4 research outputs found

    SÄ kan tvÄng undvikas i vÄrden av sjÀlvskadebeteende - Hur sex kvinnor utifrÄn sina erfarenheter av psykiatrisk vÄrd tÀnker att tvÄng kan undvikas

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    The use of coercion is common in psychiatric care for patients with self-injurious behaviour. These patients are seldom asked about their experiences of being cared for, and even less about their experiences of coercion. The aim of this study was to examine these patients’ experiences of being subjected to coercion in psychiatric care and how they think coercion can be avoided. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six women and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyze the data. Four themes were identified: To have a voice; Distribution of control and responsibility; Voluntary treatment must remain voluntary; Healthcare that is anchored in real life. Constant surveillance was described as the most destructive coercive intervention. Negative experiences resulted in avoidance of healthcare services. To reduce coercion in psychiatric care, the informants highlighted the importance of seeing the patient as able to take responsibility; including, informing and listening to the patient; increasing knowledge about iatrogenic effects, and understanding that threatening to use coercion is coercive. This study enables a wider perspective on what is to be considered coercive in psychiatric care and presents concrete examples of how increased knowledge about self-injury can be a major contribution in the effort to avoid coercion in psychiatric care.AnvĂ€ndandet av tvĂ„ng inom den psykiatriska vĂ„rden för patienter med sjĂ€lvskadebeteende Ă€r utbrett. Individer som skadar sig tillfrĂ„gas sĂ€llan om sina upplevelser av vĂ„rden, Ă€n mindre om sina upplevelser av tvĂ„ng. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur personer som vĂ„rdats för sjĂ€lvskadebeteende upplever en vĂ„rd med tvĂ„ngsinslag och hur de tĂ€nker att tvĂ„ng kan undvikas. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex kvinnor som varit föremĂ„l för psykiatrisk tvĂ„ngsvĂ„rd i samband med sjĂ€lvskadeproblematik. Materialet analyserades med Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) och fyra huvudteman identifierades: Att fĂ„ ha en röst; Fördelning av kontroll och ansvar; LĂ„t frivillig vĂ„rd vara frivillig och En vĂ„rd med förankring i det verkliga livet. Extravak beskrevs som det mest förgörande tvĂ„ngsinslaget. Negativa vĂ„rderfarenheter har lett till att informanterna undviker kontakt med vĂ„rden. För att undvika tvĂ„ng betonades vikten av att se patienten som förmögen att ta ansvar; inkludera, informera och lyssna pĂ„ patienten; öka kunskapen om iatrogena effekter, samt förstĂ„else för att hot om tvĂ„ng ocksĂ„ Ă€r tvĂ„ng. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i patienters upplevelser möjliggörs ett vidare perspektiv pĂ„ vad som Ă€r att betrakta som tvĂ„ng. Resultaten konkretiserar hur ökad kunskap kring sjĂ€lvskadeproblematik kan utgöra ett viktigt bidrag i arbetet med att undvika tvĂ„ng i den psykiatriska vĂ„rden

    Viljan att lyssna och förstÄ : Potters nÀrmande till sjÀlvskada i möte med Foucault, Derrida och Gadamer

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    This study is an attempt to develop the discussion about self-injury with the aid of philosophical discussions about understanding. I will present a reading of the discussion between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida about reason and madness, and also an interpretation of the Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer encounter. These readings focus on the concept of understanding, on the possibility to understand the other and on the possibility to reach out from reason toward the irrational. The project to formulate an ethical approach to self-injury by Nancy Nyquist Potter is then used to bring the question about understanding to life. I conclude that the project of Potter, formulated as “uptake”, is weakened by the fact that she fails to recognize the underlying philosophical problems in stating the possibility to understand the meaning of something that until today has been considered meaningless