4 research outputs found

    Performance of calves fed silage transition milk

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de bezerros da raça Holandesa, aleitados com leite ou silagem de leite de transição diluída em água ou misturada ao leite, bem como realizar análise econômica das dietas. Foram utilizados 18 animais, com peso corporal inicial médio de 36,50±4,03 kg, alojados individualmente em baias. Os animais receberam quatro litros de dieta líquida por dia, durante 54 dias. Os dados de consumo, ganho de peso diário, medidas de crescimento e conversão alimentar foram analisados em parcelas subdivididas; e o peso corporal final, o ganho total e a ocorrência de diarreia foram analisados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. A silagem de leite de transição não alterou o consumo de concentrado e o total de matéria seca, nem a ocorrência de diarreia. O desempenho dos animais foi reduzido, quando a silagem foi diluída em água, o que resultou em menor peso final e menor ganho total de peso. Os animais tratados com silagem misturada ao leite tiveram desempenho similar aos tratados com leite, o que possibilita menor custo por quilograma de ganho de peso total e se mostra como opção viável para o aleitamento de bezerros leiteiros.The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of Holstein calves fed with milk or transition milk silage diluted on water or mixed with whole milk, as well as to determine the economic viability of the diets. Eighteen calves, with an average initial body weight of 36.50±4.03 kg, were individually housed in stalls. The animals were fed four liters of the liquid diet a day, during 54 days. Consumption data, daily weight gain, growth measurements, and feed conversion were analyzed in split plots. Final body weight, total weight gain, and occurrence of diarrhea were analyzed in a completely randomized design. Transition milk silage did not affect concentrate intake, total dry matter intake and the occurrence of diarrhea. Animal performance was reduced when silage was diluted on water, resulting in lower final weight and lower total weight gain. Animals treated with transition milk silage mixed with whole milk had a similar performance to the ones treated with whole milk, which allows a lower cost per kilogram of total weight gain, and shows to be a viable option for the feeding of milking calves


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    The experiment was carried out in order to evaluate in situ degradability and the degradation kineticsof dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber of silages of three sorghum genotypes. Twoisogenic lines of grain sorghum (CMSXS 114 and CMSXS 165) and one sorghum hybrid (double purpose, BR-700)were used. The plantation of the genotypes was carried out in summer/2009, in seedbeds 5 m long, 3 m wide and 0.75m row spacing. After cutting, the material was ensilaged. After the opening of the silos the samples were pre-dried,milled and stored in glass bottles for analyses of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber,hemicelluloses, cellulose and lignin, pH, NH3/NT and in situ digestibility of the dry matter. An entirely randomizedexperimental design was used, with four replications and four treatments, and the means were compared by the Tukeytest at 5% significance. As for degradation rate of DM, the ensilage of CMSXS165 line without tannin was superior toall of the treatments. The isogenic line genotype without tannin (CMSXS 165) presented greater effective degradabilityof CP than the line with tannin (CMSXS 114). Thus, the results found in this experiment allow concluding that thepresence of tannin can reduce the rumen degradability of the dry matter and crude protein of the ensilages

    Viabilidade econômica da utilização dos resíduos da bananicultura na alimentação de cordeiros confinados

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    Aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of replacing hay Cynodon spp by hay banana crop residues in diet of lambs. We used 25 Santa Inês lambs, with an average age of five months and an average initial weight of 26.5kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments (40% hay Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 20% hay banana leaf and 20% of Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 40% of banana leaf hay + 60% concentrate, 20% hay pseudostem of banana and 20% of Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 40% hay pseudostem of banana + 60% concentrate). After 69 days of experiment the animals were slaughtered. Possession of the cost of each diet and consumption of animals was calculated economic feasibility. Treatment with 40% of banana leaf hay + 60% concentrate showed the best economic indicators, based on the highest net income, the higher rate of return to higher profitability and marketing of live animals or slaughtered. The inclusion of banana crop residues in the diet of growing lambs increases the economic viability of the activity.Objetivou-se analisar a viabilidade econômica da substituição do feno de Cynodon spp por feno de resíduos da bananicultura na dieta de cordeiros. Foram utilizados 25 cordeiros Santa Inês, com idade média de cinco meses e peso médio inicial de 26,5kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (40% de feno Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrado, 20% de feno de folha de bananeira e 20% de feno de Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrado, 40% de feno de folha de bananeira + 60% concentrado, 20% de feno de pseudocaule de bananeira e 20% de feno de Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrado, 40% de feno de pseudocaule de bananeira + 60% concentrado), em cinco repetições. Após 69 dias de experimentação os animais foram abatidos. De posse do custo de cada dieta e do consumo dos animais, foi calculada a viabilidade econômica. O tratamento com 40% de feno de folha da bananeira + 60% concentrado apresentou os melhores indicadores econômicos, baseados na maior receita líquida, na maior taxa de retorno e na maior lucratividade para comercialização dos animais vivos ou abatidos. A inclusão de resíduos da bananicultura na dieta de cordeiros em crescimento aumenta a viabilidade econômica da atividade