86 research outputs found

    3D modeling of drill string and well used for directional drilling

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Controle e Automação.The motivation for directional drilling research are primarily economic, however it also provided other environmental and technical benefits, it has contributed to the reclamation and preservation of thousands of ecologically sensitive acres while allowing a more efficient use of natural resources. In offshore applications helped increasing substantially the production rates, in environmentally sensitive regions and others challenges engineering scenarios. Different planning techniques and steerable tools enables the well to be drilled as close as possible to the planned path and achieve the target correctly. The purpose of this work is to research existing directional drilling techniques and applications to develop a 3D model of drill string and wellpath calculations to facilitate Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing of automated intelligent drilling systems when directional drilling is needed. The intension is to introduces the concepts of well dynamics as well as the procedures to use a Rotary Steerable Systems (RSS), their applications and the implications on enhanced well production. Using a simplified modeling of a RSS tool applied for directional, a HIL Directional Drilling simulator was developed in order to be employed in commercial HIL testing Directional Drilling systems. The simulator implementation was accomplished using Matlab/Simulink development platform. The HIL Directional Drilling simulator was evaluated against Ullrigg well U2 real testing data provided by Statoil. The comparison between real measurement and simulated data shows the performance of the simulator. The simulator has presented satisfactory results and may potentially be employed in commercial HIL testing. The thesis was developed at Marine Cybernetics from January 2012 to July 2012 in Trondheim, Norway.A motivação para a pesquisa de perfuração direcional é primeiramente econômica, no entanto, ela também fornece outros benefícios ambientais e técnicos, tem contribuído para a recuperação e preservação de milhares de hectares ecologicamente sensíveis, permitindo uma utilização mais eficiente dos recursos naturais. Em aplicações offshore ajudou a aumentar substancialmente as taxas de produção. Diferentes técnicas de planejamento e ferramentas de perfuração direcionáveis permitem que o poço seja perfurado tão próximo quanto possível do caminho pré-determiado e alcance o alvo corretamente O objetivo deste trabalho é pesquisar as técnicas existentes de perfuração direcional e suas aplicações, a fim de desenvolver um modelo tridimensional da coluna de perfuração, junto a isso testar diferentes métodos matemáticos voltados para obter o melhor caminho do poço a seguir. Para assim, facilitar o Hardware-in-the-Loop teste (HIL) de sistemas automatizados de perfuração inteligentes. A intenção é introduzir os conceitos de dinâmica do poço, como também os procedimentos para utilizar um Sistema Rotativo Dirigível (RSS), suas aplicações e as implicações sobre a produção do poço. Utilizando uma modelagem simplificada, um simulador HIL foi desenvolvido neste trabalho com o objetivo de ser empregado em programas comercias de testes HIL de sistemas de perfuração direcional. A implementação do simulador foi realizada usando a plataforma de desenvolvimento Matlab/Simulink e a plataforma de criação de testes HIL desenvolvida pela Marine Cybernetics, o CyberSea. O simulador HIL foi avaliado usando dados reais de testes realizados pela Statoil no poço U2 do centro de pesquisa Ullrigg do International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS), na Noruega. A comparação entre as medições reais e os dados simulados mostraram o desempenho do simulador. O simulador HIL desenvolvido apresentou portando desempenho satisfatórios e pode potencialmente ser utilizado em testes comerciais de HIL. O Projeto Final do Curso (PFC) foi desenvolvido na sede da Marine Cybernetics, de janeiro de 2012 a julho de 2012 em Trondheim, Norueg

    Magnetic-amplifier circuits: Basic principles, characteristics and applications

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    Functional diversity in teams

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    Eines der am meisten diskutierten Themen im strategischen Management ist „Functional Diversity“. Dieses wurde aus verschiedenen Perspektiven, sowie auch auf verschiedenen organisatorischen Ebenen erforscht. In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir den Aspekt der „Functional Diversity“ in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten. Um Fachwissen und Kenntnisse über ein bestimmtes Thema zu erlangen, sind wissenschaftliche Arbeiten eines der beliebtesten Quellen. Außerdem ist es auch einer der effektivsten Wege für den Autor seine Idee, die verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen und um seine Forschungsergebnisse zu präsentieren. Darüber hinaus sind die dort diskutierten Fragestellungen ein Teil der Informationsquelle der modernen Business Community. Es ist nicht offensichtlich was erforderlich ist um eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit beliebt und lesenswert zu machen. Welcher Autor oder Autoren bringen die richtigen Mittel zum Erfolg. Haben bestimmte Faktoren Einfluss auf die Häufigkeit der Zitierungen einer Arbeit. Für diese Arbeit wurde Daten über wissenschaftliche Artikel gesammelt und ausgewertet, die in dem „Strategic Management Journal“ von 2014 bis 2017 erschienen sind. Diese Artikel sind entweder von einem Autor oder von einer Gruppe von Autoren veröffentlicht. Die Autoren einer Gruppe können sich fachlich unterscheiden: sie können aus unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten oder von verschiedenen Universitäten kommen und natürlich haben sie nicht dieselben Erfahrungswerte. Die Anzahl der Zitierungen einer Arbeit wird als Indikator für dessen Erfolg gewertet. Alle statistischen Tests wurden in STATA ausgeführt. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen, wird in der Arbeit der Einfluss von „Functional Diversity“ auf den Erfolg einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit erklärt. Wobei folgenden Annahmen getroffen wurden: die Autoren einer Arbeit bilden das Team und der Erfolg der Teamleistung an der Anzahl der Zitierungen gemessen wird. Es wird untersucht, welche Faktoren in Betracht gezogen werden sollten bei der Planung einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, damit diese oft zitiert wird.Functional diversity in teams is one of the widely studied issues in strategic management. It is studied from different points and at different organizational levels. In this thesis, we attempt to consider the problem of functional diversity on the example of research articles. Research articles are one of the most popular ways in the modern world to obtain information and knowledge on a subject of interest. Moreover, it is one of the most effective way to convey the idea, the point of view, the results of the work which have been done by the author on the question of interest. Furthermore, the questions raised in research articles are also a part of the current information field of the modern business community. But it is not apparent how to make articles more readable, what is needed for them to become popular among people, who should be the author or authors to bring the material to success. Do any factors that can affect the citation of articles exist? This thesis proposes research based on manually collected data about the articles published in the Strategic Management Journal from 2014 to 2017. Articles can be written by an author or a group of authors. Groups of authors can be functionally diverse; they can be from the different field of study, can work in different universities and for sure cannot have the same experience and level. As an indicator of success or as teams' performance the numbers of citations were considered. All statistical tests were carried out in Stata. Based on the researcher's results this thesis explained how functional diversity affects the team performance in a case when we consider the authors of research article as a team and the number of citations as a team performance. In other words which factors can be taken into consideration during the planning of research article creation to make the article more frequently cited

    Quotientenmesserschaltungen zur Messung von Temperaturdifferenzen mit elektrischen Widerstandsthermometern

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    Zur Kenntniss der Laurole

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    Ein einfacher Kompensations-Schnellschreiber für Gleichstrommessungen

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    Ein neuer komplexer Wechselstromkompensator

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    Schau mit welcher Liebes-Glut Jesus sich sehnet

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    Iac. Geyger. Inform. fecit BasileaeEinblattdruckDer Kupferstich stellt die Kreuzigung Jesu dar, um das Bild und den Text herum ranken sich aufwendig gestaltete Ornamente aus Textbänder