27 research outputs found

    Frequency of onychomycoses in chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis at a referral hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil

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    Onychomycosis is one of the most frequent infections affectingthe fingernails or the toenails and it is caused mainly by dermatophytes. Theaim of the study was to assess the frequency of onychomycoses in hemodialysispatients and to relate sex, age, duration of hemodialysis and causesof renal failure to the development of nail disorders. The study included 100patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. The patientsunderwent detailed clinical examination of the toenails and those with anykind of clinical finding had nail scraping for mycological testing. In the studypopulation, the frequency of onychomycosis was 39%. The most commonlyisolated fungi were dermatophytes (69.23%), Candida spp. (15.38%) andnondermatophyte molds (15.38%). T. interdigitale was the most prevalentfungus followed by Candida ssp. and T. rubrum. The risk of onychomycosisincreases by 1.9% for each additional year in age and diabetic patientsare 88% more likely to develop onychomycosis than nondiabetic ones. Theduration of hemodialysis treatment and sex were not associated with thedevelopment of onychomycosis. In conclusion, in hemodialysis patients,the frequency of onychomycosis was higher in those at advanced age andwith diabetes