13 research outputs found

    Benthic macroinvertebrate community shifts based on Bti-induced chironomid reduction also decrease Odonata emergence

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    Chironomid larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae) often dominate aquatic macroinvertebrate communities and are a key food source for many aquatic predators, such as dragonfly and damselfly larvae (Odonata). Changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate communities may propagate through terrestrial food webs via altered insect emergence. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti)-based larvicides are widely used in mosquito control but can also reduce the abundance of non-biting chironomid larvae. We applied the maximum field rate of Bti used in mosquito control three times to six mesocosms in a replicated floodplain pond mesocosm (FPM) system in spring for two consecutive years, while the remaining six FPMs were untreated. Three weeks after the third Bti application in the first year, we recorded on average a 41% reduction of chironomid larvae in Bti-treated FPMs compared to untreated FPMs and a shift in benthic macroinvertebrate community composition driven by the reduced number of chironomid, Libellulidae and Coenagrionidae larvae (Odonata). Additionally, the number of emerging Libellulidae (estimated by sampling of exuviae in the second year) was reduced by 54% in Bti-treated FPMs. Since Odonata larvae are not directly susceptible to Bti, our results suggest indirect effects due to reduced prey availability (i.e., chironomid larvae) or increased intraguild predation. As Libellulidae include species of conservation concern, the necessity of Bti applications to their habitats, e.g. floodplains, should be carefully evaluated

    Protein Aggregation on Metal Oxides Governs Catalytic Activity and Cellular Uptake.

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    Engineering of catalytically active inorganic nanomaterials holds promising prospects for biomedicine. Catalytically active metal oxides show applications in enhancing wound healing but have also been employed to induce cell death in photodynamic or radiation therapy. Upon introduction into a biological system, nanomaterials are exposed to complex fluids, causing interaction and adsorption of ions and proteins. While protein corona formation on nanomaterials is acknowledged, its modulation of nanomaterial catalytic efficacy is less understood. In this study, proteomic analyses and nano-analytic methodologies quantify and characterize adsorbed proteins, correlating this protein layer with metal oxide catalytic activity in vitro and in vivo. The protein corona comprises up to 280 different proteins, constituting up to 38% by weight. Enhanced complement factors and other opsonins on nanocatalyst surfaces lead to their uptake into macrophages when applied topically, localizing >99% of the nanomaterials in tissue-resident macrophages. Initially, the formation of the protein corona significantly reduces the nanocatalysts' activity, but this activity can be partially recovered in endosomal conditions due to the proteolytic degradation of the corona. Overall, the research reveals the complex relationship between physisorbed proteins and the catalytic characteristics of specific metal oxide nanoparticles, providing design parameters for optimizing nanocatalysts in complex biological environments

    Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Data Sets: Description, Management, and Delivery

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    Abstract The ACT‐America project is a NASA Earth Venture Suborbital‐2 mission designed to study the transport and fluxes of greenhouse gases. The open and freely available ACT‐America data sets provide airborne in situ measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide, methane, trace gases, aerosols, clouds, and meteorological properties, airborne remote sensing measurements of aerosol backscatter, atmospheric boundary layer height and columnar content of atmospheric carbon dioxide, tower‐based measurements, and modeled atmospheric mole fractions and regional carbon fluxes of greenhouse gases over the Central and Eastern United States. We conducted 121 research flights during five campaigns in four seasons during 2016–2019 over three regions of the US (Mid‐Atlantic, Midwest and South) using two NASA research aircraft (B‐200 and C‐130). We performed three flight patterns (fair weather, frontal crossings, and OCO‐2 underflights) and collected more than 1,140 h of airborne measurements via level‐leg flights in the atmospheric boundary layer, lower, and upper free troposphere and vertical profiles spanning these altitudes. We also merged various airborne in situ measurements onto a common standard sampling interval, which brings coherence to the data, creates geolocated data products, and makes it much easier for the users to perform holistic analysis of the ACT‐America data products. Here, we report on detailed information of data sets collected, the workflow for data sets including storage and processing of the quality controlled and quality assured harmonized observations, and their archival and formatting for users. Finally, we provide some important information on the dissemination of data products including metadata and highlights of applications of ACT‐America data sets

    Detailed analysis of surgically treated hand trauma patients in a regional German trauma centre.

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    Hand and forearm injuries are the most frequent reason for consultations in German emergency departments. Therefore, full recovery has a high social and economic relevance. In this study, data on surgically treated hand injuries in a regional German trauma centre between 01.01.2019 and 31.01.2021 were collected using the new German HandTraumaRegister of the German Society for Hand Surgery. These data were retrospectively analysed and correlated with mobility data of the Bavarian population, the 7-day incidence of Covid-19 infections in Germany and the number of elective hand surgeries. We found that a fall from standing height with consecutive distal radius fracture was the most common injury in women, whereas mechanism of injury and diagnosis were more diverse in men. The populations' mobility correlated well with the number of accidents, which in turn was reciprocal to the 7-day-incidence of Covid-19 infections. The number of elective hand surgeries expectedly dropped significantly during the state-imposed lockdowns. Knowing that mainly young men and elderly women suffer from hand injuries, tailored prevention measures may be elaborated. In order to reduce socioeconomic burden, care for hand injuries and elective hand surgeries must be guaranteed according to the frequency of their occurrence

    How to improve the quality of care for people on home mechanical ventilation from the perspective of healthcare professionals: a qualitative study

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    Background!#!The rapid increase in the use of home mechanical ventilation (HMV) for people with chronic respiratory failure poses extreme challenges for the healthcare system. People on HMV have complex care needs and require support from an interprofessional team. In Germany, HMV is criticised for inadequate quality standards, particularly in outpatient intensive care practice. The objective of this study was to describe the quality of care for people on outpatient HMV in Germany, Bavaria and provide recommendations for improvement from the perspective of healthcare professionals (HCPs).!##!Methods!#!Semi-structured qualitative telephone interviews with HCPs (i.e., nurses, equipment providers, therapists, and physicians) were analysed using the framework method. The quality framework of Health Improvement Scotland (HIS), which aims to improve the quality of person-centred care, was used to build a deductive analysis matrix. The framework includes the three key areas: (1) Outcomes and impact, (2) Service delivery, and (3) Vision and leadership. The domains (meta-codes) and quality indicators (sub-codes) of the quality framework were used for deductive coding.!##!Results!#!Overall, 87 HCPs (51 female, mean age of 44.3 years, mean professional experience in HMV of 9.4 years) were interviewed (mean duration of 31 min). There was a complex interaction between the existing health care system (Outcomes and impact, 955 meaning units), the delivery of outpatient intensive care (Service delivery, 939 meaning units), and improvement-focused leadership (Vision and leadership, 70 meaning units) that influenced the quality of care for people on HMV. The main barriers were an acceleration in transition management, a neglect of weaning potential, a shortage of qualified professionals and missing quality criteria. The central recommendations for promoting person-centred care were training and supervision of staff and an inspiring leadership. An integrated care structure supporting medical home visits and outpatient rehabilitation should be developed.!##!Conclusion!#!This study describes a heterogeneous and partly deficient care situation for people on HMV, but demonstrates that high quality care is possible if person-centred care is successfully implemented in all areas of service provision. The recommendations of this study could inform the development of a person-centred integrated care structure for people on HMV

    Analysis of the weaning process in intensive care patients with regard to documentation and transfer to further treatment units

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    Hintergrund und Fragestellung Die Entwöhnung von BeatmungsgerĂ€ten wird nicht immer auf der primĂ€r behandelnden Intensivstation abgeschlossen. Die Weiterverlegung in andere Behandlungseinrichtungen stellt einen sensiblen Abschnitt in der Behandlung und Rehabilitation des Weaningpatienten dar. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Untersuchung des Überleitungsmanagements und des Interhospitaltransfers von Weaningpatienten unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der DokumentationsqualitĂ€t. Methodik Es erfolge eine retrospektive Datenanalyse eines Jahrs (2018) auf 2 Intensivstationen eines UniversitĂ€tsklinikums. Eingeschlossen wurden alle beatmeten Patienten mit folgenden Tracerdiagnosen: COPD, Asthma, Polytrauma, Pneumonie, Sepsis, ARDS und Reanimation (Beatmung > 24 h). Ergebnisse Insgesamt konnten 750 Patienten in die Untersuchung eingeschlossen werden (Alter 64 [52, 8–76; Median, IQR]; 32 % weiblich). Davon waren 48 (6,4 %) Patienten zum Zeitpunkt der Verlegung nicht entwöhnt (v. a. Sepsis und ARDS). Die Routinedokumentation war bei den Abschnitten „Spontaneous Breathing Trial“, „Bewertung der Entwöhungsbereitschaft“ und „vermutete Entwöhnbarkeit“ ausreichend, um die ErfĂŒllung der Parameter der S2k-Leitlinie „Prolongiertes Weaning“ adĂ€quat zu beurteilen. Vorwiegend wurden diese Patienten mit Tracheostoma (76 %) in Rehabilitationskliniken (44 %) mittels spezialisierten Rettungsmitteln des arztbegleiteten Patiententransports verlegt (75 %). Diskussion Die Verlegung nicht entwöhnter Patienten nach initialem Intensivaufenthalt ist ein relevantes Thema fĂŒr den Interhospitaltransfer. Die Routinedokumentation eines strukturierten Weaningprozesses ist in Kernelementen ausreichend, um den Weaningprozess lĂŒckenlos zu beschreiben. Dies ist fĂŒr die KontinuitĂ€t in der Weiterbehandlung dieser Patienten von großer Bedeutung.Background and Objectives Weaning from ventilators is not always finished in the primary intensive care unit (ICU) setting. Transfer to other treatment facilities is a sensitive stage in the treatment and rehabilitation of the weaning patient. The aim of the present study was to investigate transition management and interhospital transfer of weaning patients, with special emphasis on documentation quality. Methods A retrospective data analysis of one year (2018) in two ICUs of a university hospital was performed. All ventilated patients with the following tracer diagnoses were included: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, patients with multiple injuries, pneumonia, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and cardiac arrest (ventilation > 24 h). Results A total of 750 patients were included in the study (median age 64 [IQR 52.8–76]; 32% female). In all, 48 (6.4%) patients were not weaned at the time of transfer (especially sepsis and ARDS). Routine documentation was sufficient for the sections “spontaneous breathing trial”, “assessment of readiness to wean” and “presumed weanability” to adequately assess the parameters of the German S2k guideline “prolonged weaning”. Predominantly, these patients were transferred with tracheostoma (76%) to rehabilitation units (44%) by specialized physician-assisted patient transport ambulances (75%). Discussion The transfer of ventilated patients after initial ICU stay is a relevant issue for interhospital transfer. Routine documentation of a structured weaning process is sufficient in core elements to describe the weaning process. This is of great importance for continuity in the further treatment of these patients

    Development and pilot-testing of an evidence-based quality indicator set for home mechanical ventilation care: the OVER-BEAS project

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    Abstract Background The number of patients depending on home mechanical ventilation (HMV) has increased substantially in Germany in recent years. These patients receive long-term care in different nursing facilities (nursing home, shared living community, private home). However, there are limited data available on the quality of care of HMV patients. The aim of the OVER-BEAS project was to identify quality indicators (QIs) of HMV care using an evidence-based approach. Methods A multidisciplinary board consisting of professionals and experts of HMV provision compiled a set of QIs between March and September 2019. In a structured, transparent process a set of QIs covering structures, processes and outcome of HMV patient’s care were proposed and evaluated based on the best available evidence. QIs were defined as relevant, reliable and valid measurements of the quality of HMV care and furthermore to be comprehensive and applicable in practice. Results The experts proposed 40 QIs and consented a final set of 26 QIs. Based on the final set, questionnaires to document the QIs were developed: (1) to assess the quality and describe the structure of the nursing facility; and (2) to gather information on patient-related processes and outcomes. The feasibility of the questionnaires was tested in 5 nursing facilities treating HMV patients. The remarks from the nursing specialists were categorised in three groups: (1) term missing accuracy, (2) problem of understanding, and (3) not documented or documented elsewhere. Mean documentation time by the nursing specialists for one patient was 15 min. Based on this feedback, the questionnaires were finalised. Conclusions We proposed a set of QIs relating to long-term HMV care and developed two questionnaires to collect this information. In a pilot study, we found the set of questionnaires to be feasible in assessing the quality of HMV care according to current evidence. The development of standardised evidence-based QIs to evaluate HMV care is a step towards implementing a standardised quality assurance program to document the quality of care of HMV patients