511 research outputs found

    The Chamaeleon II low-mass star-forming region: radial velocities, elemental abundances, and accretion properties

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    Radial velocities, elemental abundances, and accretion properties of members of star-forming regions (SFRs) are important for understanding star and planet formation. While infrared observations reveal the evolutionary status of the disk, optical spectroscopy is fundamental to acquire information on the properties of the central star and on the accretion characteristics. 2MASS archive data and the Spitzer c2d survey of the Chamaeleon II dark cloud have provided disk properties of a large number of young stars. We complement these data with spectroscopy with the aim of providing physical stellar parameters and accretion properties. We use FLAMES/UVES+GIRAFFE observations of 40 members of Cha II to measure radial velocities through cross-correlation technique, Li abundances by means of curves of growth, and for a suitable star elemental abundances of Fe, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Ni using the code MOOG. From the equivalent widths of the Halpha, Hbeta, and the HeI-5876, 6678, 7065 Angstrom emission lines, we estimate the mass accretion rates, dMacc/dt, for all the objects. We derive a radial velocity distribution for the Cha II stars (=11.4+-2.0 km/s). We find dMacc/dt prop. to Mstar^1.3 and to Age^(-0.82) in the 0.1-1.0 Msun mass regime, and a mean dMacc/dt for Cha II of ~7*10^(-10) Msun/yr. We also establish a relationship between the HeI-7065 Angstrom line emission and the accretion luminosity. The radial velocity distributions of stars and gas in Cha II are consistent. The spread in dMacc/dt at a given stellar mass is about one order of magnitude and can not be ascribed entirely to short timescale variability. Analyzing the relation between dMacc/dt and the colors in Spitzer and 2MASS bands, we find indications that the inner disk changes from optically thick to optically thin at dMacc/dt~10^(-10) Msun/yr. Finally, the disk fraction is consistent with the age of Cha II.Comment: 21 Pages, 15 Figures, 7 Tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abstract shortene

    A Chandra ACIS Study of the Young Star Cluster Trumpler 15 in Carina and Correlation with Near-infrared Sources

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    Using the highest-resolution X-ray observation of the Trumpler 15 star cluster taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we estimate the total size of its stellar population by comparing the X-ray luminosity function of the detected sources to a calibrator cluster, and identify for the first time a significant fraction (~14%) of its individual members. The highest-resolution near-IR observation of Trumpler 15 (taken by the HAWK-I instrument on the VLT) was found to detect most of our X-ray selected sample of cluster members, with a K-excess disk frequency of 3.8+-0.7%. The near-IR data, X-ray luminosity function, and published spectral types of the brightest members support a cluster age estimate (5-10 Myr) that is older than those for the nearby Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16 clusters, and suggest that high-mass members may have already exploded as supernovae. The morphology of the inner ~0.7 pc core of the cluster is found to be spherical. However, the outer regions (beyond 2 pc) are elongated, forming an `envelope' of stars that, in projection, appears to connect Trumpler 15 to Trumpler 14; this morphology supports the view that these clusters are physically associated. Clear evidence of mass segregation is seen. This study appears in a Special Issue of the ApJS devoted to the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), a 1.42 square degree Chandra X-ray survey of the Great Nebula in Carina.Comment: Accepted for the ApJS Special Issue on the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), scheduled for publication in May 2011. All 16 CCCP Special Issue papers are available at http://cochise.astro.psu.edu/Carina_public/special_issue.html through 2011 at least. 30 pages; 8 figures; 3 table

    On the accretion properties of young stellar objects in the L1615/L1616 cometary cloud

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    We present the results of FLAMES/UVES and FLAMES/GIRAFFE spectroscopic observations of 23 low-mass stars in the L1615/L1616 cometary cloud, complemented with FORS2 and VIMOS spectroscopy of 31 additional stars in the same cloud. L1615/L1616 is a cometary cloud where the star formation was triggered by the impact of the massive stars in the Orion OB association. From the measurements of the lithium abundance and radial velocity, we confirm the membership of our sample to the cloud. We use the equivalent widths of the Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta, and the HeI λ\lambda5876, λ\lambda6678, λ\lambda7065 \AA emission lines to calculate the accretion luminosities, LaccL_{\rm acc}, and the mass accretion rates, M˙acc\dot M_{\rm acc}. We find in L1615/L1616 a fraction of accreting objects (30%\sim 30\%), which is consistent with the typical fraction of accretors in T associations of similar age (3\sim 3 Myr). The mass accretion rate for these stars shows a trend with the mass of the central object similar to that found for other star-forming regions, with a spread at a given mass which depends on the evolutionary model used to derive the stellar mass. Moreover, the behavior of the 2MASS/WISE2MASS/WISE colors with M˙acc\dot M_{\rm acc} indicates that strong accretors with logM˙acc>8.5\log \dot M_{\rm acc} \gt -8.5 dex show large excesses in the JHKsJHK{\rm s} bands, as in previous studies. We also conclude that the accretion properties of the L1615/L1616 members are similar to those of young stellar objects in T associations, like Lupus.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics. 17 pages, 11 figures, 6 table

    VST processing facility: first astronomical applications

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    VST--Tube is a new software package designed to process optical astronomical images. It is an automated pipeline to go from the raw exposures to fully calibrated co-added images, and to extract catalogs with aperture and PSF photometry. A set of tools allow the data administration and the quality check of the intermediate and final products. VST-Tube comes with a Graphical User Interface to facilitate the interaction between data and user. We outline here the VST--Tube architecture and show some applications enlightening some of the characteristics of the pipeline.Comment: Presented to the 54th Congress SAIt, 4-7 May 2010, Naples, Ital

    KiDS0239-3211: A new gravitational quadruple lens candidate

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    We report the discovery of a candidate to quadrupole gravitationally lensed system KiDS0239-3211 based on the public data release 3 of the KiDS survey and machine learning techniques

    X-Ray flares in Orion Young Stars. II. Flares, Magnetospheres, and Protoplanetary Disks

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    We study the properties of powerful X-ray flares from 161 pre-main sequence (PMS) stars observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory in the Orion Nebula region. Relationships between flare properties, protoplanetary disks and accretion are examined in detail to test models of star-disk interactions at the inner edge of the accretion disks. Previous studies had found no differences in flaring between diskfree and accreting systems other than a small overall diminution of X-ray luminosity in accreting systems. The most important finding is that X-ray coronal extents in fast-rotating diskfree stars can significantly exceed the Keplerian corotation radius, whereas X-ray loop sizes in disky and accreting systems do not exceed the corotation radius. This is consistent with models of star-disk magnetic interaction where the inner disk truncates and confines the PMS stellar magnetosphere. We also find two differences between flares in accreting and diskfree PMS stars. First, a subclass of super-hot flares with peak plasma temperatures exceeding 100 MK are preferentially present in accreting systems. Second, we tentatively find that accreting stars produce flares with shorter durations. Both results may be consequences of the distortion and destabilization of the stellar magnetosphere by the interacting disk. Finally, we find no evidence that any flare types, even slow-rise flat-top flares are produced in star-disk magnetic loops. All are consistent with enhanced solar long-duration events with both footprints anchored in the stellar surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (07/17/08); 46 pages, 14 figures, 2 table

    X-shooter spectroscopy of young stellar objects in Lupus: Lithium, iron, and barium elemental abundances

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    With the purpose of performing a homogeneous determination of elemental abundances for members of the Lupus T association, we analyzed three chemical elements: lithium, iron, and barium. The aims were: to derive the Li abundance for ~90% of known class II stars in the Lupus I, II, III, IV clouds; to perform chemical tagging of a region where few Fe abundance measurements have been obtained in the past, and no determination of the Ba content has been done up to now. We also investigated possible Ba enhancement, as this element has become increasingly interesting in the last years following the evidence of Ba over-abundance in young clusters, the origin of which is still unknown. Using X-shooter@VLT, we analyzed the spectra of 89 cluster members, both class II and III stars. We measured the strength of the Li line and derived the abundance of this element through equivalent width measurements and curves of growth. For six class II stars we also measured the Fe and Ba abundances using the spectral synthesis and the code MOOG. The veiling contribution was taken into account for all three elements. We find a dispersion in the strength of the Li line at low Teff and identify three targets with severe Li depletion. The nuclear age inferred for these highly Li-depleted stars is around 15 Myr, which exceeds the isochronal one. As in other star-forming regions, no metal-rich members are found in Lupus, giving support to a recent hypothesis that the Fe abundance distribution of most of the nearby young regions could be the result of a common and widespread star formation episode involving the Galactic thin disk. We find that Ba is over-abundant by ~0.7 dex with respect to the Sun. Since current theoretical models cannot reproduce this Ba abundance pattern, we investigated whether this unusually large Ba content might be related to effects due to stellar parameters, stellar activity, and accretion.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in A&A; abstract shortene