13 research outputs found

    Design of smart system to detect ripeness of tomato and chili with new approach in data acquisition

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    Manual laxity of fruit ripeness classification is highly influenced by operator subjectivity, thus there is inconsistency for some periods in the classification process. Information Technology development allows fruit identification based on color characteristic by computer aids. A developed system was designed to work on a mobile device with the ability to detect four levels of ripeness of tomato and chili fruits. The acquisition of training data is done with a new approach. Training data came from objective observation of the same fruit of tomato and chili, captured since one month before harvesting until harvesting period. Image segmentation uses K-Means Clustering Method while ripeness detection uses fuzzy logic. The system output consists of types and level of ripeness grouped into four categories: unripe 1, unripe 2, medium, and ripe. This article explains preliminary results of the testing system in static and partial condition using a personal computer before being applied into a mobile-based integrated system. The results showed the level of success for fruit segmentation was 80% for tomato and 100% for chili. The fault is due to the similarity of fruit sample size. The level of success for detecting fruit ripeness is 80% for tomato and 90% for chili. By 10 training data of each, it is shown that the good result with an overall accuracy level of average ripeness detection is 85%

    Implementation of nearest neighbor using HSV to identify skin disease

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    Today, Android is one of the most widely used operating system in the world. Most of android device has a camera that could capture an image, this feature could be optimized to identify skin disease. The disease is one of health problem caused by bacterium, fungi, and virus. The symptoms of skin disease usually visible. In this work, the symptoms that captured as image contains HSV in every pixel of the image. HSV can extracted and then calculate to earn Euclidean value. The value compared using nearest neighbor algorithm to discover closer value between image testing and image training to get highest value that decide class label or type of skin disease. The testing result show that 166 of 200 or about 80% is accurate. There are some reasons that influence the result of classification model like number of image training and quality of android device’s camera