577 research outputs found

    On a two variable class of Bernstein-Szego measures

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    The one variable Bernstein-Szego theory for orthogonal polynomials on the real line is extended to a class of two variable measures. The polynomials orthonormal in the total degree ordering and the lexicographical ordering are constructed and their recurrence coefficients discussed.Comment: minor change

    The Volatile Composition of the Split Ecliptic comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3: A Comparison of Fragments C and B

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    The composition of fragments C and B of the Jupiter-family comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (SW3) was investigated in early April of 2006 at IR wavelengths using high-dispersion echelle spectroscopy. Both fragments were depleted in ethane, and C was depleted in most forms of volatile carbon. In particular, fragment C shows a severe depletion of CH_(3)OH but a "normal" abundance of HCN (which has a similar volatility). Thermal processing is a possible explanation, but since fragment B is perhaps sublimating fresher material because of the frequent outbursts and fragmentation, the observed depletions might have cosmogonic implications. The chemistry of the volatile ices in SW3, like in the Oort Cloud comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), may be associated with sublimation of icy mantles from precometary grains followed by subsequent gas-phase chemistry and recondensation

    Non-detection of L-band Line Emission from the Exoplanet HD189733b

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    We attempt to confirm bright non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) emission from the exoplanet HD 189733b at 3.25 μm, as recently reported by Swain et al. based on observations at low spectral resolving power (λ/δλ ≈ 30). Non-LTE emission lines from gas in an exoplanet atmosphere will not be significantly broadened by collisions, so the measured emission intensity per resolution element must be substantially brighter when observed at high spectral resolving power. We observed the planet before, during, and after a secondary eclipse event at a resolving power λ/δλ = 27, 000 using the NIRSPEC spectrometer on the Keck II telescope. Our spectra cover a spectral window near the peak found by Swain et al., and we compare emission cases that could account for the magnitude and wavelength dependence of the Swain et al. result with our final spectral residuals. To model the expected line emission, we use a general non-equilibrium formulation to synthesize emission features from all plausible molecules that emit in this spectral region. In every case, we detect no line emission to a high degree of confidence. After considering possible explanations for the Swain et al. results and the disparity with our own data, we conclude that an astrophysical source for the putative non-LTE emission is unlikely. We note that the wavelength dependence of the signal seen by Swain et al. closely matches the 2ν_2 band of water vapor at 300 K, and we suggest that an imperfect correction for telluric water is the source of the feature claimed by Swain et al

    On the Markov sequence problem for Jacobi polynomials

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    We give a simple and entirely elementary proof of Gasper's theorem on the Markov sequence problem for Jacobi polynomials. It is based on the spectral analysis of an operator that arises in the study of a probabilistic model of colliding molecules introduced by Marc Kac. In the process, we obtain some new integral formulas for ratios of Jacobi polynomials that generalize Gasper's product formula and a well known formula of Koornwinder.Comment: The second version contains additional material and references. In particular, we discuss a product formula of Koornwider and Schwarz, and show how it may be proved using the methods developed here

    On Certain Two Dimensional Integrals that Appear In Conformal Field Theory

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    In a first part, we generalize a theorem for an holomorphic ×\times anti-holomorphic integrand, in the case of 2 dimensional Fourier transform. In the second part, we derive p-uple conformal integrals the integrand of which are linear combination of holomorphic times holomorphic generalized hypergeometric functions. The specific case p=3p=3 is relevant to determine the triple Pomeron vertex in QCD.Comment: latex txt.tex, 3 files, 39 pages [SPhT-T00/034], submitted to Comm. Math. Phy