61 research outputs found

    Reactive Collisional Spectroscopy: Scalar and Vector InformationFrom Numerically Intensive Computing

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    Advances in computer technologies have made it possible to extend the numerical investigation of the detailed structure of reactive properties to several atom–diatom systems. This has allowed a better understanding of the energy structure of the reaction intermediate and of the role it plays when reaction occurs

    An Approach for Improving Automatic Mouth Emotion Recognition

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    The study proposes and tests a technique for automated emotion recognition through mouth detection via Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), meant to be applied for supporting people with health disorders with communication skills issues (e.g. muscle wasting, stroke, autism, or, more simply, pain) in order to recognize emotions and generate real-time feedback, or data feeding supporting systems. The software system starts the computation identifying if a face is present on the acquired image, then it looks for the mouth location and extracts the corresponding features. Both tasks are carried out using Haar Feature-based Classifiers, which guarantee fast execution and promising performance. If our previous works focused on visual micro-expressions for personalized training on a single user, this strategy aims to train the system also on generalized faces data sets

    Towards a learning-based performance modeling for accelerating Deep Neural Networks

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    Emerging applications such as Deep Learning are often data-driven, thus traditional approaches based on auto-tuners are not performance effective across the wide range of inputs used in practice. In the present paper, we start an investigation of predictive models based on machine learning techniques in order to optimize Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs). As a use-case, we focus on the ARM Compute Library which provides three different implementations of the convolution operator at different numeric precision. Starting from a collation of benchmarks, we build and validate models learned by Decision Tree and naive Bayesian classifier. Preliminary experiments on Midgard-based ARM Mali GPU show that our predictive model outperforms all the convolution operators manually selected by the library

    Ubiquitous Sensor Networks and Its Application

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    Ubiquitous sensor networks and its application are emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm to provide reliable and comfortable life services. The ever-growing ubiquitous sensor networks and its application will provide an intelligent and ubiquitous communication and network technology for tomorrow. That is, the UCMA have emerged rapidly as an exciting new paradigm that includes ubiquitous, grid, and peer-to-peer computing to provide computing and communication services at anytime and anywhere. In order to realize the advantages of such services, it is important that intelligent systems be suitable for UCMA

    Usabilidad ágil y reingeniería de sitios web: Usabagleweb | Agile usability and reengineering websites: Usabagileweb

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    Desarrollar aplicaciones para la Web es en la actualidad para los informáticos y también para los creativos programadores, tarea común, debido claro está, al avance vertiginoso de las comunicaciones y a la cantidad de usuarios que disponen de computadoras así como de la prestación del servicio por parte de los proveedores del mismo; pero ¿hay conciencia de diseñar interfaces usables para los usuarios de esta gran red? Este artículo muestra comoa partir de una metodología ágil (USABAGILELEWeb) desarrollada por nuestro grupo de investigación, logramos satisfactoriamente evaluar a través de reingeniería el sitio oficial de la agencia de viajes y turismo Mavitur Viaggi de Assisi – Italia, con base en las fases de la Ingeniería del Software y a los principios establecidos en la usabilidad ágil. Palabras clave: USABAGILEWeb, usabilidad ágil, reingeniería de sitios web, ingeniería del software, método ágil, aplicación Web. ABSTRACT Developing Web applications is now for computer and also for creative programmers, a common task, of course due to the rapid advance of communications and to the number of users who have the necessary equipment and are provided by service from different companies but, are developers aware of designing usable interfaces to the users of this big network? This article presents how from an agile methodology (USABAGILELEWeb) developed by our research group, we successfully evaluated through reengineering the official site of the travel and tourism agency, Assisi Mavitur Viaggi - Italy, based on the phases of software engineering, usability and the principles of agile software. Key words: USABAGILEWeb, agile usability, website reengineering, agile method, software engineering, Web application

    Guidelines for web usability and accessibility on the nintendo Wii

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    The aim of the present study is to propose a set of guidelines for designing Internet web sites usable and accessible with the Nintendo Wii console. After an accurate analysis of usability issues and of the typical Wii Internet users, twelve usability guidelines will be proposed. These guidelines are focused on visibility, understandability, clickability and compatibility. We then restructured a sample web site according to the guidelines. To prove their effectiveness, we performed the usability tests on a sample of forty individuals, selected among the various categories of potential users of the Nintendo Wii console, after having visited the restructured and the original web sites. The analysis of the resulting information confirmed that the restructured web site is more usable than the original and the improvement is more pronounced for weak categories (elderly and individuals with no experience with web browsing). Furthermore the adoption of the guidelines reduces the difficulties experienced by users with different expertise, in visiting a web site with the Wii console

    Deploying Efficiently Modern Applications on Cloud

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    This study analyses some of the leading technologies for the construction and configuration of IT infrastructures to provide services to users. For modern applications, guaranteeing service continuity even in very high computational load or network problems is essential. Our configuration has among the main objectives of being highly available (HA) and horizontally scalable, that is, able to increase the computational resources that can be delivered when needed and reduce them when they are no longer necessary. Various architectural possibilities are analysed, and the central schemes used to tackle problems of this type are also described in terms of disaster recovery. The benefits offered by virtualisation technologies are highlighted and are bought with modern techniques for managing Docker containers that will be used to build the back-end of a sample infrastructure related to a use-case we have developed. In addition to this, an in-depth analysis is reported on the central autoscaling policies that can help manage high loads of requests from users to the services provided by the infrastructure. The results we have presented show an average response time of 21.7 milliseconds with a standard deviation of 76.3 milliseconds showing excellent responsiveness. Some peaks are associated with high-stress events for the infrastructure, but the response time does not exceed 2 s even in this case. The results of the considered use case studied for nine months are presented and discussed. In the study period, we improved the back-end configuration and defined the main metrics to deploy the web application efficiently

    Empowering Knowledge With Virtual and Augmented Reality

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    Recent global advancements in ICT technologies have motivated our research to assess the impact of Virtual and Augmented Reality on teaching and learning. In particular, we conducted a rigorous study on the effects on learning by subjecting classes of students to an experience of these emerging technologies and measuring their feelings before and after the experiment through questionnaires. We carried out the research involving three high schools and a total of 162 students aged between 15 and 20. During the meetings, we made available two applications that we developed. The first is a Virtual Reality environment that enables the user to explore a room in which the system spawns three-dimensional objects defined by the teacher. The objects may represent mathematical functions, physics simulations, scenes relating to historical re-enactments, etc. The second is an Augmented Reality smartphone application that allows three-dimensional figures to be observed via the smartphone screen by framing a marker printed on paper. Both applications are realised with free software, trying to minimise the technical requirements for their operation and guaranteeing reliability and usability. The work concludes by analysing the results obtained and comparing the effectiveness of the two technologies tested. Results of tests conducted in three Italian schools show that Augmented Reality is seen as a useful tool in education by about 94.43%. Importantly, the use of these technologies requires an inclusive design that involves all students, regardless of their level of familiarity with the technology. The overall analysis reveals that both technologies performed well, and students value them for their intuitiveness and level of immersion. The in presence experience is more effective for using immersive applications fostered by student collaboration
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