272 research outputs found

    The memory of arable weeds plant communities

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    AprĂšs leur dissĂ©mination, les graines peuvent rester viables dans le sol de quelques mois Ă  plusieurs centaines d’annĂ©es. Ce stock constitue une vĂ©ritable mĂ©moire sĂ©minale de la communautĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale qui peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour sa restauration quand la vĂ©gĂ©tation de surface a Ă©voluĂ© vers d’autres formations vĂ©gĂ©tales. Dans le territoire du Parc naturel rĂ©gional du Luberon, il peut ĂȘtre intĂ©ressant de connaĂźtre la mĂ©moire sĂ©minale des communautĂ©s d’espĂšces infĂ©odĂ©es aux champs de cĂ©rĂ©ales (messicoles) car elles sont composĂ©es d’espĂšces de plus en plus rares .Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© pendant trois annĂ©es (1999-2001), la vĂ©gĂ©tation de surface et le stock semencier d’une culture de cĂ©rĂ©ales mise en place aprĂšs le labour d’une prairie ĂągĂ©e d’une dizaine d’annĂ©es faisant elle-mĂȘme suite Ă  une phase de cĂ©rĂ©aliculture. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que sur 113 espĂšces recensĂ©es, seules deux espĂšces de messicoles peuvent avoir germĂ©es Ă  partir du stock semencier ancien (Galeopsis angustifo l i u m , Papaverrhoeas), alors que dix sont prĂ©sentes dans la vĂ©gĂ©tation de surface. Le reste de la vĂ©gĂ©tation est dominĂ© par des espĂšces des prairies ou des friches. La mĂ©moire sĂ©minale des espĂšces messicoles est donc faible et elle ne peut jouer qu’un rĂŽle anecdotique dans la restauration de leurs communautĂ©s. Celle-ci doit passer avant tout par le maintien des cultures cĂ©rĂ©aliĂšres en Ă©vitant d’inclure dans la rotation des phases longues de mise en prairie ou des luzerniĂšres.Very few studies have been carried out on the ecological restoration of arable weed communities because farmers consider these species as competitors with the cultivated species. However, such restoration projects are interesting to be undertaken in south-east ern France (Parc Naturel RĂ©gional du Luberon) because there are still enough of the ara ble weed species specifically growing in cereal fields (segetal species),whereas they decrease in other regions of France. This study over three years (1999-2001) assessed the above- ground vegetation and the permanent seed bank of a field (0,2 ha) cultivated with cereals on a ploughed ten year-old meadow. Our results show that among the 113 species recorded, only two segetal species germinated from permanent seed bank (Galeopsis angustifolium, Papaver rhoeas), while ten segetal species were recorded in above-ground vegetation (1/4 of typical segetal species in Parc naturel rĂ©gional du Luberon).Arable weed vegetation was dominated by grassland or ruderal species. This suggests that segetal populations are not resilient after 10 years of putting the arable fields under grass and that restoration cannot occur from permanent seed bank. Thus, in order to preserve species-rich segetal communities, fields should be cultivated with cereals and should not be included in a rotation with a long meadow phase

    Function of grazing cereal fields after harvest in an ovine farm of Luberon Regional Natural Park

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    De nombreuses recherches ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur la dynamique des mauvaises herbes des grandes cultures car elles entrent en compĂ©tition avec les plantes cultivĂ©es pour l’eau, les Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux, l’espace et la lumiĂšre. Les arguments dĂ©veloppĂ©s pour la protection des espĂšces adventices des grandes cultures sont essentiellement basĂ©s sur leur forte valeur patrimoniale en liaison avec leur statut d’espĂšce rare. Ce statut se heurte cependant Ă  celui de mauvaise herbe. Dans le sud-est de la France, les chaumes et cĂ©rĂ©ales Ă  pĂąturer constitue une biomasse non nĂ©gligeable en pĂ©riode de soudure et permettraient le bouclage de la saison de pĂąturage. Peu de donnĂ©es sont cependant disponibles sur la valeur alimentaire des fourrages de chaumes qui apporte un argument pragmatique Ă  leur conservation. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les fourrages issus des champs de cĂ©rĂ©ales prĂ©sentent des avantages indĂ©niables pour la conduite de l’élevage ovin extensif tant au niveau qualitatif que quantitatif. Cette Ă©tude apporte au gestionnaire de mesures conservatoires des arguments fonctionnels Ă  la conservation des plantes menacĂ©es d’extinctions dans les agro-Ă©cosystĂšmes.Numerous studies have been made on weed dynamics in cereal fields as they compete with cultivated cereals for water, minerals, space and light. Preservation projects based on the patrimonial value of these species have a low impact on farmer population. In south-eastern France, cereal fields are grazed following the harvest. This practice permits to keep livestock outside when all ecosystems around are dry. Thus, farmers can wait for the automnal revival of vegetation. Effectively, results show that the forage issued from cereal fields is qualitatively better and quantitatively equal. Results are discussed with regards to preservation measures concerning weed flora and extensive breeding practices. This study provides the environment manager with functional arguments for the preservation of endangered arable weeds

    Arable weeds in Luberon natural regional Park are they bad weeds ?

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    La protection des messicoles (plantes infĂ©odĂ©es aux champs de cĂ©rĂ©ales) fait l’objet d’un paradoxe. Alors que les conservateurs d’espaces (Parc naturel rĂ©gional du Luberon) et d’espĂšces (Conservatoire botanique national de Porquerolles) les protĂšgent pour leur forte valeur patrimoniale ; les exploitants agricoles, quant Ă  eux, les considĂšrent comme des mauvaises herbes dont la prolifĂ©ration peut ĂȘtre responsable d’une chute de rendement de l’espĂšce cultivĂ©e. Cependant, peu d’expĂ©rimentations ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les capacitĂ©s compĂ©titives rĂ©elles des messicoles alors qu’elles sont en voie de rĂ©gression un peu partout en France suite Ă  l’application massive d’herbicides. C’est pourquoi, les capacitĂ©s compĂ©titives de 14 messicoles encore prĂ©sentes dans les champs de cĂ©rĂ©ales du Parc naturel rĂ©gional du Luberon ont Ă©tĂ© interprĂ©tĂ©es Ă  partir de la mesure de leurs caractĂ©ristiques morphologiques en conditions de compĂ©tition avec le blĂ© d’hiver (Triticum aestivum var. Darius). Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que les messicoles caractĂ©risĂ©es par des biomasses importantes ou avec une forte contribution de biomasse aux tiges, entraĂźnent une rĂ©duction significative de la biomasse totale du blĂ© et pour l’épi, une rĂ©duction de sa hauteur, de sa biomasse et du nombre de graines qu’il contient. Ces rĂ©sultats sont ensuite discutĂ©s dans un objectif de conservation des espĂšces messicoles car, contrairement aux idĂ©es reçues, certaines d’entre elles, n’entrent pas en compĂ©tition avec le blĂ©.Arable weed species are the origin of a paradox : while conservation agencies (Luberon Nature Park and Porquerolles Botanical Reserve) protect them for their historical and cultural interest, farmers commonly perceived them as bad weeds responsible for a decrease in crop yield. Arable weed species substantially decline everywhere in France due to fertiliser application and very few experiments are carried out on the real competitive capacity of arable weed species. Therefore, the competitive capacity of 14 arable weed species, still growing in cereal fields in the Luberon Nature Park, was measured using their morphological traits while being cultivated together with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Darius). Results show that arable weed species, characterised by a high biomass or a high shoot biomass, have a significant negative effect on the total biomass, the ear height, the ear biomass and the number of seeds of wheat plants. These results are discussed within the context of the biological conservation of arable weeds, because, contrary to common knowledge, some of them do not out-compete wheat plants

    The role of sheep in the dispersal of arable weed seeds:the case of a farm in the natural regional park of Luberon

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    Dans le territoire du Parc naturel rĂ©gional du Luberon, persistent de nombreuses exploitations en polyculture-Ă©levage comprenant des troupeaux d'ovins qui pĂąturent les chaumes aprĂšs la moisson (estoubles ) oĂč directement des cĂ©rĂ©ales de printemps (cĂ©rĂ©ales Ă  pĂąturer).Des premiĂšres observations ayant montrĂ© la forte richesse de ces champs en espĂšces messicoles (espĂšces infĂ©odĂ©es aux cultures cĂ©rĂ©aliĂšres); nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s dans ce travail au transport des graines de ces espĂšces dans la laine et le systĂšme digestif des ovins. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que si les graines de 14 espĂšces diffĂ©rentes sont transportĂ©es dans la laine des moutons et 21 dans leur systĂšme digestif; celles-ci correspondent plus aux espĂšces prĂ©sentes dans les talus de bords de champs et les friches qu'aux espĂšces messicoles. Finalement,la richesse en messicoles des exploitations en polyculture- Ă©levage est plus due Ă  certaines pratiques agricoles actuelles des exploitants (semis de 30 % des graines rĂ©coltĂ©es sur place) qu'Ă  un transport par les ovins.In the Natural regional park of Luberon, numerous farms which included mixed-farming and breeding still exist. The grazing systems of these farms involved itinerant flock of sheep in cereal stubble or in cereals produced in spring. Previous studies have shown that the cereal fields included in this type of grazing system have a high arable weed species-ri chness. In this study, we focused on seed dispersal by sheep in their fleece (exozoochory) or digestive system (endozoochory).Our results show that 14 seeds of different species are transported in the fleece and 21 in the digestive system. However, these species are fallow-land species and are not typical arable weed species. We conclude that the arable weed species diversity of farms in mixed-farming and breeding is more due to the maintenance of certain agricultural practices (re-sowing 30 % of seeds harvested in the farm) than to a dispersal by sheep

    Could crop edges be some refuges for arable weeds species in the territory of the Luberon Natural Park ?

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    Les objectifs de ce travail sont d’échantillonner la vĂ©gĂ©tation de champs de cĂ©rĂ©ales adjacents de prairies pĂąturĂ©es pour estimer la composition botanique et la richesse spĂ©cifique dans les lisiĂšres entre ces deux Ă©cosystĂšmes. Cinq sites d’études ont Ă©tĂ© choisis dans le Parc naturel rĂ©gional du Luberon car ils Ă©taient inclus dans des mesures agri-environnementales dont les objectifs Ă©taient la conservation des espĂšces messicoles et des espĂšces de pelouses sĂšches. Au total, 128 quadras de 1 mÂČ ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©chantillonnĂ©s dans des transects qui coupaient perpendiculairement les lisiĂšres avec 3 ou 5 rĂ©pliques par site. Nos rĂ©sultats ne montrent pas un accroissement significatif de la richesse spĂ©cifique dans les lisiĂšres mais des changements dans la composition botanique des champs de cĂ©rĂ©ales aux prairies. Dans notre cas, le pĂąturage ovin permet aux espĂšces messicoles de coloniser les bordures de prairies grĂące aux espaces de sol nu crĂ©Ă©s par le piĂ©tinement des troupeaux. Ces rĂ©sultats sont ensuite discutĂ©s dans une optique de conservation biologique des espĂšces messicoles menacĂ©es dans les paysages agricoles.The present work aimed at sampling the vegetation of cereal fields adjacent to grazed grassland to assess botanical composition and species richness in the transition zones between these two ecosystems. Five study sites were chosen in the natural area of the Luberon because they were included in agri-environmental schemes aimed at conserving arable weeds and dry grassland species. In total, 128 quadras of 1 mÂČ were sampled on transects running through transition zones with 3 or 5 replicates per site. There was no significant increase of species richness but there were changes in the botanical composition from cereal fields to grassland. In our case, sheep grazing allowed the weed flora to colonise grassland boundaries thanks to the gaps created by livestock trampling. These results are then discussed for the biological conservation of threatened arable weeds in agricultural landscapes

    Beta-blocker management in patients admitted for acute heart failure and reduced ejection fraction: a review and expert consensus opinion

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    The role of the beta-adrenergic signaling pathway in heart failure (HF) is pivotal. Early blockade of this pathway with beta-blocker (BB) therapy is recommended as the first-line medication for patients with HF and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Conversely, in patients with severe acute HF (AHF), including those with resolved cardiogenic shock (CS), BB initiation can be hazardous. There are very few data on the management of BB in these situations. The present expert consensus aims to review all published data on the use of BB in patients with severe decompensated AHF, with or without hemodynamic compromise, and proposes an expert-recommended practical algorithm for the prescription and monitoring of BB therapy in critical settings

    Enjeux de conservation d’une zone humide d’eau douce mĂ©diterranĂ©enne exceptionnelle : la GarĂąa Sejenane (Tunisie septentrionale)

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    Cet article a pour but d’évaluer les enjeux de conservation concernant la vĂ©gĂ©tation hydrophytique de la plus grande zone humide naturelle d’eau douce de Tunisie, la GarĂąa Sejenane. Les 55 relevĂ©s phytosociologiques rĂ©alisĂ©s rĂ©vĂšlent une richesse floristique exceptionnelle, avec 74 hydrophytes dont 26 sont Ă  forte valeur patrimoniale. Des analyses multivariĂ©es (AFC, CHA) effectuĂ©es sur ces donnĂ©es distinguent trois types d’habitats : des cultures inondables, des marais temporaires, et des pelouses humides/mares temporaires. Leur cartographie montre une structure en 3 zones concentriques : une ceinture externe constituĂ©e de pelouses humides, de mares temporaires et de prairies fourragĂšres sĂšches, une zone intermĂ©diaire occupĂ©e par des marais temporaires et des prairies fourragĂšres humides, et une zone centrale formĂ©e de cultures inondables. Un Indice de RaretĂ© des EspĂšces trĂšs Ă©levĂ©, et des espĂšces Ă  fort enjeu conservatoire (1 endĂ©mique stricte Ă  la GarĂąa Sejenane, 5 espĂšces dont elle constitue l’unique localitĂ© tunisienne, et 2 espĂšces dont elle abrite les plus grandes populations nord-africaines) rĂ©vĂšlent l’intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©cologique et conservatoire majeur du site, et ceci malgrĂ© de fortes pressions anthropiques subies depuis les annĂ©es 60. Dans le contexte actuel d’augmentation de la pression de perturbation, la conservation Ă  long terme de cette biodiversitĂ© exceptionnelle nĂ©cessite la mise en place de mesures de gestion appropriĂ©es intĂ©grant les populations locales.This study addresses the conservation issues of the hydrophytic vegetation of GarĂąa Sejenane, the largest natural freshwater wetland in Tunisia. Fifty-five phytosociological relevĂ©s reveal the exceptional floristic wealth, including 74 hydrophytes of which 26 are patrimonial species. Multivariate analyses (CA, AHC) differentiate three types of habitats: flooded crops, temporary marshes, and wet lawns/temporary pools. Their mapping shows concentric zones, including an external belt of wet lawns, temporary pools and dry fodder meadows, an intermediate belt of temporary marshes and wet fodder meadows, and a central area of flood crops. A high Species Rarity Index and the occurrence of several species with high conservation values (1 strictly endemic species to the GarĂąa Sejenane, 5 others that exist in Tunisia only in this site, and 2 species whose local populations are the largest in North Africa) confirm the major ecological and conservatory interest of the site, despite anthropogenic pressures on the GarĂąa Sejenane since the sixties. In the present-day context of increasing human pressure, the long-term conservation of this exceptional biodiversity needs the implementation of targeted management measures integrating local populations

    Association of the PHACTR1/EDN1 genetic locus with spontaneous coronary artery dissection

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    Background: Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is an increasingly recognized cause of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) afflicting predominantly younger to middle-aged women. Observational studies have reported a high prevalence of extracoronary vascular anomalies, especially fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) and a low prevalence of coincidental cases of atherosclerosis. PHACTR1/EDN1 is a genetic risk locus for several vascular diseases, including FMD and coronary artery disease, with the putative causal noncoding variant at the rs9349379 locus acting as a potential enhancer for the endothelin-1 (EDN1) gene. Objectives: This study sought to test the association between the rs9349379 genotype and SCAD. Methods: Results from case control studies from France, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia were analyzed to test the association with SCAD risk, including age at first event, pregnancy-associated SCAD (P-SCAD), and recurrent SCAD. Results: The previously reported risk allele for FMD (rs9349379-A) was associated with a higher risk of SCAD in all studies. In a meta-analysis of 1,055 SCAD patients and 7,190 controls, the odds ratio (OR) was 1.67 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.50 to 1.86) per copy of rs9349379-A. In a subset of 491 SCAD patients, the OR estimate was found to be higher for the association with SCAD in patients without FMD (OR: 1.89; 95% CI: 1.53 to 2.33) than in SCAD cases with FMD (OR: 1.60; 95% CI: 1.28 to 1.99). There was no effect of genotype on age at first event, P-SCAD, or recurrence. Conclusions: The first genetic risk factor for SCAD was identified in the largest study conducted to date for this condition. This genetic link may contribute to the clinical overlap between SCAD and FMD
