1,173 research outputs found

    Towards a Semantic Search Engine for Scientific Articles

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    Because of the data deluge in scientific publication, finding relevant information is getting harder and harder for researchers and readers. Building an enhanced scientific search engine by taking semantic relations into account poses a great challenge. As a starting point, semantic relations between keywords from scientific articles could be extracted in order to classify articles. This might help later in the process of browsing and searching for content in a meaningful scientific way. Indeed, by connecting keywords, the context of the article can be extracted. This paper aims to provide ideas to build such a smart search engine and describes the initial contributions towards achieving such an ambitious goal

    Problématique linguistique en Haïti et réforme éducative : quelques constats

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    Cet article traite de la situation du français en HaĂŻti. AprĂšs un survol de l'aspect historique de la situation diglossique en HaĂŻti, l'auteur expose les visĂ©es de la derniĂšre rĂ©forme de l'Ă©ducation, Ă  savoir accroĂźtre la scolarisation de base et l'utilisation du crĂ©ole en classe. Une Ă©tude des donnĂ©es du ministĂšre de l'Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports ne montre pas de gain Ă©ducatif depuis dix ans. La rĂ©forme, faute d'appuis pertinents, n'a pas atteint ses objectifs, notamment quantitatifs, mĂȘme si elle a contribuĂ© au maintien d'une sĂ©quence de scolarisation normale. Chez les jeunes, la valorisation du crĂ©ole n'est pas Ă©vidente malgrĂ© les acquis que la langue a enregistrĂ©s dans le domaine de la vie politique.This article describes the state of the French language in HaĂŻti. Following a review of the historical aspect of diglossia in HaĂŻti, the author delineates the objectives of the last educational reform which included an increase in the level of basic schooling and the use of crĂ©ole in the classroom. A study of the data from the Minister of National Education, Youth, and Sports shows no increase in the level of education in the last 10 years. While the reform did not attain this objective, due to lack of support, the author notes that it did contribute to maintaining the normal schooling sequence. For young people, the value of the crĂ©ole is not strong even though the language has acquired more status in the political sphere.En este articulo se discute la situacion del francĂ©s en Haiti. DespuĂ©s de un resumen del aspecto historico de la situacion diglosica en Haiti, el autor expone los objetivos de la ultima reforma educativa, a saber, aumentar la escolaridad de base y el uso del crĂ©ole en la clase. Un estudio de datos provenientes del Ministerio de Educacion, Justicia y DĂ©portes no muestra ninguna ganancia educativa en los liltimos diez anos. Carente del apoyo necesario, la reforma no alcanzo sus objetivos, particularmente cuantitativos, aun cuando contribuyo al mantenimiento de una secuencia de escolaridad normal. En los jovenes, la valorization del crĂ©ole no es Ă©vidente a pesar de las ganancias hechas por esa lengua en la vida politica.Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Lage des FranzĂŽsischen in Haiti. Der Autor stellt zunĂąchst zusammenfassend die Geschichte der ungleichen Zweisprachigkeit in Haiti dar und erklĂąrt dann, was mit der jiingsten Erziehungsreform angestrebt wurde, nĂ mlich eine breitere schulische Erfassung und den Gebrauch des Kreolischen in der Schule. Eine Untersuchung der Daten des Erziehungsministeriums zeigt keinen schulischen Gewinn seit zehn Jahren. Vor alien Dingen in quantitativer Sicht konnte die Reform ihr Ziel nicht erreichen, auch wenn sie zu einem grĂŽfieren Parallelismus zwischen Altersstufen und Schuljahren beigetragen hat. Das Kreolische ist bei den Jugendlichen noch kaum valorisiert, obwohl diĂšse Sprache auf politischem Gebiet mittlerweile hoher bewertet wird

    A new test methodology based on structural resonance for mode I fatigue delamination growth in an unidirectional composite

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    A specific device has been set up to test by vibration resonance the mode I fatigue delamination growth onset of composite laminates. This test system, based on the DCB test specimen, is a mass-spring-specimen dynamic system designed to resonate. The defined operating conditions allow performing delamination propagation tests under imposed load and stopping the test under reproducible conditions, identical to the ones recommended in the ASTM-D6115 standard. This system allows fatigue tests to be driven up to 100Hz, reducing the time taken by a factor of ten without detrimental heat being generated in the material. The effect of frequency on the fatigue delamination growth on mode I has been investigated through a comparison with standard tests performed at 10Hz. A decrease in resistance to the propagation of delamination is observed with the increase in frequency for the composite studied. This frequency effect seems to be a strain rate effect and was taken in consideration by using dynamical critical energy restitution rate for the G-N curve plotting

    La mémoire retrouvée : le centenaire du CCF et la recherche de son histoire

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    Cet article aborde en deux temps une rĂ©flexion sur l’histoire d’entreprise. En premier lieu, il dresse un certain nombre de constats prĂ©liminaires sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt portĂ© aujourd’hui par les entreprises Ă  leur histoire et sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la conservation de la mĂ©moire. Quelques pistes sur les perspectives technologiques qu’ouvre la modĂ©lisation des connaissances sont par la mĂȘme occasion esquissĂ©es. En second lieu, la dĂ©marche accomplie par le CCF Ă  l’occasion de la cĂ©lĂ©bration de son centenaire en 1994 est prĂ©sentĂ©e de façon dĂ©taillĂ©e. L’article dĂ©veloppe les intentions initiales, prĂ©sente les mĂ©thodes d’investigation utilisĂ©es, dĂ©finit le rĂŽle des partenaires. Il Ă©voque la dĂ©marche globale de communication rĂ©alisĂ©e par le CCF Ă  l’intention de ses publics internes et externes (clients, prescripteurs). Par ailleurs, il prĂ©sente les diffĂ©rents supports rĂ©alisĂ©s dans le cadre du centenaire (livre d’histoire, film, convention d’entreprise, opĂ©rations destinĂ©es Ă  la clientĂšle, etc.). Enfin, aprĂšs une Ă©vocation des retombĂ©es du centenaire et de la poursuite de l’action de sauvegarde historique, une conclusion aborde la portĂ©e rĂ©elle d’une communication historique.This article addresses the field of corporate history, in two parts. Its begins by reviewing the current way if interest among corporations for research into their past and the need to preserve historical records. It identifies a few areas in which new technologies based on modeling techniques offer promising prospects. Secondly. the author takes a defailed look at the program adopted by CCF at the time of the bank’s centenary in 1994. The article examines the bank’s initial objectives. describes how it went about achieving these, and defines the roles of the partners involved. Il discusses the overall Communications policy adopted by CCF for internal and external purposes (clients, decision-malers), and reviews different products developed to commemorate the centenary : a corporate history in book form. film, a company-wide agreement, special operations targeting clients, etc. After reviewing spin-offs of the centenary celebration and the banks on-going efforts to preserve records of its past, the conclusion considers the scope and impact of a Communications drive based on corporate history

    La raison d’ĂȘtre de l’engagement professionnel chez des enseignantes du primaire selon une perspective existentielle

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    Cet article fait Ă©tat des rĂ©sultats d’une recherche sur le processus de dĂ©veloppement et de maintien de l’engagement professionnel chez des enseignantes du primaire. La recherche s’est appuyĂ©e sur le postulat que toute personne a besoin de donner un sens Ă  sa vie et que ce sens peut se trouver par l’engagement dans un travail signifiant, en l’occurrence l’enseignement. L’analyse des donnĂ©es recueillies lors des entretiens rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs de douze enseignantes a rendu possible l’établissement d’une thĂ©orie ancrĂ©e. Ce texte portera sur les motivations existentielles des enseignantes qui ont participĂ© Ă  cette recherche Ă  s’engager dans la profession, soit la construction du soi, le dĂ©vouement Ă  l’autre et la contribution sociale.This article presents results of a research on primary teachers’ process of development and maintenance of their professional commitment. This research is based on the theory that each person needs to give meaning to his life, that meaning can be found through a commitment to significant work, in this case, teaching. An analysis of data collected in interviews with twelve teachers allowed the authors to establish a foundation for their theory. This text describes the participant teachers’ existential motivations regarding commitment to the teaching profession, including the construction of one’s self-image, the devotion to others, and the social contribution.Este artĂ­culo presenta algunos resultados de una investigaciĂłn sobre el proceso de desarrollo y de sostenimiento del compromiso profesional de maestros de la primaria. La investigaciĂłn se fundamentĂł en el postulado que toda persona necesita dar sentido a su vida y que este sentido puede encontrarse en el compromiso en un trabajo significante, en este caso, la docencia. El anĂĄlisis de los datos recolectados durante las conversaciones realizadas con doce maestros ha hecho posible el planteamiento de una teorĂ­a precisa. Este texto se refiere a las motivaciones existenciales para involucrarse en la profesiĂłn de las maestras que participaron a esta investigaciĂłn, es decir en la construcciĂłn del sĂ­, la dedicaciĂłn al otro y la contribuciĂłn social

    RĂ©ception de Monsieur Michel Germain le 6 Avril 2017

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    Vascular and nerve sutures using the Da Vinci-SÂź robot in rats and pigs

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    Alignment of Cells and Extracellular Matrix Within Tissue- Engineered Substitutes

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    Most of the cells in our body are in direct contact with extracellular matrix (ECM) compo‐ nents which constitute a complex network of nano-scale proteins and glycosaminoglycans. Those cells constantly remodel the ECM by different processes. They build it by secreting dif‐ ferent proteins such as collagen, proteoglycans, laminins or degrade it by producing factors such as matrix metalloproteinase (MMP). Cells interact with the ECM via specific receptors, the integrins [1]. They also organize this matrix, guided by different stimuli, to generate pat‐ terns, essential for tissue and organ functions. Reciprocally, cells are guided by the ECM, they modify their morphology and phenotype depending on the protein types and organization via bidirectional integrin signaling [2-4]. In the growing field of tissue engineering [5], control of these aspects are of the utmost importance to create constructs that closely mimic native tis‐ sues. To do so, we must take into account the composition of the scaffold (synthetic, natural, biodegradable or not), its organization and the dimension of the structure. The particular alignment patterns of ECM and cells observed in tissues and organs such as the corneal stroma, vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), tendons, bones and skeletal mus‐ cles are crucial for organ function. SMCs express contraction proteins such as alpha-smoothmuscle (SM)-actin, desmin and myosin [6] that are essential for cell contraction [6]. To result in vessel contraction, the cells and ECM need to be organized in such a way that most cells are elongated in the same axis. For tubular vascular constructs, it is suitable that SMCs align in the circumferential direction, as they do in vivo [7, 8]. Another striking example of align‐ ment is skeletal muscle cells that form long polynuclear cells, all elongated in the same axis. Each cell generates a weak and short contraction pulse but collectively, it results in a strong, long and sustained contraction of the muscle and, in term, a displacement of the member. In the corneal stroma, the particular arrangement of the corneal fibroblasts (keratocytes) and ECM is essential to keep the transparency of this tissue [9-13]. Tendons also present a pecu‐ liar matrix alignment relative to the muscle axis. It gives a substantial resistance and excep‐ tional mechanical properties to the tissue in that axis [14, 15]. Intervertebral discs [16], cartilage [17], dental enamel [18], and basement membrane of epithelium are other examples of tissues/organs that present peculiar cell and matrix organization. By reproducing and controlling those alignment patterns within tissue-engineered substitutes, a more physiolog‐ ical representation of human tissues could be achieved. Taking into account the importance of cell microenvironment on the functionality of tissue engineered organ substitutes, one can assume the importance of being able to customise the 3D structure of the biomaterial or scaffold supporting cell growth. To do so, some methods have been developed and most of them rely on topographic or contact guidance. This is the phenomenon by which cells elongate and migrate in the same axis as the ECM. Topographic guidance was so termed by Curtis and Clark [19] to include cell shape, orientation and movement in the concept of contact guidance described by Harrison [20] and implemented by Weiss [21, 22]. Therefore, if one can achieve ECM alignment, cells will follow the same pattern. Inversely, if cells are aligned on a patterned culture plate, the end result would be aligned ECM deposition [23]. The specific property of tissues or materials that present a variation in their mechanical and structural properties in different axis is called anisotropy. This property can be evaluated ei‐ ther by birefringence measurements [24, 25], mechanical testing in different axis [26], immu‐ nological staining of collagen or actin filaments [23] or direct visualisation of collagen fibrils using their self-fluorescence around 488 nm [27, 28]. Several techniques have been recently developed to mimic the specific alignment of cells within tissues to produce more physiologically relevant constructs. In this chapter, we will describe five different techniques, collagen gel compaction, electromagnetic field, electro‐ spinning of nanofibers, mechanical stimulation and microstructured culture plates

    La formule de financement de la fonction enseignement des universités

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    Le MinistĂšre de l’éducation, du sport et du loisir (MELS) attribue plus de 2,5 milliards de dollars annuellement pour le fonctionnement des universitĂ©s. La plus grande partie de cette somme, Ă  savoir 1,5 milliard, va Ă  la fonction enseignement et est rĂ©partie entre les universitĂ©s selon une formule prĂ©dĂ©terminĂ©e. C’est Ă  cette formule que les auteurs s’intĂ©ressent. Les rĂ©sultats de leurs analyses cherchent Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  la question suivante : le MELS utilise-t-il adĂ©quatement les montants mis Ă  sa disposition par le gouvernement pour financer la fonction enseignement des universitĂ©s? Le Rapport rappelle d’abord le contexte qui a menĂ© Ă  l’adoption en fĂ©vrier 2000 de la Politique quĂ©bĂ©coise de financement des universitĂ©s – Politique qui modifiait, d’une façon majeure, la formule de financement historique des Ă©tablissements universitaires Ă  partir de 2000-2001. AprĂšs avoir analysĂ© l’implantation de cette nouvelle formule par le MELS, on traite ensuite du dĂ©veloppement par un ComitĂ© conjoint MELS-CREPUQ d’une grille de poids relatifs devant servir au financement de la fonction enseignement, conformĂ©ment aux prescriptions de la Politique ministĂ©rielle. Suit un examen de l’insertion en 2006-2007 par le MELS d’une nouvelle grille de pondĂ©ration Ă  l’occasion d’un rĂ©investissement net dans les universitĂ©s. Finalement, on fait ressortir l’inadĂ©quation de l’utilisation de la grille de pondĂ©ration pour le financement des rĂ©sidents en mĂ©decine. Les auteurs tirent de leurs analyses neuf recommandations.
