299 research outputs found

    Yield and Quality Response of Malt Barley (Hordium Dischiton L.) to Applied Levels of N Fertilizer and Seed Sources on Luvisol of Farta District South Gonder Zone, Ethiopia

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    Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of seed sources and rate of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and quality of malt barley (Hordium dischiton L.) and to determine agronomically optimum level of nitrogen (N) and seed sources at Farta District. Factorial combination of four levels of N (0, 70, 110, and 150 kg N ha-1), and three seed sources seed from local farmer (LFM seed), seed from local seed business farmer (LSB) and seed from Amhara seed enterprise (ASE) were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Phenological traits, quality parameters and yield were taken as experimental variables and analyzed using SAS software. The result showed that 100-seed weight, straw yield, biomass yield and grain yield were significantly affected by different rates of N application (p≤0.005). As laboratory experiment indicates, there were significant effects in seed moisture content from the main and interaction effect of seed sources and nitrogen fertilizer rates (p≤0.001). The main effects of seed sources (LFM, LSB and ASE) had 11.6%, 11.59% and 12.5% of protein content respectively. Protein contents were significantly higher in higher nitrogen fertilizer rates than the control (p ≤ 0.05). Nitrogen fertilizer rates resulted in linear responses with mean protein contents of 9.15%, 11.6% and 12.14%, from 0, 70, 110 and 150 rates, respectively. Germination percentage was significantly affected by seed sources; rates of N fertilizer application and their interactions. In this study (2763.96, 6625 kg/ha) of grain and total above gowned yield respectively and quality of malting barley were significantly improved when using 150 kg of N rates. Overall, the use of ASE seed and 150 kg of N fertilizer rate may maintain satisfactory crop yield and protein content, reduce the costs of production, and therefore increase profitability and improve soil fertility. Keywords: seed, quality, protein content, sources, malt barley


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    Multinational corporations must make a difficult decision because their entry strategy is influenced by a number of factors. The purpose of this research is to look into the factors that influence the entry strategies chosen by multinational corporations doing business in Ethiopia. To collect data at a specific time, this study used cross-sectional surveys and an explanatory research methodology. Data from multinational corporations were collected for this study using deliberate sampling methods. In the end, only 120 (or 80%) of the 154 surveys distributed were returned. However, only 112 surveys were used for the statistical analysis, yielding a response rate of 72 percent. To investigate the factors influencing the choice of entry mode, a multinomial legit model was used. The study discovered that, at a 5% level of significance, the size of the firm and the size of the market had a positive and substantial influence on the decision to choose export and intermediate entry over the hierarchical entrance. However, at a 10% significance level, factors such as global experience, market infrastructure, cultural distance, flexibility, and degree of control are favourably and significantly impacting the decision to choose the export and intermediate modes of entrance over the hierarchical modes. The recommendations based on the study's findings consider how the study may affect different stakeholders, such as the Ethiopian government, regional businesses, international firms, and other researchers.  Article visualizations

    Contemporary Amharic Oral Poetry from Gojjam: Classification and a sample Analysis

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     In the preceding discussion, an attempt was made to provide a classification of Amharic oral poems and songs into several themes and genres. Accordingly, such major genres as work songs, children’s poems, war chants and boasting recitals were identified and a description and analysis of selected poems and their role, particularly in local politics and administration, were provided. In their poems and songs, the peasants of East Gojjam critically express their views, attitudes and feelings either in the form of support or protest, towards the various state policies and local directives.Indeed, the Amharic oral poems and songs from the two peasant communities illustrate topics associated with the change of government, land redistribution, local authorities and their administration, as well as a variety of other contemporary issues affecting the rural society. The poems also throw some light on the understanding of the peasants’ consciousness and observations comparing past and present regimes of Ethiopia, besides their power of aesthetics and creative capabilities of the peasants’ poetic tradition.In fact, this can be seen from a wider perspective, considering the function and role of oral literature in an agrarian and traditional society such as the two peasant communities mentioned in this paper. The peasants’ response in poetry  to the diverse contemporary politics and local administration need to be studied carefully and considered appropriately in the state’s future rural policies and development projects if it is intended to bring about a democratic system that leads towards a peaceful coexistence among the rural peasantry

    Production System and Husbandry Practices of Sheep Under Farmers’ Management Condition in North Western Highlands of Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted with the objectives of assessing sheep production and productivity under farmers’ management condition in North Western Highlands of Amhara region Ethiopia. Semi structured questionnaires were used to collect data on production, productive performance and socioeconomic aspects. One hundred eighty sheep owner households were randomly selected from six peasant associations. The data were analysed using SPSS statistical software. Mean and standard deviations of sheep flock size of the farmers was about 14.83± 10.76.  Sheep hold several roles and breeding was ranked as the first purpose of keeping sheep. Disease and internal parasite incidence ranked as a major constraint followed by shortage of grazing land, breed performance, and lack of feed during dry seasons.  The mean flock mortality rate was 16.63 %. The total off-take rate was 37.39% per annum. Traditional sheep production systems in the study area was considered unsatisfactory in feeding and feed management practices. Poor productive and reproductive performances of indigenous sheep breed were investigated. In addition to, the strategy could focus on developing small-scale market-oriented intensive production systems. Keywords: Flock size, Husbandry Practices, Management, production, Shee

    Poultry Production System, Reproductive Performance, Opportunities and Associated Challenges in Fogera district, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted to characterize and describe village chicken production system, reproductive performance, opportunities and associated challenges in Fogera distinct south Gonder zone of Ethiopia. for this study four kebeles from this district and 160 households from each kebele were selected using purposive sampling method a survey was conducted on 40 selected households to describe the village chicken production system reproductive performance and management practice. In majority of the households (80%) were male responsible for chicken rearing and 100% of the respondents in the study area mange chickens extensively. Night shelter was provided by all farmers mostly 92.5% on perch bamboo cage (5%) and purposely made house (2.5%). Almost all respondents (95%) provided feed supplement and 100% of the respondents provide water to their chicken. on average hens and cock reach at sexual maturity per month 4.8 and 4.45 months respectively. the average number of eggs per clutch per hen in the study area was 11 and the average number of eggs incubated per hen was 8.75. The average hatchability was 79.6%.  All the respondents (100%) in the study area obtained their initial chick stock by purchasing and 55% and 45% of the respondents in the study area obtained replacement stock by hatching and purchasing respectively. All respondents (100%) in the study area responded new castle disease outbreak. About 25% respondents used extension service in poultry production and 100% of the respondents had an interest to expand the production Keywords: - chicken, production, reproductive performance, opportunities challenge

    In memoriam Amsalu Aklilu (1929–2013)

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    Chicken Production System, Reproductive Performance, Opportunities and Associated Challenges in Fogera District, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted to characterize and describe village chicken production system, reproductive performance, opportunities and associated challenges in Fogera distinct south Gonder zone of Ethiopia. for this study four kebeles from this district and 160 households from each kebele were selected using purposive sampling method a survey was conducted on 40 selected households to describe the village chicken production system reproductive performance and management practice. In majority of the households (80%) were male responsible for chicken rearing and 100% of the respondents in the study area mange chickens extensively. Night shelter was provided by all farmers mostly 92.5% on perch bamboo cage (5%) and purposely made house (2.5%). Almost all respondents (95%) provided feed supplement and 100% of the respondents provide water to their chicken. on average hens and cock reach at sexual maturity per month 4.8 and 4.45 months respectively. the average number of eggs per clutch per hen in the study area was 11 and the average number of eggs incubated per hen was 8.75. The average hatchability was 79.6%.  All the respondents (100%) in the study area obtained their initial chick stock by purchasing and 55% and 45% of the respondents in the study area obtained replacement stock by hatching and purchasing respectively. All respondents (100%) in the study area responded new castle disease outbreak. About 25% respondents used extension service in poultry production and 100% of the respondents had an interest to expand the production Keywords: chicken, production, reproductive performance, opportunities challenge

    Husbandry Practices and Productivity Performance of Sheep under Traditional Management System in Goncha Siso Enesie District Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted with the objectives of assessing husbandry practices and productivity performance of sheep under traditional management system in Goncha Siso Enesie district Amhara Region of Ethiopia. Semi structured questionnaires were used to collect data on husbandry practices, productive performance and socioeconomic aspects in 2015. One hundred eighty households with small, medium and large flock size sheep were randomly selected from six peasant associations. Mean and standard deviations of sheep flock size of the farmers was about 14.83± 10.76.  Sheep hold several roles and breeding was ranked as the first purpose of keeping sheep. Disease and internal parasite incidence ranked as a major constraint followed by shortage of grazing land, breed performance, and lack of feed during dry seasons.  Average age at first sexual maturity was 11.64± 0.26 and 11.14± 0.253 months for male and female, respectively. Age at first lambing ranged from 15.20 ± 0.354 to 18.37 ± 0.722 months with mean ;f 16.74± 0.249 female sheep. Lambing interval was 9.64± 0.105 months. Overall average litter size was 1.12± 0.023. Single birth was the most frequent (88.9 %) type of birth occurred in sheep of the study area. Lambing occurred most frequently between Novembers to January. Annual reproduction rate of ewes was 1.41 lambs/ewe/year. The mean flock mortality rate was 16.63 %. The total off-take rate was 37.39% per annum. Traditional sheep production systems in the study area was considered unsatisfactory in feeding and feed management practices. Poor productive and reproductive performances of indigenous sheep breed were investigated. In addition to, the strategy could focus on developing small-scale market-oriented intensive production systems depending on the characteristics of the existing production systems and agro-ecologies to achieve growth and transformation plan. Keywords: Body weight, husbandry practice linear body measurements, productivity performances, Shee

    Review on Milk Yield, Composition, Quality and Microbial Contamination Dairy Cattle Milk in Ethiopia

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    Ethiopian milk production depends on mainly indigenous livestock genetic resources dominated by small holder farmers. The estimated numbers of indigenous milking cows in Ethiopia is about nine million and are in the hands of smallholder farmers and pastoralists under traditional contributions of the sector to the country’s gross domestic product and exports. Milk and milk products play an important role in human nutrition throughout the world. Milk is also highly perishable and can easily be adulterated whilst the quality of the milk is highly dependent on farm management. Sources of microbial contamination of milk like milking environment, cows udder, milker, milking equipments and water the most dominant factor for the quality of milk. To prevent or retard growth of bacteria in milk and to maintain its quality for domestic consumption or transportation to the processing plant cooling, boiling and pasteurization are important to control measures of microbial contamination in raw milk. Clot on boiling  test is performed by boiling a small amount of milk in a spoon, test tube or any other suitable container. Chemical composition, particularly milk fat content is used as quality test. The solid constituents of milk make an important food item from both nutritional as well as processing point of view. Keywords:- contamination, composition  handling, milk quality DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-19-02 Publication date:October 31st 202
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