27 research outputs found

    Automatic retrieval of crop characteristics: an example for hyperspectral AHS data from the AgriSAR campaign.

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    This paper presents the results of automated extraction of crop characteristics from hyperspectral earth observation data. The data was acquired with an airborne AHS imaging spectrometer in the framework of the joint European AgriSAR 2006 campaign. The AgriSAR campaign was directed by the ESA and took place at the DEMMIN test site in northeast Germany, an agricultural area dominated by large monocultures. An important objective of this campaign was to establish to what degree novel radar and optical technologies are able to provide accurate agro-meteorological parameters for precision farming purposes. Parameter retrieval in this study was performed with the CRASh approach, a software module based on the inversion of radiative transfer models. CRASh was developed at DLR as part of an automated operative processing chain for future hyperspectral missions. Validation of the model inversion results was performed with field measurements of leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll content which were carried out for winter wheat, winter barley, winter rape, maize, and sugar beet at two time steps during the 2006 growing season. Although spatial patterns of the model results generally coincide with the trends observed in the field, absolute accuracy of the fully automatically extracted variables appeared insufficient for precision agriculture purposes. The unsatisfying results are ascribed to a combination of causes, including angular anisotropy across the swath-width of the flight lines, the configuration of the applied bands, and the large number of model inversion solutions inherent to an automated environment in which little additional information on the observed canopy is present. Employing the airborne version of CRASh and incorporating a priori information on land cover and variable distributions is expected to drastically increase the retrieval performance

    Spatially Explicit Estimation of Clay and Organic Carbon Content in Agricultural Soils Using Multi-Annual Imaging Spectroscopy Data

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    Information on soil clay and organic carbon content on a regional to local scale is vital for a multitude of reasons such as soil conservation, precision agriculture, and possibly also in the context of global environmental change. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of multi-annual hyperspectral images acquired with the HyMap sensor (450–2480 nm) during three flight campaigns in 2004, 2005, and 2008 for the prediction of clay and organic carbon content on croplands by means of partial least squares regression (PLSR). Supplementary, laboratory reflectance measurements were acquired under standardized conditions. Laboratory spectroscopy yielded prediction errors between 19.48 and 35.55 g kg−1 for clay and 1.92 and 2.46 g kg−1 for organic carbon. Estimation errors with HyMap image spectra ranged from 15.99 to 23.39 g kg−1 for clay and 1.61 to 2.13 g kg−1 for organic carbon. A comparison of parameter predictions from different years confirmed the predictive ability of the models. BRDF effects increased model errors in the overlap of neighboring flight strips up to 3 times, but an appropriated preprocessing method can mitigate these negative influences. Using multi-annual image data, soil parameter maps could be successively complemented. They are exemplarily shown providing field specific information on prediction accuracy and image data source

    Scale-Specific Prediction of Topsoil Organic Carbon Contents Using Terrain Attributes and SCMaP Soil Reflectance Composites

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    There is a growing need for an area-wide knowledge of SOC contents in agricultural soils at the field scale for food security and monitoring long-term changes related to soil health and climate change. In Germany, SOC maps are mostly available with a spatial resolution of 250 m to 1 km2. The nationwide availability of both digital elevation models at various spatial resolutions and multi-temporal satellite imagery enables the derivation of multi-scale terrain attributes and (here: Landsat-based) multi-temporal soil reflectance composites (SRC) as explanatory variables. In the example of a Bavarian test of about 8000 km2, relations between 220 SOC content samples as well as different aggregation levels of the explanatory variables were analyzed for their scale-specific predictive power. The aggregation levels were generated by applying a region-growing segmentation procedure, and the SOC content prediction was realized by the Random Forest algorithm. In doing so, established approaches of (geographic) object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) and machine learning were combined. The modeling results revealed scale-specific differences. Compared to terrain attributes, the use of SRC parameters leads to a significant model improvement at field-related scale levels. The joint use of both terrain attributes and SRC parameters resulted in further model improvements. The best modeling variant is characterized by an accuracy of R2 = 0.84 and RMSE = 1.99

    Derivation of synthetic endmembers for linear unmixing to improve parameter estimation for soil erosion modelling in agricultural ecosystems.

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    Physically based erosion models have been widely accepted in soil erosion risk assessment in the past years but their application is still restricted due to a large disparity between required model input parameters and data availability. Hyperspectral imaging may offer an alternative to solve that problem providing high spatial and spectral information about earth surface materials. A major problem in image interpretation is the heterogeneous composition of each individual pixel, in the case of agricultural ecosystems a mixture of soil and vegetation signal, but also moisture conditions and illumination have a strong influence. This issue has been addressed with unmixing techniques (vii) which take individual pixel components, endmembers, into account. In this paper, we present a new algorithm which allows the derivation of synthetic spectral endmembers (SY-SEM) of soil. A systematic analysis of lab spectra from more than 100 soil samples measured at different soil moisture and illumination angles revealed stable features independent of soil moisture and illumination in SWIR I and II. Results were confirmed by an analysis of corresponding field spectra. Starting from these stable wavelength regions absolute reflectance values of all spectra were analysed adopting a linear regression analysis. Results showed coefficients of determination (RÂČ) generally above 0.8, in the range of 1000 to 2500nm above 0.95. Based on these results, SY-SEM are derived from self-generated look-up tables containing regression parameters, and atmospherically corrected image data. In contrast to existing approaches, SY-SEM procedure is computed pixelwise over a pre-classified image data set