13,216 research outputs found

    Analysis of Particle Transport in a Magnetophoretic Microsystem

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    An analytical analysis is presented of the transport and capture of magnetic micro/nano-particles in a magnetophoretic microsystem that consists of an array of integrated soft-magnetic elements embedded beneath a microfluidic channel. The elements, which are polarized by a bias field, produce a nonuniform field distribution that gives rise to a force on magnetic particles within the microchannel. The equations governing particle motion are derived using analytical expressions for the dominant magnetic and fluidic forces. The magnetic force is obtained using an analytical expression for the field distribution in the microchannel combined with a linear magnetization model for the magnetic response of particles. The theory takes into account particle size and material properties, the bias field, the dimensions of the microchannel, the fluid properties, and the flow velocity. The equations of motion are solved to study particle transport and capture. The analysis indicates that the particles exhibit an oscillatory motion as they traverse the microsystem, and that a high capture efficiency can be obtained in practice

    Inflammatory Airway Disease of Horses - Revised Consensus Statement

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    The purpose of this manuscript is to revise and update the previous consensus statement on inflammatory airway disease (IAD) in horses. Since 2007, a large number of scientific articles have been published on the topic and these new findings have led to a significant evolution of our understanding of IAD

    Star Formation Across the Taffy Bridge: UGC 12914/15

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    We present BIMA two-field mosaic CO(1-0) images of the Taffy galaxies (UGC 12914/15), which show the distinct taffy-like radio continuum emission bridging the two spiral disks. Large amounts of molecular gas (1.4 x 10^{10} Msun, using the standard Galactic CO-to-H2_2 conversion applicable to Galactic disk giant molecular clouds [GMCs]) were clearly detected throughout the taffy bridge between the two galaxies, which, as in the more extreme case of HI, presumably results from a head-on collision between the two galaxies. The highest CO concentration between the two galaxies corresponds to the H_alpha source in the taffy bridge near the intruder galaxy UGC 12915. This HII region is also associated with the strongest source of radio continuum in the bridge, and shows both morphological and kinematic connections to UGC 12915. The overall CO distribution of the entire system agrees well with that of the radio continuum emission, particularly in the taffy bridge. This argues for the star formation origin of a significant portion of the radio continuum emission. Compared to the HI morphology and kinematics, which are strongly distorted owing to the high-speed collision, CO better defines the orbital geometry and impact parameter of the interaction, as well as the disk properties (e.g., rotation, orientation) of the progenitor galaxies. Based on the 20cm-to-CO ratio maps, we conclude that the starburst sites are primarily located in UGC 12915 and the H_alpha source in the bridge and show that the molecular gas in the taffy bridge is forming into stars with star formation efficiency comparable to that of the target galaxy UGC 12914 and similar to that in the Galactic disk.Comment: Minor typo/style corrections to match with the published version (AJ, Nov. issue). A single .ps.gz file of the entire paper can be downloaded from http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/gao/Taffy/all.ps.g

    Orientational phase transitions in anisotropic rare-earth magnets at low temperatures

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    Orientational phase transitions are investigated within the Heisenberg model with single-site anisotropy. The temperature dependence of the cone angle is calculated within the spin-wave theory. The role of the quantum renormalizations of anisotropy constants is discussed. A comparison with the experimental data on the cone-plane orientational transition in holmium is performed.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure

    On parameter estimation with the Wasserstein distance

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    Statistical inference can be performed by minimizing, over the parameter space, the Wasserstein distance between model distributions and the empirical distribution of the data. We study asymptotic properties of such minimum Wasserstein distance estimators, complementing results derived by Bassetti, Bodini and Regazzini in 2006. In particular, our results cover the misspecified setting, in which the data-generating process is not assumed to be part of the family of distributions described by the model. Our results are motivated by recent applications of minimum Wasserstein estimators to complex generative models. We discuss some difficulties arising in the approximation of these estimators and illustrate their behavior in several numerical experiments. Two of our examples are taken from the literature on approximate Bayesian computation and have likelihood functions that are not analytically tractable. Two other examples involve misspecified models.Comment: 29 pages (+18 pages of appendices), 6 figures. To appear in Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA. A previous version of this paper contained work on approximate Bayesian computation with the Wasserstein distance, which can now be found at arxiv:1905.0374

    A note on the topological order of noncommutative Hall fluids

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    We evaluate the ground state degeneracy of noncommutative Chern-Simons models on the two-torus, a quantity that is interpreted as the "topological order" of associated phases of Hall fluids. We define the noncommutative theory via T-duality from an ordinary Chern-Simons model with non-abelian 't Hooft magnetic fluxes. Motivated by this T-duality, we propose a discrete family of noncommutative, non-abelian fluid models, arising as a natural generalization of the standard noncommutative Chern-Simons effective models. We compute the topological order for these universality classes, and comment on their possible microscopic interpretation.Comment: 14 page

    Quantifying the variability of the annular modes: reanalysis uncertainty vs. sampling uncertainty

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    The annular modes characterize the dominant variability of the extratropical circulation in each hemisphere, quantifying vacillations in the position of the tropospheric jet streams and the strength of the stratospheric polar vortices. Their representation in all available reanalysis products is assessed. Reanalysis uncertainty associated with limitations in the ability to constrain the circulation with available observations, i.e., the inter-reanalysis spread, is contrasted with sampling uncertainty associated with the finite length of the reanalysis records.It is shown that the annular modes are extremely consistent across all modern reanalyses during the satellite era (ca. 1979 onward). Consequently, uncertainty in annular mode variability, e.g., the coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere and the variation in the amplitude and timescale of jet variations throughout the annual cycle, is dominated by sampling uncertainty. Comparison of reanalyses based on conventional (i.e., nonsatellite) or surface observations alone with those using all available observations indicates that there is limited ability to characterize the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) in the presatellite era. Notably, prior to 1979, surface-input reanalyses better capture the SAM at near-surface levels than full-input reanalyses. For the Northern Annular Mode, however, there is evidence that conventional observations are sufficient, at least from 1958 onward. The addition of 2 additional decades of records substantially reduces sampling uncertainty in several key measures of annular mode variability, demonstrating the value of more historic reanalyses. Implications for the assessment of atmospheric models and the strength of coupling between the surface and upper atmosphere are discussed.</p

    Pion gas viscosity at low temperature and density

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    By using Chiral Perturbation Theory and the Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation we compute the viscosity of a pion gas, in the low temperature and low density regime, in terms of the temperature, and the pion fugacity. The viscosity turns out to be proportional to the squared root of the temperature over the pion mass. Next to leading corrections are proportional to the temperature over the pion mass to the 3/2.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. RevTeX

    Correlation between the Extraordinary Hall Effect and Resistivity

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    We study the contribution of different types of scattering sources to the extraordinary Hall effect. Scattering by magnetic nano-particles embedded in normal-metal matrix, insulating impurities in magnetic matrix, surface scattering and temperature dependent scattering are experimentally tested. Our new data, as well as previously published results on a variety of materials, are fairly interpreted by a simple modification of the skew scattering model
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