118 research outputs found

    Novel Carotenoids Genetically Engineered in a Heterologous Host

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    AbstractCarotenoids are commercially important pigments that are essential for human health. Diverse carotenoids have been identified, but availability has impeded evaluation of their pharmaceutical potential. Molecular techniques have been developed to produce specific and novel carotenoids with improved biological activities

    Biosynthesis of fucoxanthin and diadinoxanthin and function of initial pathway genes in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    The biosynthesis pathway to diadinoxanthin and fucoxanthin was elucidated in Phaeodactylum tricornutum by a combined approach involving metabolite analysis identification of gene function. For the initial steps leading to β-carotene, putative genes were selected from the genomic database and the function of several of them identified by genetic pathway complementation in Escherichia coli. They included genes encoding a phytoene synthase, a phytoene desaturase, a ζ-carotene desaturase, and a lycopene β-cyclase. Intermediates of the pathway beyond β-carotene, present in trace amounts, were separated by TLC and identified as violaxanthin and neoxanthin in the enriched fraction. Neoxanthin is a branching point for the synthesis of both diadinoxanthin and fucoxanthin and the mechanisms for their formation were proposed. A single isomerization of one of the allenic double bounds in neoxanthin yields diadinoxanhin. Two reactions, hydroxylation at C8 in combination with a keto-enol tautomerization and acetylation of the 3′-HO group results in the formation of fucoxanthin

    Biocatalytic synthesis of flavones and hydroxyl-small molecules by recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing the cyanobacterial CYP110E1 gene

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    Background: Cyanobacteria possess several cytochrome P450s, but very little is known about their catalytic functions. CYP110 genes unique to cyanaobacteria are widely distributed in heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria including nitrogen-fixing genera Nostoc and Anabaena. We screened the biocatalytic functions of all P450s from three cyanobacterial strains of genus Nostoc or Anabaena using a series of small molecules that contain flavonoids, sesquiterpenes, low-molecular-weight drugs, and other aromatic compounds. Results: Escherichia coli cells carrying each P450 gene that was inserted into the pRED vector, containing the RhFRed reductase domain sequence from Rhodococcus sp. NCIMB 9784 P450RhF (CYP116B2), were co-cultured with substrates and products were identified when bioconversion reactions proceeded. Consequently, CYP110E1 of Nostoc sp. strain PCC 7120, located in close proximity to the first branch point in the phylogenetic tree of the CYP110 family, was found to be promiscuous for the substrate range mediating the biotransformation of various small molecules. Naringenin and (hydroxyl) flavanones were respectively converted to apigenin and (hydroxyl) flavones, by functioning as a flavone synthase. Such an activity is reported for the first time in prokaryotic P450s. Additionally, CYP110E1 biotransformed the notable sesquiterpene zerumbone, anti-inflammatory drugs ibuprofen and flurbiprofen (methylester forms), and some aryl compounds such as 1-methoxy and 1-ethoxy naphthalene to produce hydroxylated compounds that are difficult to synthesize chemically, including novel compounds. Conclusion: We elucidated that the CYP110E1 gene, C-terminally fused to the P450RhF RhFRed reductase domain sequence, is functionally expressed in E. coli to synthesize a robust monooxygenase, which shows promiscuous substrate specificity (affinity) for various small molecules, allowing the biosynthesis of not only flavones (from flavanones) but also a variety of hydroxyl-small molecules that may span pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries

    A New Type of Asymmetrically Acting β-Carotene Ketolase Is Required for the Synthesis of Echinenone in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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    We have isolated, based on the knowledge of the complete genomic sequence of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, an open reading frame (slr0088) similar to known bacterial carotene desaturases and have analyzed the function of the encoded protein. Surprisingly, this protein has no detectable desaturase activity with phytoene, hydroxyneurosporene, or ζ-carotene as substrates, but is rather a β-carotene ketolase that acts asymmetrically introducing a keto group on only one of the two β-ionone rings of β-carotene to generate echinenone. This is in contrast to the so far characterized β-carotene ketolases that act symmetrically, producing the di-keto carotenoid canthaxanthin from β-carotene without significant accumulation of echinenone. We have designated this new gene crtO The function of the crtO gene product has been demonstrated by 1) the biosynthesis of echinenone when the crtO gene is expressed in an Escherichia coli strain able to accumulate β-carotene, 2) the in vitro biosynthesis of echinenone from β-carotene with cell free extracts from E. coli cells that express the crtO gene, and 3) the absence of echinenone in a Synechocystis strain in which the crtO gene has been insertionally inactivated. The primary structure of the Synechocystis asymmetric ketolase bears no similarity with the known β-carotene ketolases. crtO is not required for normal growth under standard or high light conditions, neither is the photosynthetic activity of the crtO-deficient strain affected

    Fossil carotenoids and paleolimnology of meromictic Mahoney Lake, British Columbia, Canada

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    Vertical distribution of fossil carotenoids in a sediment core from meromictic Mahoney Lake was studied. Besides okenone and demethylated okenone, lutein and zeaxanthin and-carotene isomers were identified. No carotenoids typical for purple nonsulfur or green sulfur bacteria were detected. The ratio of zeaxanthin to lutein (above 1:1 in all samples) indicates a dominance of cyanobacteria over green algae in the phytoplankton assemblages of the past. Okenone, which is found exclusively in Chromatiaceae, was the dominating carotenoid in all sediment zones. The oldest sediment layers containing okenone were deposited 11 000 years ago. Between 9000 and 7000 and since 3000 years b.p., Chromatiaceae reached a considerable biomass in the lake. Vertical changes in okenone concentration were not related to changes of paleotemperatures. In contrast, okenone concentrations decreased during periods of volcanic ash input. During most of the lake history, however, mean okenone concentrations were positively correlated with sedimentation rates. This indicates that vertical changes of okenone concentration in the sediment reflect past changes of purple sulfur bacterial biomass in the lake. According to these results, the past limnology of Mahoney Lake resembled that of the present with a sulfide-containing monimolimnion and a well-developed population of okenone-bearing purple sulfur bacteria

    Comparison of Carotenoid Content, Gene Expression and Enzyme Levels in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Leaves

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    Physiological conditions which lead to changes in total carotenoid content in tomatoplantlets were identified. Carotenoid levels were found to increase after the onset of a darkperiod during a normal 24h cycle. This rapid initial increase is followed by a steady decreasein carotenoid content throughout the night. A decrease in the expression of several caroteno-genic genes, namelypds,zds(carotenoid desaturases) andptox(plastid terminal oxidase),was observed following the removal of the light (when carotenoid content is at its highest).An increase in gene expression was observed before the return to light forpdsandzds(whencarotenoid levels were at their lowest), or following the return to light forptox.The phytoenedesaturation inhibitor norflurazon leads to a decrease coloured carotenoid content and, inthe light, this correlated withpdsandzdsgene induction. In the dark, norflurazon treatmentled to only a weak decrease in carotenoid content and only a small increase inpdsandzdsgene expression. The striking absence of phytoene accumulation under norflurazon treatmentin the dark suggests a down-regulation of carotenoid formation in darkness. However, pro-longed dark conditions, or treatment with photosynthetic inhibitors, surprisingly led to highercarotenoid levels, which correlated with decreased expression of most examined genes. Inaddition to light, which acts in a complex way on carotenoid accumulation and gene expres-sion, our results are best explained by a regulatory effect of carotenoid levels on the expres-sion of several biosynthetic genes. In addition, monitoring of protein amounts for phytoenedesaturase and plastid terminal oxidase (which sometimes do not correlate with gene expres-sion) indicate an even more complex regulatory pattern
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