5 research outputs found

    Non-motor tasks improve adaptive brain-computer interface performance in users with severe motor impairment

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    Individuals with severe motor impairment can use event-related desynchronization (ERD) based BCIs as assistive technology. Auto-calibrating and adaptive ERD-based BCIs that users control with motor imagery tasks (" SMR-AdBCI ") have proven effective for healthy users. We aim to find an improved configuration of such an adaptive ERD-based BCI for individuals with severe motor impairment as a result of spinal cord injury (SCI) or stroke. We hypothesized that an adaptive ERD-based BCI, that automatically selects a user specific class-combination from motor-related and non motor-related mental tasks during initial auto-calibration ("Auto-AdBCI") could allow for higher control performance than a conventional SMR-AdBCI. To answer this question we performed offline analyses on two sessions (21 data sets total) of cue-guided, five-class electroencephalography (EEG) data recorded from individuals with SCI or stroke. On data from the twelve individuals in Session 1, we first identified three bipolar derivations for the SMR-AdBCI. In a similar way, we determined three bipolar derivations and four mental tasks for the Auto-AdBCI. We then simulated both, the SMR-AdBCI and the Auto-AdBCI configuration on the unseen data from the nine participants in Session 2 and compared the results. On the unseen data of Session 2 from individuals with SCI or stroke, we found that automatically selecting a user specific class-combination from motor-related and non motor-related mental tasks during initial auto-calibration (Auto-AdBCI) significantly (p < 0.01) improved classification performance compared to an adaptive ERD-based BCI that only used motor imagery tasks (SMR-AdBCI ; average accuracy of 75.7 vs. 66.3%)

    The role of transient target stimuli in a steady-state somatosensory evoked potential-based brain-computer interface setup

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    In earlier literature, so-called twitches were used to support a user in a steady-state somatosensory evoked potential (SSSEP) based brain-computer interface (BCI) to focus attention on the requested targets. Within this work, we investigate the impact of these transient target stimuli on SSSEPs in a real-life BCI setup. A hybrid BCI was designed which combines SSSEPs and P300 potentials evoked by twitches randomly embedded into the streams of tactile stimuli. The EEG of fourteen healthy subjects was recorded, while their left and right index fingers were simultaneously stimulated using frequencies selected in a screening procedure. The subjects were randomly instructed by a cue on a screen to focus attention on one or none of the fingers. Feature for SSSEPs and P300 potentials were extracted and classified using separately trained multi-class shrinkage LDA classifiers. Three-class classification accuracies significantly better than random could be reached by nine subjects using SSSEP features and by twelve subjects using P300 features respectively. The average classification accuracies were 48.6% using SSSEP and 50.7% using P300 features. By means of a Monte Carlo permutation test it could be shown that twitches have an attenuation effect on the SSSEP. Significant SSSEP blocking effects time-locked to twitch positions were found in seven subjects. Our findings suggest that the attempt to combine different types of stimulation signals like repetitive signals and twitches has a mutual influence on each other, which may be the main reason for the rather moderate BCI performance. This influence is originated at the level of stimulus generation but becomes apparent as physiological effect in the SSSEP. When designing a hybrid BCI based on SSSEPs and P300 potentials, one has to find an optimal tradeoff depending on the overall design goals or individual subjects' performance. Our results give therefore some new insights that may be useful for the successful design of hybrid BCIs

    Detection of mental imagery and attempted movements in patients with disorders of consciousness using EEG

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    Further development of an EEG based communication device for patients with disorders of consciousness (DoC) could benefit from addressing the following gaps in knowledge – first, an evaluation of different types of motor imagery; second, an evaluation of passive feet movement as a mean of an initial classifier setup; and third, rapid delivery of biased feedback. To that end we investigated whether complex and / or familiar mental imagery, passive, and attempted feet movement can be reliably detected in patients with DoC using EEG recordings, aiming to provide them with a means of communication. Six patients in a minimally conscious state (MCS) took part in this study. The patients were verbally instructed to perform different mental imagery tasks (sport, navigation), as well as attempted feet movements, to induce distinctive event-related (de)synchronization (ERD/S) patterns in the EEG. Offline classification accuracies above chance level were reached in all three tasks (i.e. attempted feet, sport, and navigation), with motor tasks yielding significant (p<0.05) results more often than navigation (sport: 10 out of 18 sessions; attempted feet: 7 out of 14 sessions; navigation: 4 out of 12 sessions). The passive feet movements, evaluated in one patient, yielded mixed results: whereas time-frequency analysis revealed task-related EEG changes over neurophysiological plausible cortical areas, the classification results were not significant enough (p<0.05) to setup an initial classifier for the detection of attempted movements. Concluding, the results presented in this study are consistent with the current state of the art in similar studies, to which we contributed by comparing different types of mental tasks, notably complex motor imagery and attempted feet movements, within patients. Furthermore, we explored new venues, such as an evaluation of passive feet movement as a mean of an initial classifier setup, and rapid delivery of biased feedback

    Brisk heart rate and EEG changes during execution and withholding of cue-paced foot motor imagery

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    Cue-paced motor imagery is a frequently used mental strategy to realize a Brain-Computer Interace (BCI). Recently it has been reported that 2 motor imagery tasks can be separated with a high accuracy within the first second after cue presentation onset. To investigate this phenomenon in detail we studied the dynamics of motor cortex beta oscillations in EEG and the changes in heart rate (HR) during visual cue-paced foot imagery using a go (execution of imagery) versus nogo (withholding of imagery) paradigm in 16 healthy subjects. Both execution and withholding of motor imagery resulted in a brisk centrally localized beta ERD with a maximum at ~ 400 ms and a concomitant HR deceleration. We found that response patterns within the first second after stimulation differed between conditions. The ERD was significantly larger in go as compared to nogo. In contrast the HR deceleration was somewhat smaller and followed by an acceleration in go as compared to nogo. These findings suggest that the early beta ERD reflects visually induced preparatory activity in motor cortex networks. Both the early beta ERD and HR deceleration are the result of automatic operating processes that are likely part of the orienting reflex. Of interest, however, is that the preparatory cortical activity is strengthened and the HR modulated already within the first second after stimulation during the execution of motor imagery. The subtraction of the HR time course of the nogo from the go condition revealed a slight HR acceleration in the first seconds most likely due to the increased mental effort associated with the imagery process