206 research outputs found

    Constant force muscle stretching induces greater acute deformations and changes in passive mechanical properties compared to constant length stretching

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    Stretching is applied to lengthen shortened muscles in pathological conditions such as joint contractures. We investigated (i) the acute effects of different types of stretching, i.e. constant length (CL) and constant force (CF) stretching, on acute deformations and changes in passive mechanical properties of medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) and (ii) the association of acute muscle–tendon deformations or changes in mechanical properties with the impulse or maximal strain of stretching. Forty-eight hindlimbs from 13 male and 12 female Wistar rats (13 weeks old, respectively 424.6 ± 35.5 and 261.8 ± 15.6 g) were divided into six groups (n = 8 each). The MG was initially stretched to a length at which the force was 75%, 95%, or 115% of the force corresponding to estimated maximal dorsiflexion and held at either CF or CL for 30 min. Before and after the stretching protocol, the MG peak force and peak stiffness were assessed by lengthening the passive muscle to the length corresponding to maximal ankle dorsiflexion. Also, the muscle belly length and tendon length were measured. CF stretching affected peak force, peak stiffness, muscle belly length, and tendon length more than CL stretching (p &lt; 0.01). Impulse was associated only with the decrease in peak force, while maximal strain was associated with the decrease in peak force, peak stiffness, and the increase in muscle belly length. We conclude that CF stretching results in greater acute deformations and changes in mechanical properties than CL stretching, which appears to be dependent predominantly on the differences in imposed maximal strain.</p

    Visual Image Search: Feature Signatures or/and Global Descriptors

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    The success of content-based retrieval systems stands or falls with the quality of the utilized similarity model. In the case of having no additional keywords or annotations provided with the multimedia data, the hard task is to guarantee the highest possible retrieval precision using only content-based retrieval techniques. In this paper we push the visual image search a step further by testing effective combination of two orthogonal approaches – the MPEG-7 global visual descriptors and the feature signatures equipped by the Signature Quadratic Form Distance. We investigate various ways of descriptor combinations and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the search on three different image collections. Moreover, we introduce a new image collection, TWIC, designed as a larger realistic image collection providing ground truth. In all the experiments, the combination of descriptors proved its superior performance on all tested collections. Furthermore, we propose a re-ranking variant guaranteeing efficient yet effective image retrieval
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