114 research outputs found

    Statistical and Squeezing Proprieties of Superposed Single-Mode Squeezed Chaotic State

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    In this paper we have studied the statistical and squeezing proprieties of light produced by superposition of a pair of single-mode squeezed chaotic light beams. Applying density operator of single-mode squeezed chaotic state; we obtain the anti-normal order characteristics function which enables us to find the Q function. With the resulting Q function, we calculate the photon statistics and the Quadrature squeezing for single-mode squeezed chaotic light. Moreover applying Q function of single-mode squeezed chaotic state the superposed light beams would be driven. With the resulting Q function we calculated the photon statics and the quadrature squeezing for superposed light beams. To get the maximum squeezing to be 95%, for nth = 0 and r = 1.5. Keywords: squeezed chaotic state, superposed state, fluctuations DOI: 10.7176/APTA/78-03 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Quantum Natures of Single-Mode Displaced Squeezed Vacuum State

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    The displaced squeezed vacuum state is produced by application of displaced operator on squeezed vacuum state. With help of density operator we find Q function, with the Q function mean, variance and quadrature variance would be calculated. From this we can determine the system has superpoissonian statics, the squeezed parameter is direct proportion with both mean and variance of photon number, but inversely proportion with quadrature variance. The squeezing occurs in plus quadrature with the maximum squeezing of 99.7% for r=3. Keywords: Quantum nature, displaced state, squeezed vacuum state DOI: 10.7176/APTA/82-01 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Prevalence of Bovine fasciolosisinfectionin Hossana municipal abattoir, Southern Ethiopia

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    A cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2013 to June 2014 to determine the overall abattoir based prevalence of fasciolosis infection, and to assess direct economic loss due to liver condemnation. Postmortem examination and abattoir retrospective data were retrieved and analyzed.  A total of 422 cattle were selected randomly and examined during the study period. The prevalence rate of fasciolosis was foundto be 27.25% (115). Age, species and body condition score were taken into consideration, whereby 34.67and 20.62% prevalence were recorded for young and adult animals, respectively. Similarly, 57.30, 19.89, and 18.25 % prevalence have been registered for poor, medium and good body condition score, respectively. Also, the dominant Fasciola species showed50.58, 29.57, 14.78 and 6.09% prevalence for F. hepatica, F. gigantica, mixed infection and immature species, respectively. There was a significant difference at (P < 0.05) value among age, body condition scores and species, and between coprological and postmortem examination (P= 0.00). Depending on the current local price of a liver, the total annual financial loss encountered due to the condemnation of infected liver to fasciolosis was estimated to be 66,370.10 ETB or 3,493.16 USD. The result of the study confirmed that bovine fasciolosis infection was found to be one of the major diseases and brings a significant economic loss in Hossana municipal abattoir. Keywords: Fasciolosis infection, cattle, prevalence, liver condemnation, Hossan

    A Re-examination of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in a Political Society in the Light of the Principle of Human Dignity

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    Deze studie onderzocht de rechtvaardiging van economische, sociale en culturele rechten die worden gegarandeerd door de internationale (mensenrechten) wetgeving en de implicaties ervan voor de daaruit voortvloeiende verplichtingen van de staat. Het heeft met name onderzocht of en op welke manier de menselijke waardigheid een levensvatbare normatieve rechtvaardiging biedt voor ESC rechten die worden gegarandeerd door het internationaal recht en het soort concrete juridische verplichtingen van de staat die daaruit voortvloeien, en de manier waarop deze verplichtingen worden weerspiegeld in de internationale ESC rechtenjurisprudentie uit diverse jurisdicties. De studie biedt een frisse kijk op de manier waarop we de rechtvaardiging, aard en juridische implicaties van ESC rechten moeten benaderen, zowel in het algemeen als in de specifieke context van kwetsbare personen. Daartoe heeft de studie, nadat de ernstige tekortkomingen van de traditionele theorieën over de mensenrechten zijn geïdentificeerd, het idee van de sociale opvatting van de mensenrechten geïntroduceerd, dat wil zeggen dat de mensenrechten geworteld zijn in en in wezen gericht zijn op de praktische en complexe sociale relaties en daarmee de bescherming, het behoud en de promotie van het leven en de waarde van de mens. Er wordt beargumenteerd dat de menselijke waardigheid een onderliggend moreel beginsel vormt achter de sociale relaties en de normatieve rechtvaardiging van alle mensenrechten. De menselijke waardigheid stelt als normatief beginsel een onvoorwaardelijk respect voor het morele en biologische wezen van de mens. In het kader van ESC rechten verbidt deze verplichting op de verplichting van de staat om essentiële procedurele en materiële voorwaarden te eerbiedigen en te waarborgen die nodig zijn om een menswaardig leven te leiden.This study has examined the justification of economic, social and cultural rights guaranteed under international (human rights) law and its implications for the State obligations emerging therefrom. It has particularly investigated whether and in what manner human dignity provides a viable normative justification for ESC rights guaranteed under international law and the kind of concrete State legal obligations flowing therefrom and the way these obligations are reflected in international ESC rights jurisprudence from across jurisdictions. The study provides a fresh perspective regarding the way we should approach the justification, nature and legal implications of ESC rights both generally and in the specific context of vulnerable persons. To this end, the study, having identified the critical limitations of the traditional human rights theories, has introduced the idea of the social conception of human rights, that is, human rights as being rooted in and essentially concerned with the practical and complex social relations and therewith the protection, preservation and promotion of the life and value of human being. It has argued that human dignity constitutes an underlying moral principle behind the social relations and the normative justification of all human rights. As a normative principle, human dignity asserts an unconditional respect for the moral and biological being of humans. In the context of ESC rights, this obligation threads on the State’s obligation to respect and ensure essential procedural and substantive conditions required to live a dignified human life

    Breeding season, length-weight relationship and condition factor of introduced fish, Tilapia zillii Gervais 1948 (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake Zwai, Ethiopia

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    Breeding season, length-weight relationship and condition factor of Tilapia zillii were studied in Lake Zwai from samples collected over 12 months between January and December, 2001 using gillnets of 60 and 100 mm stretched mesh. State of gonad maturation and Gonadosomatic index (GSI) values showed that T. zillii in Lake Zwai breeds all year round with peak activities between April and September. The relationship between total length (TL) (5.5–32 cm) and total weight (TW) (3.8–676.9 g) of the fish was found to be curvilinear and represented as TW = 0.02TL2.9813, R2 = 0.99, P < 0.001, n = 848. Mean monthly Fulton condition factors (FCF) and Relative condition factors (RCF) of the population of T. zillii were 2.06 and 1.01, respectively. Two factor ANOVA indicated a significant seasonal fluctuation (p < 0.001) in the condition of both sexes, but not between female and male T. zillii (p = 0.127 and 0.135 for FCF and RCF, respectively). Poor body conditions coincided with time of peak breeding activity. The interaction effects of sex and month on Fulton's and Relative condition factors were not significant (p=0.127 and 0.138 respectively). Key words/phrases: Breeding season, Ethiopia, Lake Zwai, length-weight relationship, Tilapia zillii SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science Vol.26(2) 2003: 115-12

    Determinants of delay in malaria treatment-seeking behaviour for under-five children in south-west Ethiopia: a case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prompt diagnosis and timely treatment of malaria within 24 hours after onset of first symptoms can reduce illness progression to severe stages and therefore, decrease mortality. The reason why mothers/caretakers delay in malaria diagnosis and treatment for under-five children is not well studied in Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to assess determinants of malaria treatment delay in under-five children in three districts of south-west Ethiopia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case control study was conducted from March 15 to April 20, 2010. Cases were under-five children who had clinical malaria and sought treatment after 24 hours of developing sign and symptom, and controls were under-five children who had clinical malaria and sought treatment within 24 hours of developing sign and symptom of malaria. Data were collected by trained enumerators using structured questionnaire. Data were entered in to Epi Info version 6.04 and analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. To identify determinants, multiple logistic regression was done.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 155 mothers of cases and 155 mothers of controls were interviewed. Mothers of children who were in a monogamous marriage (OR = 3.41, 95% CI: 1.39, 8.34), who complained about the side effects of anti-malarial drugs (OR = 4.96, 95% CI: 1.21, 20.36), who had no history of child death (OR = 3.50, 95% CI: 1.82, 6.42) and who complained about the higher cost of transportation to reach the health institutions (OR = 2.01, 95% CI: 1.17, 3.45) were more likely to be late for the treatment of malaria in under-five children.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Effective malaria control programmes should address reducing delayed presentation of children for treatment. Efforts to reduce delay should address transport cost, decentralization of services and increasing awareness of the community on early diagnosis and treatment.</p

    Phytobeneficial traits of Rhizobacteria isolated from degraded soil and evaluate their effect in augmentation of Acacia (Acacia abyssinica Hochst. Ex Benth) seeds germination

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    Microbes are an integral component of the soil ecosystem but degraded soil has few native beneficial microbes. This necessitates the characterization of phytobeneficial bacteria having numerous features. The study was initiated to evaluate rhizobacteria enhancing Acacia (Acacia abyssinica) seed germination. Isolates were selected based primarily on phosphate solubilization activity and other traits hydrogen cyanide (hcn), phytohormone, hydrolytic enzyme, siderophore, ammonia. Among isolates, 45% each was categorized as high and medium phosphate solubilizers and the amount was found to range from 195 to 373 µg/mL. The highest solubilization index (SI) 7 was recorded for Acinetobacter BS-27 and 6 for Pantoea BS-38. The maximum P and iaa were produced by Pseudomonas FB-49 (373 and 659.07µg/mL), respectively. Isolates with multiple traits were chosen for seed germination. Accordingly, Agrobacterium RS-79 and Pseudomonas BS-26 showed 100% activity. A 100% seed germination and vigor index (343.33 and 306.67) were observed in Pseudomonas BS-26 and FB-49. Degraded soil is considered a source for phosphate solubilizing and other beneficial bacteria with many traits to be used for seed germination assay