11 research outputs found

    Nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft in Deutschland (Identifizierung gegenlaeufiger Trends und Handlungsempfehlungen) Endbericht

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    Das Vorhaben hatte drei Ziele: zum ersten eine Konkretisierung des Leitbildes einer nachhaltigen Wasserwirtschaft in Deutschland, zum zweiten eine Analyse der gegenwaertigen Situation und Trends in der Wasserwirtschaft und drittens die Entwicklung von Handlungsoptionen als Antwort auf die im Rahmen der Analyse aus der Sicht einer nachhaltigen Wasserwirtschaft aufgedeckten Defizite. Im Verlaufe des Vorhabens wurde demzufolge eine Definition einer nachhaltigen Wasserwirtschaft erarbeitet und diese durch spezielle Prinzipien weiter praezisiert. Ferner wurden in den Bereichen Gewaessermorphologie, Wassermengenwirtschaft, Gewaesserguete und wasserwirtschaftliche Institutionen insgesamt ueber 40 Teilaspekte der Wasserwirtschaft genauer analysiert und sowohl im Hinblick auf die aktuelle Situation als auch im Hinblick auf vergangene und zu erwartende Entwicklungen beschrieben. Fuer die im Rahmen dieser Analyse festgestellten Defizite wurde anschliessend eine Anzahl von Handlungsoptionen ermittelt. Diese richten sich nicht nur an die wasserwirtschaftlichen Akteure selber sondern beziehen auch die Verursacherbereiche der Beeintraechtigungen mit ein. Einige der Handlungsoptionen wurden schliesslich in potentiellen Schwerpunktprogrammen zusammengefasst. (orig.)The project aimed at three goals: firstly to specify the concept (Leitbild) of sustainable water management in Germany, secondly to analyse the current situation and trends in water management and to identify deficits from the viewpoint of sustainability, and thirdly to develop options for actions to be taken in response to the deficits. In the course of the project a definition of sustainable water management was elaborated and further specified by several principles. In the areas of morphology of waters, quantitative water management, water quality, and institutional aspects of water management over 40 special subjects of water management were analysed and described with respect to the current situation and past and future trends. A number of options for actions were identified in order to address the deficits which had been revealed in the analysis. The options are directed not only to the different actors in water management, but also to the target sectors responsible for adverse effects on the waters. In a further step some of the options have been clustered to create targetted action programmes. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(98-043) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEUmweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung der CSD-Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren zur Thematik internationaler Institutionen - Kapitel 38 und 39 der AGENDA 21 Endbericht

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    Present CSD-indicators for international institutions (consisting of international organisations and international treaties) have been developed in order to register and assess the behaviour of states with respect to relevant institutions. With reference to international treaties, the two indicators ratification and implementation will be ascertained for six areas of environmental concern: waste, biological diversity, climate change, ozone layer, desertification and oceans. Due to the limited significance of the two indicators, the following five indicators should be added to the examination: (1) existence of secondary regulations for administrative implementation ('programming' of national administrations); (2) compliance (e.g. with reduction targets), covering behavioural changes with regard to specific problems; (3) fulfilment of reporting requirements (extraction of important information); (4) fulfilment of financial obligations (prerequisite for the functioning of institutions: secretaries, conferences); (5) co-operation with relevant societal actors (os special importance due to the interdisciplinary and intersectoral dimension of sustainability). However, further scientific efforts and an international debate are essential to facilitate detailed statements on trends and to make possible the inclusion of the important indicator active participation in international institutions. In contrast to international treaties, international organisations are hitherto neglected by the CSD. The following indicators might be applied to international organisations as well: (1) membership (instead of ratification); (2) fulfilment of reporting requirements; (3) fulfilment of financial obligations; (4) co-operation with relevant societal actors. A further promising field of research refers to the development of indicators that reflect the sustainability of international institutions themselves. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(98-091) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Umwelttechnologietransfer im Tourismus - Untersuchung ueber Einsatzbereiche exportorientierter Innovationen in Schwellen- und Entwicklungslaendern und modellhafte Entwicklung einer Transferstrategie

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    The project aimed at the following goals: (1) to provide experts in the tourism industry with ideas on how concrete tourism-related environmental problems can be resolved, based on best-practice examples; (2) to better familiarise environmental technology producers with the specific areas of possible environmental technology use and, in this manner, to promote among other things the realisation of the vast market potential; (3) to highlight possibilities for co-operation between the tourism industry and environmental technology producers and/or transfer institutions; and (4) to provide tourism industry experts with knowledge on how the domestic and foreign use of environmental technology is steered and promoted within the framework of tourism, environmental and technology policy. In order to achieve these aims, an international expert conference on 'Environmental Technology and Tourism' was held in March 1998 in the run-up to the International Tourism Exchange in Berlin. The results of the conference demonstrate that the tourism industry is actively trying to solve environmental problems caused by their activities and that environmental technologies play a large role in these efforts. Beyond the above stated objectives, it was possible within the framework of the scientific preparation and evaluation of the conference to identify numerous possibilities for optimising the co-operation between the two sectors of environmental technology and tourism. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(1999,30) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Umwelttechnologietransfer im Tourismus - Untersuchung ueber Einsatzbereiche exportorientierter Innovationen in Schwellen- und Entwicklungslaendern und modellhafte Entwicklung einer Transferstrategie Resuemee und Ausblick

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    The project aimed at the following goals: (1) to provide experts in the tourism industry with ideas on how concrete tourism-related environmental problems can be resolved, based on best-practice examples; (2) to better familiarise environmental technology producers with the specific areas of possible environmental technology use and, in this manner, to promote among other things the realisation of the vast market potential; (3) to highlight possibilities for co-operation between the tourism industry and environmental technology producers and/or transfer institutions; and (4) to provide tourism industry experts with knowledge on how the domestic and foreign use of environmental technology is steered and promoted within the framework of tourism, environmental and technology policy. In order to achieve these aims, an international expert conference on 'Environmental Technology and Tourism' was held in March 1998 in the run-up to the International Tourism Exchange in Berlin. The rsults of the conference demonstrate that the tourism industry is actively trying to solve environmental problems caused by their activities and that environmental technologies play a large role in these efforts. Beyond the above stated objectives, it was possible within the framework of the scientific preparation and evaluation of the conference to identify numerous possibilities for optimising the co-operation between the two sectors of environmental technology and tourism. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(1999,31) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Untersuchungen zur Umsetzung eines Protokolls zur Klimarahmenkonvention (KRK): Auswirkungen von Aktivitaeten und Regelungen der EU auf die Emission klimawirksamer Gase Endbericht

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    The study identifies the main fields of political activities of the EU that have an impact on the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), names the regulations (Directives, Regulations and Programmes) adopted and planned in those areas and evaluates their relevance for climate policy. Furthermore, the political options and room for manoeuvre as well as the probable implementation opportunities, especially during the German Council Presidency in the first half of 1999 are discussed. In addition to the most important GHG CO_2, methane (CH_4), nitrous oxide (N_2O), partially and fully halogenated fluorocarbons (HFCs and PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF_6) are considered in the study. Apart form measures of climate policy aiming directly at a reduction of GHGs, the analysis includes activities which have an indirect impact. The latter are to be found mainly in the policy areas of energy, agriculture and forestry, transportation, the environment and in the promotion of regional development (structural policies) within the EU. The report comes to the conclusion that the implemented climate policy measures of the EU are currently limited to the GHG CO_2, focusing on selected aspects of energy policy. Apart form this, several announcements and proposals exist. In case of their implementation, measures taken on the European level could prove sufficient alone to reduce GHG emissions of the EU by 8% until 2008-2012 as envisaged in the Kyoto Protocol. This would strengthen the leadership role of the EU proclaimed internationally. However, it is the implementation of proposed regulations which constitutes the weak point of EU climate policy. A collection of the legislative initiatives with the greatest relevance to climate policy points to the most important areas of activities for an effective EU climate policy. (orig.)Die Studie identifiziert die wesentlichen politischen Handlungsfelder der EU mit Einfluss auf die Emissionen von Treibhausgasen (THG), benennt die bisherigen und geplanten Regelungen und Aktivitaeten (Richtlinien, Verordnungen und Programme) in diesen Bereichen und bewertet ihre klimapolitische Relevanz. Weiterhin werden die politischen Handlungsspielraeume und voraussichtlichen Umsetzungsmoeglichkeiten, insbesondere unter der deutschen Ratspraesidentschaft Anfang 1999, diskutiert. Neben dem massgeblichen THG CO_2 werden Methan (CH_4), Lachgas (N_2O), teilhalogenierte Fluorkohlenwasserstoffe (H-FKW), perfluorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe (FKW) und Schwefelhexafluorid (SF_6) in der Untersuchung beruecksichtigt. Neben unmittelbar klimapolitischen Massnahmen, die direkt auf eine THG-Reduktion abzielen, werden auch indirekt wirksame Aktivitaeten in die Bewertung einbezogen. Letztere sind vor allem in den Bereichen Energiepolitik, Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Verkehrspolitik, Foerderung der Regionalentwicklung (Strukturpolitik) in der EU und in der Umweltpolitik zu finden. Ergebnis der Studie ist, dass sich existierende klimapolitische Massnahmen der EU bislang auf das Treibhausgas CO_2 beschraenken und sich hier wiederum auf Teilbereiche der Energiepolitik konzentrieren. Daneben existieren eine Reihe von Ankuendigungen und Vorschlaegen. Im Falle von deren entschiedener Umsetzung koennte das im Kioto-Protokoll fuer die EG verankerte Minderungsziel von 8% voraussichtlich allein durch Massnahmen auf der europaeischen Ebene erreicht und so die international proklamierte Vorreiterrolle untermauert werden. Genau in der Umsetzung von Regelungsvorschlaegen liegt aber die Schwaeche der EG-Klimapolitik. Eine Zusammenstellung der klimapolitisch bedeutsamsten Rechtsetzungsinitiativen zeigt die wichtigsten Handlungsbereiche fuer eine wirksame EG-Klimapolitik auf. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(99-09) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekUmweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Auswertung der OECD-Laenderpruefberichte zur Umweltpolitik von Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Italien, Japan, Kanada, Niederlande, Schweden und USA

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    This report provides a systematic analysis and assessment of the OECD Environmental Performance Reviews for the following countries: United States, Japan, Canada, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Sweden and United Kingdom. The analysis is based on the pressure-state-response approach developed by OECD and structured in two parts: a horizontal comparison describes the development of environmental policies in eight countries in the area of clean air policy, water management, waste management, and nature conservation. This chapter describes most relevant environmental problems and its sources, environmental policy targets, instruments and measures, relevant government and private spending and finally assesses successful and innovative measures and strategies identified in the respective performance reviews. Chapter two follows the same approach by describing and analysing the level of integration of environmental concerns into economic policy, energy policy, agricultural policy and transport policy. In an additional vertical comparative chapter these policy areas are summarised for each country separately. The study also provides an overview on the comprehensive environmental performance review process, where the reports be only one element. Target, mandate and methodology of the environmental performance review process are illustrated. Furthermore, methodological aspects of comparing these reports are discussed. In order to assess the success of environmental policies and their level of innovation of the respective policy instruments and strategies, technological innovation as well as policy innovation (in regard to processes and mechanisms) are dealt with respectively. Finally, most relevant innovative policy instruments and approaches are assessed before the background of national regulatory styles. The study concludes by discussing the potential adaptation of these instruments and approaches identified to the German regulatory context. (orig.)In der vorliegenden Studie wird eine systematische Analyse und Bewertung der OECD-Laenderpruefberichte zur Umweltpolitik fuer folgende Staaten unternommen: Vereinigte Staaten, Japan, Kanada, Niederlande, Frankreich, Italien, Schweden und Grossbritannien. Die Studie folgt dem von der OECD entwickelten pressure-state-response-Ansatz und gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Ein horizontaler Vergleich gibt die Entwicklung der Umweltpolitik in den jeweiligen OECD-Mitgliedstaaten fuer die Bereiche Luftreinhaltung, Gewaesserschutz, Abfallwirtschaft und Naturschutz zusammenfassend wieder. Dabei werden sowohl die wichtigsten Umweltprobleme und deren Ursachen, umweltpolitische Ziele, Massnahmen und Instrumente, staatliche und private finanzielle Aufwendungen sowie abschliessend die in den QECD-Laenderprueftberichten identifizierten umweltpolitischen Erfolge und innovativen umweltpolitischen Instrumente und Handlungsansaetze analysiert. Diesem Muster folgt auch die Darstellung und Analyse der jeweiligen Politikfelder Wirtschaftspolitik, Energiepolitik, Landwirtschaftspolitik und Verkehrspolitik, wobei hier die Integration von Umweltbelangen in diese Politikbereiche im Mittelpunkt steht. In einem vertikalen Vergleichskapitel sind die genannten Politikfelder in umfangreichen Texttabellen fuer die acht ausgewaehlten Staaten uebersichtlich dargestellt. Die Studie gibt zudem einen Ueberblick ueber den gesamten Prozess der Laenderpruefung zur Umweltpolitk, der ueber die Erstellung entsprechender Berichte hinausgeht. Ziele, Mandat und Methodik der Umweltpruefung werden dargestellt und auf methodische Aspekte des Vergleichs der Berichte eingegangen. Zur Bewertung des umweltpolitischen Erfolges und des Innovationspotentials umweltpolitischer Instrumente und Handlungsansaetze werden sowohl technische Innovationen als auch innovative Verfahren und Prozesse beruecksichtigt. Schliesslich werden wesentliche innovative Ansaetze vor dem Hintergrund nationaler Regulierungsmuster zusammengefasst und deren Uebertragbarkeit auf den deutschen Kontext diskutiert. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(1999,49) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Vergleich der Abwassergebuehren im europaeischen Rahmen

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    In this project, the costs of the sewerage services and the sewerage charges in selected Member States of the European Union were investigated and compared. An analysis of available studies and statistics was complemented with research and interviews carried out by experts based in the countries under study. There were clearly a number of obstacles to international comparisons, factors including the legal framework and variance of tariff structures hindered a systematic comparison. Through this project a number of shortcomings in existing international comparisons of sewerage charges were revealed and recommendations given on how to improve such comparisons. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(1999,97) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany); Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    EnvSec - Konfliktpotential von Umweltzerstoerungen: Auswertung der NATO/CCMS-Pilotstudie 'Umwelt und Sicherheit im internationalen Kontext' Endbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(2000,178) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Instruments and options for environmental policy during the accession process of EU associated countries in the area of environment and energy Final report

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    With regard to the leading role of the EU in climate protection policies, it is important to consider the impact of the accession process on EU climate policy. This study includes the analysis of the most important issues related to environment and energy within the accession process, namely: (1) status quo and development of the energy sector and structural CO_2 mitigation options; (2) legal gap assessment and analysis of performance in the accession process; (3) identification of implementation patterns through detailed policy analysis; (4) evaluation of co-operation projects in the field of environment and energy in order to develop new projects that promote the accession process. This volume includes comparative analysis of the five Accession Countries. The detailed analysis of each country is documented in five country reports, each in a separate volume available only on the attached CD. (orig.)With CD-ROMSIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(2001,42) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Vergleich der Trinkwasserpreise im europaeischen Rahmen

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    In this project, the costs of water supply services and drinking water prices in selected Member States of the European Union were investigated. An analysis of available studies and statistics was complemented with research and interviews carried out by experts based in countries under study. The results of these were documented in case study reports following a standard outline. These are documented in their original language version in the materials annex to this report. There are clearly a number of obstacles to international comparisons, factors whose distorting influence can only be assessed and controlled on the basis of detailed knowledge of the units of comparison (supply areas, municipalities, regions, states). Prominent among these are different tariff structures with fixed and variable components, the allocation of costs for new connections, accounting and invoicing procedures, taxes and charges, depreciation of assets and the fiscal and liquidity effects, provisions and reserves, subsidies and cross-subsidies as well as differences in the quality of services rendered. Plausible as the relevance of these factors for international comparisons of water prices may be, data and information which would meet the requirements of a systematic comparison of costs and prices of water supply services are nevertheless not currently available in the Member States investigated. Through this project, a number of shortcomings in existing international comparisons of water prices were revealed and recommendations were reached on possible improvements of such comparisons. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(1998,22) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman