141 research outputs found

    Discurso de investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa del Prof. Dr. Randall M. German

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    Nombrado Doctor Honoris Causa el día 20 de febrero de 200

    Solidification characteristics of atomized AlCu4Mg1-SiC composite powders

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    In this study, rapidly solidified metal matrix composite powders have been produced by PREP (Plasma rotating electrode process) atomization. AlCu4Mg1 alloy is used as the matrix material while SiC particles, with about 650 nm average particle size, are used as the reinforcement phase. The microstructural and solidification characteristics of composite particles are studied using optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The relationship between secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) and particle diameter was examined, and these composite powders were found to have dendritic and equiaxed solidification with a fine eutectic phase. SDAS measurements using various sized particles show that secondary dendrite arm spacing slightly decreases with the decrease in particle size

    Multi-Scale Modeling of Liquid Phase Sintering Affected by Gravity: Preliminary Analysis

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    A multi-scale simulation concept taking into account impact of gravity on liquid phase sintering is described. The gravity influence can be included at both the micro- and macro-scales. At the micro-scale, the diffusion mass-transport is directionally modified in the framework of kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations to include the impact of gravity. The micro-scale simulations can provide the values of the constitutive parameters for macroscopic sintering simulations. At the macro-scale, we are attempting to embed a continuum model of sintering into a finite-element framework that includes the gravity forces and substrate friction. If successful, the finite elements analysis will enable predictions relevant to space-based processing, including size and shape and property predictions. Model experiments are underway to support the models via extraction of viscosity moduli versus composition, particle size, heating rate, temperature and time

    The effect of Fe atoms on the adsorption of a W atom on W(100) surface

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    We report a first-principles calculation that models the effect of iron (Fe) atoms on the adsorption of a tungsten (W) atom on W(100) surfaces. The adsorption of a W atom on a clean W(100) surface is compared with that of a W atom on a W(100) surface covered with a monolayer of Fe atoms. The total energy of the system is computed as the function of the height of the W adatom. Our result shows that the W atom first adsorbs on top of the Fe monolayer. Then the W atom can replace one of the Fe atoms through a path with a moderate energy barrier and reduce its energy further. This intermediate site makes the adsorption (and desorption) of W atoms a two-step process in the presence of Fe atoms and lowers the overall adsorption energy by nearly 2.4 eV. The Fe atoms also provide a surface for W atoms to adsorb facilitating the diffusion of W atoms. The combination of these two effects result in a much more efficient desorption and diffusion of W atoms in the presence of Fe atoms. Our result provides a fundamental mechanism that can explain the activated sintering of tungsten by Fe atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Processing model for tungsten powders and extention to nanoscale size range

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    Nanoscale tungsten powders promise access to very hard, strong and wear resistant materials via the press–sinter route. A small particle size changes the response during sintering, requiring lower temperatures and shorter times to attain dense but small grain size structures. On the other hand, oxide reduction and impurity evaporation favour high sintering temperatures and long hold times. Accordingly, press–sinter processing encounters conflicting constraints when applied to small particles. Presented here is an analysis of press–sinter tungsten particle processing to isolate conditions that balance the temperature and size dependent effects. The calculations are pinned by existing data. Opportunities are identified for new consolidation approaches to deliver a small grain size in a full density structure

    Gravitational Role in Liquid Phase Sintering

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    To comprehensively understand the gravitational effects on the evolution of both the microstructure and the macrostructure during liquid phase sintering, W-Ni-Fe alloys with W content varying from 35 to 98 wt.% were sintered in microgravity. Compositions that slump during ground-based sintering also distort when sintered under microgravity. In ground-based sintering, low solid content alloys distort with a typical elephant-foot profile, while in microgravity, the compacts tend to spheroidize. This study shows that microstructural segregation occurs in both ground-based as well as microgravity sintering. In ground-based experiments, because of the density difference between the solid and the liquid phase, the solid content increases from top to the bottom of the sample. In microgravity, the solid content increases from periphery to the center of the samples. This study also shows that the pores during microgravity sintering act as a stable phase and attain anomalous shapes

    Pressure-dependent transition from atoms to nanoparticles in magnetron sputtering: Effect on WSi2 film roughness and stress

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    We report on the transition between two regimes from several-atom clusters to much larger nanoparticles in Ar magnetron sputter deposition of WSi2, and the effect of nanoparticles on the properties of amorphous thin films and multilayers. Sputter deposition of thin films is monitored by in situ x-ray scattering, including x-ray reflectivity and grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering. The results show an abrupt transition at an Ar background pressure Pc; the transition is associated with the threshold for energetic particle thermalization, which is known to scale as the product of the Ar pressure and the working distance between the magnetron source and the substrate surface. Below Pc smooth films are produced, while above Pc roughness increases abruptly, consistent with a model in which particles aggregate in the deposition flux before reaching the growth surface. The results from WSi2 films are correlated with in situ measurement of stress in WSi2/Si multilayers, which exhibits a corresponding transition from compressive to tensile stress at Pc. The tensile stress is attributed to coalescence of nanoparticles and the elimination of nano-voids.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures; v3: published versio

    Hierarchical Neutrino Mass Matrices, CP violation and Leptogenesis

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    In this work we study examples of hierarchical neutrino mass matrices inspired by family symmetries, compatible with experiments on neutrino oscillations, and for which there is a connection among the low energy CP violation phase associated to neutrino oscillations, the phases appearing in the amplitude of neutrinoless double beta decay, and the phases relevant for leptogenesis. In particular, we determine the predictions from a texture based on an underlying SU(3) family symmetry together with a GUT symmetry, and a strong hierarchy for the masses of the heavy right handed Majorana masses. We also give some examples of inverted hierarchies of neutrino masses, which may be motivated in the context of U(1) family symmetries.Comment: 34 pages. Replaced with published version -typos, corrections and references adde