91 research outputs found

    Considerations concerning the Gulf between faith and history in the Research on the Historical Jesus

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    La recerca històrico-crítica afirma que Jesús era un ésser humà, mentre que el querigma del cristianisme primitiu afirma que és diví. Aquest article salva aquesta contradicció: Jesús podria haver posat en mans de Déu el fet de dir qui era ell realment. En el món antic això s’anomena contingència d’estatus. L’aproximació cognitiva mostra que la cristologia és una barreja d'imatges contraintuïtives i intuïtives. Jesús va fer que aquest món fos, indirectament i intuïtivament, transparent a Déu. El Crist del querigma es confronta directament amb la imatge contraintuïtiva de Déu, aquell que crea del no-res.Historical critical research says that Jesus was a human being, the Early Christian Kerygma that he is divine. This article bridges this contradiction: Jesus could leave it to God who he really was. That is status contingency in the ancient world. The cognitive approach shows that Christologie is a mixture of counter-intuitive and intuitive images. Jesus made this world indirect and intuitively transparent to God. The kerygmatic Christ confronts directly with the counter-intuitive image of God, who creates from nothing

    Mitä voimme tietää Jeesuksesta ja hänen toiminnastaan? – Argumentteja Jeesuksen historiallisuuden puolesta

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    Historioitsijan katsaus siihen, oliko historiallinen Jeesus olemassa

    What Can We Know of Jesus And His Activities? – Arguments for the Historicity of Jesus

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    A historian's view on the historicity of the historical Jesu

    Om at forstå Bibelen i den moderne verden

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    The article gives an outline of New Testament hermeneutics based on a hermeneutic of religion. Religions are sign worlds constructed by human beings. They refer to transcendence, a foundational story, imply moral imperatives, and form a community. The Bible is the basis of the Christian sign world that is constructed by two axioms (monotheism and Christology) and many basic beliefs. The Bible interprets and initiates religious experience. The basic religious experiences are: an amazement of the mystery of being, an experience of absolute confidence and of responsibility (cf. Ludwig Wittgenstein). These experiences pervade all four dimensions of the Bible: a kerygmatic message based in transcendence, a historical reference to the history Jesus, an ethical impact, and a canonical dimension, i.e. a relationship to churches. In modern times this implies a relationship to other religions. The article suggests therefore an edition of the Bible with an inter-religious appendix

    Eskatologiens udvikling hos den historiske Jesus

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    This article reviews Per Bilde’s Den historiske Jesus. Three theses of Bilde are discussed: (1) The “sign prophets” in the first century C.E. are the nearest analogies to Jesus, but we should make a difference between those before the Caligula-crisis, who have been interested in cult and conversion, and those after this crisis. (2) Jesus had a messianic consciousness, but participated in a mentality that says: Nobody can legitimately give oneself a new status he can only receive it from a superior. (3) There is a development from proclaiming God’s mercy to announcing God’s judgement, but the interpretation of Jesus’ death as atoning death seems to be a retrospective interpretation after Easter. We may therefore say: The main three theses are basically justified but theyshould be modified a little bit

    Comparative Structural Analysis of Human DEAD-Box RNA Helicases

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    DEAD-box RNA helicases play various, often critical, roles in all processes where RNAs are involved. Members of this family of proteins are linked to human disease, including cancer and viral infections. DEAD-box proteins contain two conserved domains that both contribute to RNA and ATP binding. Despite recent advances the molecular details of how these enzymes convert chemical energy into RNA remodeling is unknown. We present crystal structures of the isolated DEAD-domains of human DDX2A/eIF4A1, DDX2B/eIF4A2, DDX5, DDX10/DBP4, DDX18/myc-regulated DEAD-box protein, DDX20, DDX47, DDX52/ROK1, and DDX53/CAGE, and of the helicase domains of DDX25 and DDX41. Together with prior knowledge this enables a family-wide comparative structural analysis. We propose a general mechanism for opening of the RNA binding site. This analysis also provides insights into the diversity of DExD/H- proteins, with implications for understanding the functions of individual family members

    La foi en Jésus-Christ relie-t-elle ou sépare-t-elle les religions ? Réflexions sur la christologie dans le pluralisme religieux

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    Christology could appear an obstacle to interfaith dialogue because of its claims to absoluteness. But Christianity could open itself to interfaith dialogue from the very starting-point of the affirmation of the unity of God and humankind in Jesus Christ : Jesus’ own monotheism, seen in a historicalcritical way, links Christianity with the other Western religions, whilst the mystical Christology of the Christ of the kerygma is a bridge towards the cosmic religious consciousness of the Eastern religions.Dans le dialogue entre les religions, la christologie apparaît comme un obstacle en raison de sa prétention à l’absoluité. Or le christianisme peut s’ouvrir au dialogue entre les religions précisément sur la base de l’affirmation de l’unité de Dieu et de l’homme en Jésus-Christ : le monothéisme radical de l’homme Jésus étudié de manière historico-critique relie le christianisme aux religions du monde occidental ; la mystique christique du Christ du kérygme jette un pont en direction de la religiosité mystique et cosmique des religions orientales.Theissen Gerd. La foi en Jésus-Christ relie-t-elle ou sépare-t-elle les religions ? Réflexions sur la christologie dans le pluralisme religieux. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 96e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2016. pp. 365-380

    The Quest for the Plausible Jesus : The Question of Criteria.

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    Louisvillexxiii, 344 p.; 26 cm

    Réponse du Professeur Gerd Theissen

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    Theissen Gerd. Réponse du Professeur Gerd Theissen. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 87e année n°1, Janvier-Mars 2007. pp. 13-17