16 research outputs found

    A dynamic neural field approach to natural and efficient human-robot collaboration

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    A major challenge in modern robotics is the design of autonomous robots that are able to cooperate with people in their daily tasks in a human-like way. We address the challenge of natural human-robot interactions by using the theoretical framework of dynamic neural fields (DNFs) to develop processing architectures that are based on neuro-cognitive mechanisms supporting human joint action. By explaining the emergence of self-stabilized activity in neuronal populations, dynamic field theory provides a systematic way to endow a robot with crucial cognitive functions such as working memory, prediction and decision making . The DNF architecture for joint action is organized as a large scale network of reciprocally connected neuronal populations that encode in their firing patterns specific motor behaviors, action goals, contextual cues and shared task knowledge. Ultimately, it implements a context-dependent mapping from observed actions of the human onto adequate complementary behaviors that takes into account the inferred goal of the co-actor. We present results of flexible and fluent human-robot cooperation in a task in which the team has to assemble a toy object from its components.The present research was conducted in the context of the fp6-IST2 EU-IP Project JAST (proj. nr. 003747) and partly financed by the FCT grants POCI/V.5/A0119/2005 and CONC-REEQ/17/2001. We would like to thank Luis Louro, Emanuel Sousa, Flora Ferreira, Eliana Costa e Silva, Rui Silva and Toni Machado for their assistance during the robotic experiment

    Optimal Aerodynamic Design under Uncertainty

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    Recently, optimization has become an integral part of the aerodynamic design process chain. However, because of uncertainties with respect to the flight conditions and geometry uncertainties, a design optimized by a traditional design optimization method seeking only optimality may not achieve its expected performance. Robust optimization deals with optimal designs, which are robust with respect to small (or even large) perturbations of the optimization setpoint conditions. That means, the optimal designs computed should still be good designs, even if the input parameters for the optimization problem formulation are changed by a non-negligible amount. Thus even more experimental or numerical effort can be saved. In this paper, we aim at an improvement of existing simulation and optimization technology, developed in the German collaborative effort MEGADESIGN1, so that numerical uncertainties are identified, quantized and included in the overall optimization procedure, thus making robust design in this sense possible. We introduce two robust formulations of the aerodynamic optimization problem which we numerically compare in a 2d testcase under uncertain flight conditions. Beside the scalar valued uncertainties we consider the shape itself as an uncertainty source and apply a Karhunen-Loève expansion to approximate the infinite-dimensional probability space. To overcome the curse of dimensionality an adaptively refined sparse grid is used in order to compute statistics of the solution

    Evolving spiking neural networks and neurogenetic systems for spatio-and spectro-temporal data modelling and pattern recognition

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    Spatio- and spectro-temporal data (SSTD) are the most common types of data collected in many domain areas, including engineering, bioinformatics, neuroinformatics, ecology, environment, medicine, economics, etc. However, there is lack of methods for the efficient analysis of such data and for spatio-temporal pattern recognition (STPR). The brain functions as a spatio-temporal information processing machine and deals extremely well with spatio-temporal data. Its organisation and functions have been the inspiration for the development of new methods for SSTD analysis and STPR. The brain-inspired spiking neural networks (SNN) are considered the third generation of neural networks and are a promising paradigm for the creation of new intelligent ICT for SSTD. This new generation of computational models and systems are potentially capable of modelling complex information processes due to their ability to represent and integrate different information dimensions, such as time, space, frequency, and phase, and to deal with large volumes of data in an adaptive and self-organising manner. The paper reviews methods and systems of SNN for SSTD analysis and STPR, including single neuronal models, evolving spiking neural networks (eSNN) and computational neuro-genetic models (CNGM). Software and hardware implementations and some pilot applications for audio-visual pattern recognition, EEG data analysis, cognitive robotic systems, BCI, neurodegenerative diseases, and others are discussed

    Paternalistic Leadership: A Review and Agenda for Future Research

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    The growing interest in paternalistic leadership research has led to a recent proliferation of diverse definitions and perspectives, as well as a limited number of empirical studies. Consequently, the diversity of perspectives has resulted in conceptual ambiguities, as well as contradictory empirical findings. In this article, the authors review research on paternalistic leadership in an effort to assess the current state of the literature. They investigate the construct of paternalistic leadership and review the findings related to its outcomes and antecedents as well as the various measurement scales used in paternalistic leadership research. On the basis of this review, the article concludes with an agenda for future theoretical and empirical research on this emerging and intriguing new area for leadership research