68 research outputs found

    Saúde oral e nadadores de alta competição

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    Introdução: Os atletas de alto nível têm uma maior prevalência de doenças do que o resto da população. A cárie, a doença periodontal e a erosão dentária são relativamente comuns nesta população. Os nadadores de alto nível estão entre os desportistas mais suscetíveis à erosão dentária. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é mostrar que os nadadores de alto nível são mais afetados por problemas de saúde oral do que o resto da população. Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados 18 artigos para o estudo clínico. Para este estudo, foi realizada uma pesquisa da literatura existente na Pubmed database, sobre Saúde oral e nadadores de alta competição. Discussão: A nutrição tem um impacto na saúde oral dos nadadores de alto nível. Saliva e bebidas desportivas têm um grande impacto na erosão dos dentes dos atletas. Os nadadores são ainda mais afetados, especialmente em termos de erosão dentária, uma vez que os seus dentes estão em contacto diário com a água da piscina. Os problemas orais têm um impacto na qualidade do treino do nadador e, portanto, no seu desempenho. A prevenção realizada para preservar a saúde oral dos atletas de topo é insuficiente. Conclusão: Os nadadores são mais afetados por problemas de saúde oral. O atleta deve estar consciente de que uma boa saúde oral melhora o seu desempenho desportivo. São agora necessários estudos em grande escala para sensibilizar os atletas e os que os rodeiam para os problemas de saúde oral.Introduction: High-level athletes have a higher prevalence of disease than the rest of the population. Caries, periodontal disease and dental erosion are relatively common in this population. High-level swimmers are among the sportsmen and women most susceptible to dental erosion. Objective: The aim of this study is to show that high level swimmers are more affected by oral health problems than the rest of the population. Materials and Methods: 18 cases were selected for the clinical study. For this study, a search of the existing literature in Pubmed database on Oral health and high-level swimmers was conducted. Discussion: Nutrition has an impact on the oral health of high-level swimmers. Saliva and sports drinks have a major impact on the erosion of athlete's teeth. Swimmers are even more affected, especially in terms of tooth erosion, as their teeth are in daily contact with pool water. Oral problems have an impact on the quality of the swimmer's training and therefore on their performance. Prevention carried out to preserve the oral health of top athletes is insufficient. Conclusion: Swimmers are most affected by oral health problems. Athletes should be aware that good oral health improves their sporting performance. Large-scale studies are now needed to raise awareness of oral health problems among athletes and those around them

    Virally (Michel.) - L'O.N.U. d'hier à demain

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    Gerbet Pierre. Virally (Michel.) - L'O.N.U. d'hier à demain. In: Revue française de science politique, 14ᵉ année, n°2, 1964. p. 359

    Szokoloczy-Syllaba (Janos) - Les organisations professionnelles françaises et le Marché commun

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    Gerbet Pierre. Szokoloczy-Syllaba (Janos) - Les organisations professionnelles françaises et le Marché commun. In: Revue française de science politique, 17ᵉ année, n°4, 1967. pp. 774-776

    Duclos (Pierre) - La Réforme du Conseil de l'Europe

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    Gerbet Pierre. Duclos (Pierre) - La Réforme du Conseil de l'Europe. In: Revue française de science politique, 9ᵉ année, n°3, 1959. pp. 772-775

    Eric Roussel. Jean Monnet

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    Gerbet Pierre. Eric Roussel. Jean Monnet. In: Politique étrangère, n°1 - 1997 - 62ᵉannée. pp. 195-198

    Les données du problème

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    The second application of Great Britain to the Common market raises the more general problem of the enlarging of the European communities. On the economic level, Great Britain seems more ready than in the past to accept the rules of the E.E.C as it is, but new obstacles have appeared, in particular in the monetary field. The political problems are the most important. The enlarging of the Communities should be accompanied by a reinforcing of their structures but the disagreement among the Six concerning the more or less supranational nature of the institutions, prevents them from putting to Great Britain the essential question concerning the political finality of the economic Communities. Similarly the divergence among the Six on foreign policy, forbids any attempt to ask new members for guarantees as to an eventual European political union. If the Six are agreed that Great Britain must clear up her economic situation before joining and not compromise what has been built so far, they disagree as to the wisdom of opening negotiations at present.La seconde candidature britannique au Marché commun pose le problème plus général de l'élargissement des Communautés européennes. Sur le plan économique, la Grande-Bretagne semble plus prête que par le passé à accepter les règles de la C.E.E telle qu'elle s'est constituée, mais des obstacles nouveaux sont apparus, particulièrement dans le domaine monétaire. Les problèmes politiques sont les plus importants; L'élargissement des Communautés devrait s'accompagner d'un renforcement de leurs structures, mais le désaccord entre les Six sur le caractère plus ou moins supranational des institutions ne permet pas de poser à la Grande-Bretagne la question essentielle de la finalité politique des Communautés économiques. De même les divergences entre les Six en matière de politique extérieure ne permettent pas de demander aux nouveaux membres des engagements quant une éventuelle union politique européenne. Si les Six sont d'accord pour que la Grande-Bretagne assainisse sa situation économique avant d'adhérer et ne compromette pas ce qui été construit jusqu'à présent, ils divergent sur l'opportunité d'ouvrir maintenant des négociations avec elle.Gerbet Pierre. Les données du problème. In: Revue française de science politique, 18ᵉ année, n°5, 1968. pp. 861-885

    Russell (Ruth B.) - A history ot the United Nations Charter. The role of the United States 1940-1945 United Nations (The) and promotion the General Welfare by Robert E. Asher, Walter M. Kotschnig, William Adams Brown, Jr., James Frederick Green...

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    Gerbet Pierre. Russell (Ruth B.) - A history ot the United Nations Charter. The role of the United States 1940-1945 United Nations (The) and promotion the General Welfare by Robert E. Asher, Walter M. Kotschnig, William Adams Brown, Jr., James Frederick Green.... In: Revue française de science politique, 10ᵉ année, n°1, 1960. pp. 204-205

    Études d'histoire des relations internationales. Mélanges Pierre Renouvin

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    Gerbet Pierre. Études d'histoire des relations internationales. Mélanges Pierre Renouvin. In: Revue française de science politique, 18ᵉ année, n°1, 1968. pp. 149-152

    Où en sont les Nations Unies ? Quelques ouvrages américains et anglais

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    Gerbet Pierre. Où en sont les Nations Unies ? Quelques ouvrages américains et anglais. In: Revue française de science politique, 11ᵉ année, n°2, 1961. pp. 434-444

    Farajallah (Samaan Boutros) - Le groupe afro-asiatique dans le cadre des Ntaions-Unies. (Université de Genève Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales. Thèse. Science politique. 1963)

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    Gerbet Pierre. Farajallah (Samaan Boutros) - Le groupe afro-asiatique dans le cadre des Ntaions-Unies. (Université de Genève Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales. Thèse. Science politique. 1963). In: Revue française de science politique, 15ᵉ année, n°6, 1965. pp. 1199-1200
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