopică. Rezultate. La doi pacienți s-a atestat pancreatită acută evoluție medie după papilosfincterotomie, un bolnav a dezvoltat supurația plăgii postoperatorii după laparotomie, în două cazuri a fost diagnosticată pneumonia postoperatorie. Toți pacienții au fost externați în stare satisfăcătoare. Decese nu au fost înregistrate. Concluzii. Icterul mecanic este o complicație acută, care adesea agravează evoluția colelitiazei; Sfincterotomia endoscopica este metoda optimă și efectivă în tratamentul icterului mecanic cauzat de coledocolitiaza.Aim of study. The incidence of common bile duct (CBD) stones complicated by jaundice varies from 5 to 15% in patients with biliary stones disease. The modalities of treatment depend on several factors: the patient's age and comorbidities; length of jaundice; the circumstances of its occurrence. Materials and methods. During 2022, 17 patients with jaundice caused by CBD stones were admitted into the General Surgery Department of Municipal Clinical Hospital no.1. There were 10 males and 7 females, with ages ranging from 22 to 76 years. Concomitant illnesses were revealed in 13 (76.5%) patients. In 4 (23.5%) patients treatment included endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) with stones removal, followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC); 4 (23.5%) patients underwent LC and subsequent ES with stones extraction; 4 (23.5%) patients were committed to open cholecystectomy, CBD exploration with stones extraction and CBD drainage; in 3 (17.6%) patients, biliodigestive anastomosis in Roux-en-Y fashion was performed, and 2 (11.8%) patients had only LC. Results. Mild acute pancreatitis occurred in two patients after ES, one patient developed wound infection, in two cases postoperative pneumonia was noted. All patients were discharged in good conditions. No deaths were registered. Conclusions. Concomitant choledocolithiasis is often complicated by jaundice, and ES being the most reliable and effective treatment method


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    Electro-osmosis principle consists of the application of a direct current voltage for an anode-cathode system introduced into soil. The soil water transported from the anode to cathode, on the tool-soil contact surface will produce a lubrification of an active surface and through this a great decreasing of the friction forces and implicit of the energy needed for displacing the tool through the soil. The active surface of the tilling tool is chosen in order to minimize the frictions, respective the mechanic energies needed for tilling. This paper aims to increase the popularization of the electro-osmosis technique, highlighting the advantages of using such a method for soil improvements, as well as in view of optimizing the functional parameters of the soil tillage equipment

    Acute intestinal obstruction – a rare complication of gastrointestinal stromal tumors

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    Clinica Chirurgie Generală şi Semiologie a USMF „N. Testemițanu”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere: Tumorile gastrointestinale stromale (GIST), cu toate că sunt relativ rare în cifre absolute, reprezintă cele mai frecvente tumori mezenchimale ale tractului digestiv. Având o localizare şi caracteristici biologice diverse, GIST prezintă un tablou clinic nespecific, în 4 – 53% din cazuri pacienții fiind asimptomatici până în momentul când tumorile sunt depistate accidental imagistic sau intraoperator. Dezvoltarea la nivelul intestinului subțire, a doua ca frecvență, se confirmă relativ dificil oferind semne clinice doar în stadiul de complicații de tip hemoragic sau ocluziv. Materiale şi metode: Pe parcursul unui an 2010-2011 în clinica Chirurgie Generală şi Semiologie au fost tratați chirurgical doi pacienți cu ocluzie intestinală acută, cauza fiind tumora stromală a tractului gastrointestinal. Pacienții au fost spitalizați în mod urgent, examinați clinic, radiologic şi histologic. În ambele cazuri tratamentul chirurgical al pacienților a inclus atât rezolvarea sindromului ocluziv cât şi rezecția tumorii respectându-se criteriile oncologice. Rezultatele: Ambii pacienți au avut o evoluție postoperatorie favorabilă cu externarea şi dispensarizarea în condițiile serviciului oncologic. Rezultatele examenului histologic în ambele cazuri au confirmat geneza stromală a tumorilor. Concluzii: Tumorile stromale ale tractului gastrointestinal în majoritatea cazurilor se manifestă odată cu apariția complicațiilor acute a lor; GIST au în general un potențial de malignizare scăzut, acesta fiind dictat de localizare, dimensiunile tumorii şi activitatea mitotică; invaginația şi ocluzia intestinală sunt complicații rare ale GIST iar tratamentul acestora este direcționat atât spre rezolvarea sindromului ocluziv, cât şi spre tratamentul radical al tumorii; tratamentul în perioada postoperatorie este în mare măsură dependent de caracterul tumorii, fiind necesară o dispensarizare în cadrul serviciului oncologic.Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), though relatively rare in absolute terms, are the commonest mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Though having various localization and biologic features, the clinical presentation of GIST is unusual, in 4 – 53% of all cases the patients being asymptomatic until the tumors are found incidentally during surgery or imaging studies. Methods: We reviewed 2 patients operated on for acute intestinal obstruction secondary to GIST at the Clinic of General Surgery during the last year 2010-2011. The patients were admitted urgently to the hospital and a physical, x-ray and histological examinations were performed. In both cases the surgical treatment of the patients included the removal of the occlusive syndrome and the resection of the tumor according to oncology principles. Results: Both patients had a good postoperative evolution with the discharge and a long-term cancer follow-up. The results of the histological examination in both cases confirmed the stromal origin of the tumors. Conclusions: The appearance of the gastrointestinal stromal tumors is in most cases related to the occurrence of acute complications; GIST have usually a low malignant potential, depending on the location, size and mitotic activity; the intussusception and the intestinal obstruction are rare complications of the GIST and their treatment consists both of the removal of the occlusive syndrome and the radical resection of the tumor; the treatment in the postoperative period depends on the tumor character and a long-term follow-up at the oncology service is necessary


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    Electro-osmosis principle consists in the application of a direct current voltage for an anode-cathode system introduced into soil. The effect of this system consists of the mobilization of water particles from the soil and their transport, in a very short time, from the anode to cathode. The soil water transported from the anode to cathode, on the tool-soil contact surface, in consequence, will produce a lubrication of the active surface and thereby a considerable reduction of the friction forces and implicitly of the energy necessary to move the tool through the soil


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              Vibrations are dynamics phenomenon which appear in some environment as a result of an external force whose action consist on an oscillation. The effect of these oscillations harm to the environment where they appear and if this environment is the human body then the results are more harmful, hauling consequences, sometimes irreversible, on the health of the human body. In this respect, studying and knowing the effects of the vibrations on human body have become a necessity, the research taking place in order to find out the limit to which the men could work in an environment with vibrations such as the agricultural machinery (self-propelled combines for cereals crop in a way) without no effects on the health of human being