15 research outputs found

    Combined SEM (secondary electrons, backscatter, cathodoluminescence) and atomic force microscope investigation of fracture surfaces in Martian meteorite ALH84001: preliminary results

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    A variety of microscope techniques have been used to study surficial phenomena on the fracture surfaces of the Martian meteorite ALH84001. The aim of the investigation was to determine the most useful microscopy methods in the search for morphological signs of biogenic activity. Emphasis was placed on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using secondary, backscatter and cathodoluminescence modes combined with observation of samples at a variety of accelerating voltages. High resolution SEM imaging was compared with atomic force microscopy. These techniques revealed a number of structures of possible abiotic and biotic origin: (1) a large, fibrous-looking carbonaceous structure, (2) fine, flaky films coating pyroxene surfaces, (3) finely granular calcium carbonate deposit is associated with the fine film, and (4) lacy-structured, mineralized polymers on the pyroxene surface. Another sample contains further evidence of water-lain deposits in a cracked, iron oxide coat on a fracture surface

    Optimizing large organ scale micro computed tomography imaging in pig and human hearts using a novel air-drying technique

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    Abstract Underlying electrical propagation in the heart and potentially fatal arrhythmia is the cardiac microstructure. Despite the critical role of muscle architecture, a non-destructive approach to examine not only myocyte orientation, but cellular arrangement in to laminar organization is lacking in hearts from translational animal models and humans. X-ray micro computed tomography using contrast enhancing agents achieves three-dimensional images at near-histological resolutions. However, imaging large mammalian hearts presents challenges including X-ray over-attenuation and loss of image contrast. The goal of this study was to rethink tissue pre-treatment to optimize, and benefit from micro computed tomography imaging resolution in large tissues. Whole pig and human hearts were dehydrated and perfused with a tissue reinforcing agent, hexamethyldisilazane, and slowly air-dried. Heart morphology was conserved and temporally stable. This enabled direct air-mounting for micro computed tomography imaging. Moreover, the desiccated tissue density was significantly reduced compared to the initial hydrated state (P=0.04). Three-dimensional image reconstructions of air-dried hearts segmented using a single intensity threshold revealed detailed microstructural architecture of myolaminae. Conversely, one-step segmentation of hearts loaded with contrast agents poorly estimated the gross anatomical morphology of the heart and lacked identification of tissue microarchitecture. Air-drying large mammalian hearts optimizes X-ray imaging of cardiac microstructure

    Chemical Microscopy

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