25 research outputs found

    Technological pre-conditions of continuous shaping of solenoids are with round transversal cut

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    Наведено конструкцію пристрою для фрезерного верстату для неперервного навивання соленоїдів індукторів, теплообмінників, радіаторів. Розглянуто технологічні передумови неперервного формоутворення соленоїдів з круглим поперечним січенням. Виведено аналітичні залежності для визначення моменту згину при навиванні соленоїдів на оправку. Дано практичні рекомендації щодо вибору конструктивних і технологічних параметрів при навиванні соленоїдів.The construction of device is resulted for milling a machine-tool for continuous shaping of solenoids of inductors, radiators. Technological pre-conditions of continuous shaping of solenoids are considered with round transversal cut. Analytical dependences are shown out for determination of moment of bend at shaping of solenoids on frame. Practical recommendations are given in relation to the choice of structural and technological parameters at shaping of solenoids

    Bases of planning technological equipment for chisel out recirculating gouges in holes

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    Наведено методику проектування головок для розточування внутрішніх кільцевих канавок. При цьому визначені силові і технологічні параметри технологічних процесів розточування.Technological equipment for chisel out recirculating gouges in holes of body details. Designs of heads is brought Removing analytical dependencies for determination of radial moves of incisors depending on values circular and axial moving t he spindel

    Dynamics of process of boring of the spiral corrugated blanks

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    Проведено аналіз динамічних навантажень на систему верстат-пристрій-деталь при розточуванні внутрішнього отвору гвинтових гофрованих заготовок. Запропоновано динамічну систему даного процесу, на основі якої складено систему диференціальних рівнянь руху, що розв’язана чисельним методом. Досліджено величину деформації матеріалу гвинтової гофрованої заготовки в залежності від швидкості різання та жорсткості деформованої частини. Представлено конструкцію пристрою для розточування внутрішніх отворів ГГЗ.The analysis of the dynamic loadings on the system machine-tool device detail during boring of internal diameter of the spiral corrugated blanks is conducted. The dynamic system of this process is suggested, on the base of which the system of differential equations is made, that was solved by the numerical method. The value of deformation of material of the spiral corrugated blank is explored, depending on speed of cutting and inflexibility of the deformed part. The fixture for boring of internal opening is presented

    Study of forces at work boxing tension tension machines mechanisms

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    . Наведено конструкцію стенда для дослідження характеристик гвинтових опор при вирощуванні хмелю, винограду, натягування ліній радіо- й електропередач та інше. Виведено аналітичні залежності для визначення силових, конструктивних і технологічних параметрів натяжних лебідок машин різного службового призначення для трьох розповсюджених схем їх роботи.A stand construction for investigating the characteristics of screw supporting structures in growing hop, grapes, mounting lines of radio and electrical transmitting and others was shown. Analytical dependencies for determining power, constructional and technological parameters of tensioning winches of machines for various official purposes with three widely spread schemes of their work are derived. Three versions of using hoisting-transporting winches were considered to provide their reliability and analytical dependencies for calculation power kinematic and constructional parameters were derived. The stand for investigating characteristics of screw supporting structures of hoisting-transporting winches was made in the form of a mainframe to which main units and devices are joined. A cylindrical reduction gearbox with a driving drum, which are fixed in a box like mainframe is mounted rigidly on the mechanism body’s top left side. A rope end is fixed rigidly to the driving drum with possible rotation and winding using a handle. Between left side of the driving drum and left pillar of the mechanism body a ratchet-wheel is mounted rigidly on a ratchet sleeve. The ratchet wheel interacts with a pawl supported by a spring to the wheel. To the left of the driving drum opposite to it on the same height a roller is mounted directing the rope’s motion. This roller is installed on the axis with a possible rotation. The value of the axial displacement of the guide roller is equal to the length of the driving drum with a possible uniform placement of the rope on it. The axis is rigidly installed on two pillars and fast fixed on the top to the body by well-known methods. Lower guide roller for the rope directing with possible regulating its position in vertical and horizontal planes is rigidly mounted on the mainframe’s bottom opposite to the guide roller by the well-known methods. A hook connecting the rope with a dynamometer for measuring tension force value on screw support is rigidly fixed further on the left along the rope. The other end of dynamometer is joined to the hook and the rope which is rigidly fixed to the screw support pin. Through a hole a screw by which the screw support is tightened into the soil is rigidly welded to the screw support. The hole of the screw support is on the minimal height over the soil level to prevent its excessive bending. A tripod signal pyramid is used to investigate the strength of screw support pin and the screw itself and also the rigidity of the weld by which the screw is fixed to the screw support. The pyramid is mounted over the screw support on the top of which a bearing roller on the axis with possible circular rotation. Besides the axis is parallel to the axis of the driving drum and is mounted on the same height. And two supports of tripod signal pyramid are placed on the top of the screw support axis for normal load receive. On the right end on the mainframe the analytic-digital transformer and computer are installed to fix the rope tension force by dynamometer while investigating both the value of force of screw support resistance and screw rigidity by well-known methods