5 research outputs found

    Changing explicit and implicit attitudes: the case of self-esteem

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    Three experiments investigated predictions concerning asymmetrical patterns of implicit and explicit self-esteem change. Specifically, we investigated the influence of knowledge about the own self that is momentarily salient as well as the influence of affective valence associated with the self in memory on implicit and explicit self-esteem. The latter was induced by evaluative conditioning, the former by directed thinking about oneself. We found that while evaluative conditioning changed implicit but not explicit self-esteem (Experiment 1), thinking about the own self altered explicit but not implicit self-esteem (Experiment 2). Moreover, in a third experiment, it could be shown that the effect of evaluative conditioning can spill over to the explicit level when participants are asked to focus on their feelings prior to making their self-report judgements (Experiment 3). Implications of our results are discussed in terms of recent controversies regarding dual process models of attitudes and associative versus propositional modes of information processing

    A German Scale for Ambivalent Sexisms (Hostility and Benevolence) toward Men

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    Sexismus wurde in der Vergangenheit vor allem im deutschen Sprachraum fast ausschließlich mit Frauenfeindlichkeit gleichgesetzt. Diese Sichtweise repräsentiert jedoch nur einen zwar bedeutsamen, aber eben nicht vollständigen Aspekt des Konstrukts Sexismus und dessen sozialer Realität. Auf der Grundlage der Theorie des ambivalenten Sexismus (Fiske & Glick, 1996; Glick & Fiske, 2001), nach der Sexismus nicht mehr nur ausschließlich negativ und auch nicht mehr nur gegen Frauen gerichtet verstanden wird, stellen wir eine deutschsprachige Version des „Ambivalence toward Men Inventory“ (AMI; Glick & Fiske 1999, 2001) vor und überprüfen sie empirisch. Diese Skala zielt darauf ab, ambivalente Einstellungen bestehend aus den beiden Teilkomponenten „Hostilität“ (Feindseligkeit) und „Benevolenz“ (Fürsorglichkeit) gegenüber Männern zu erfassen. Erste Untersuchungen an zwei Stichproben (N = 191 Studierende, N = 356 Befragte einer Internetstichprobe) weisen die Skala mit 20 Items als reliabel und valide aus. Durch Strukturgleichungsmodellierung konnten die beiden Komponenten „Hostilität“ und „Benevolenz“ sowie ihre jeweiligen Teilkomponenten „Paternalismus / Maternalismus“, „Geschlechterdifferenzierung“ und „Heterosexualität“ weitgehend bestätigt werden.In the past, sexism has almost exclusively been conceived as equivalent to hostile attitudes toward women. Such a view, however, reflects an important although not comprehensive aspect of the sexism construct. Based on the theory of Ambivalent Sexism (Fiske & Glick 1996, Glick & Fiske 2001), according to which sexism in not a purely negative attitude and not exclusively directed toward women, we develop a German version of the „Ambivalence toward Men Inventory„ (AMI; Glick & Fiske 1999, 2001) and evaluate it empirically. This scale aims at capturing ambivalent attitudes toward men and consists of the two domains 'hostility' and 'benevolence'. Initial studies on two samples (N=191 students, N=356 participants of an internet study) reveal the internal reliability and validity of the German version of this scale. By means of structural equation modelling we were able to find some evidence for the posited hierarchical structure of the instrument with the domains ‘hostility’ and ‘benevolence’ and their subcomponents ‘paternalism’ / ‘maternalism’, ‘gender differentiation’, and ‘heterosexuality’