19 research outputs found

    Healthy and open phase PMaSynRM model based on virtual reluctance concept

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The trend in the industrial power electronics electrical drives is to reach high power density and high efficiency in variable load conditions at cost-effective unwasteful designs. Currently, motors with permanent magnets (such as IPMSM and PMaSynRM) are of great interest because of compactness, low losses, and high torque capability. The performance of a drive system can be predicted with a motor electromagnetic authentic nonlinear model. In this paper, a novel, fast, and precise motor model of PMaSynRM based on virtual reluctance (VR) is proposed. It takes into account the cross saturation, winding distribution, space harmonics, slotting effect, and stepped skewing. The virtual reluctances are identified by finite element analysis (FEA) and implemented in the time-stepping simulation. The flux inversion is not required. The proposed concept is useful in the rotating field or phase quantities (for open phase simulation). The model is also discretized for SiL and HiL applications. Finally, the validation in FEA and experimental setup was performed.This work was supported in part by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under TRA2016-80472-R Research Project and Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya under 2017SGR967.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    ResumenEn este trabajo se presenta el diseño de una Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario para el monitoreo y generación de tramas de datos CAN, desarrollada en el IDE Qt Creator. Además, se presenta la metodología utilizada para realizar la configuración de un controlador FCAN el cual permite la generación de tramas de datos CAN personalizadas, las cuales fueron utilizadas para validar el funcionamiento de la interfaz gráfica desarrollada. Como medio de visualización y control se utilizó una pantalla táctil, la cual a su vez es controlada por una tarjeta de desarrollo que tiene como elemento central un SoC Cyclone V, en el cual se ejecuta un sistema Operativo Linux embebido el cual incluye librerías Qt, lo cual hizo posible la ejecución de la aplicación desarrollada. El SoC Cyclone V se divide en dos partes, una parte conformada por el denominado Hard Processor System y la otra compuesta por el FPGA, se hizo uso del HPS debido a que cuenta con periféricos dedicados a los cuales puede acceder directamente, de entre ellos se encuentran dos controladores FCAN, de modo que se hizo uso de uno configurado en modo combinado para la generación y lectura de tramas de datos CAN.Palabra(s) Clave: Controlador CAN, GUI, HPS, LINUX Embebido, Monitoreo de tramas, Qt Creator. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE FOR THE MONITORING OF CAN FRAMES BY MEANS OF A SOC CYCLONE VAbstractThis paper presents the design of a graphical user interface for monitoring and generating CAN data frames, it was developed in the QT Creator IDE. Also it is presented the methodology used to make the configuration of an FCAN controller which lets the generation of custom CAN data frames that were used to validate the operation of the developed graphical user interface. As a medium of visualization and controlling it was used a touch panel which in turn is controlled by a development board that has as central element a SoC Cyclone V in which is executed an embedded LINUX Operating System and through Qt libraries it was possible to execute the application developed. The SoC Cyclone V is divided into two parts, one part conformed by the denominated Hard Processor System and the another one by an FPGA, it was used the HPS due to it has dedicated peripherals that can be accessed directly, among them there are two FCAN controllers, one of them was configured in combined mode to generate and read CAN data frames.Keywords: CAN Controller, Embedded LINUX, Frame monitoring, GUI, HPS, Qt Creator

    Event-based control strategy for consensus of a group of VTOL-UAVs

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    International audienceThis paper presents the development of a collaborative event-based control applied to the problem of consensus and formation of a group of VTOL-UAVs (Vertical Takeoff and Landing, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). Each VTOL-UAV decides, based on the difference of its current state (linear position and velocity) and its latest broadcast state, when it has to send a new value to its neighbors. The asymptotic convergence to average consensus or desired formation is depicted via numerical simulations

    Biomimetic-Based Output Feedback for Attitude Stabilization of Rigid Bodies: Real-Time Experimentation on a Quadrotor

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    International audienceThe present paper deals with the development of bounded feedback control laws mimicking the strategy adopted by flapping flyers to stabilize the attitude of systems falling within the framework of rigid bodies. Flapping flyers are able to orient their trajectory without any knowledge of their current attitude and without any attitude computation. They rely on the measurements of some sensitive organs: halteres, leg sensilla and magnetic sense, which give information about their angular velocity and the orientation of gravity and magnetic field vectors. Therefore, the proposed feedback laws are computed using direct inertial sensors measurements, that is vector observations with/without angular velocity measurements. Hence, the attitude is not explicitly required. This biomimetic approach is very simple, requires little computational power and is suitable for embedded applications on small control units. The boundedness of the control signal is taken into consideration through the design of the control laws by saturation of the actuators' input. The asymptotic stability Micromachines 2015, 6 994 of the closed loop system is proven by Lyapunov analysis. Real-time experiments are carried out on a quadrotor using MEMS inertial sensors in order to emphasize the efficiency of this biomimetic strategy by showing the convergence of the body's states in hovering mode, as well as the robustness with respect to external disturbances


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    Este trabajo presenta el diseño, integración y puesta en marcha, de un sistema de ´hardware in the loop´ para probar el control de velocidad de motores de imán permanente aplicados a tracción eléctrica. El sistema hardware in the loop (HIL) propuesto simula la carga mecánica que representa la dinámica de un auto eléctrico, así como el sistema de alimentación principal y los accionamientos eléctricos para controlar los dos motores que forman el sistema de tracción. Por otra parte, el algoritmo de control por campo orientado se programa en el sistema de control industrial CompactRIO. Los resultados obtenidos validan la operación adecuada del control

    Magnetic skew interface in five-phase ferrite assisted synchronous reluctance motor model

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    © 2021 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Permanent Magnet Assisted Five-Phase Synchronous Machine is analytically modeled in the rotating (dq1dq3) reference frames. The cross saturation and space harmonics are captured in the magnetic flux maps obtained from static 2D finite element (FE) analysis. In this paper, a method to incorporate the skewing effect in the flux map distribution for the first and third harmonic is presented. The original flux for one motor segment is used to calculate fluxes of the first and third planes in the consecutive skewing segments. Respective rotator operators allow to sum the contribution from axial slice and shift the resulting map to the desired zero reference position. Eventually, a dynamic model is established on the new corrected flux maps. FE and experimental validations have been performed to confirm the authenticity of the proposed technique.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fractional Order PI-Based Control Applied to the Traction System of an Electric Vehicle (EV)

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    This paper presents a design of a cruise control based on a fractional-order proportional and integral (PI) direct torque control applied to the traction system of an electric vehicle (EV). The paper also discusses the modeling, control design and simulation, resulting in a numerical simulator composed of detailed models of the main components: transmission system, induction motor, power electronics, control system, and vehicle dynamics. The simulation was developed in MATLAB/Simulink and will allow the estimation of the energy consumption of an EV under specific configurations. Simulation results show the efficiency of the designed control. These simulations were carried out using the velocity profiles given by the New Europe Drive Cycle (NEDC)

    Implementation of the Direct Torque Control (DTC) in current model, with current starting limiter

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    This paper presents the scheme of Direct Torque Control (DTC) for induction motor drives, where flux and torque of the motor are estimated by the IM current model. Its scheme requires the knowledge of speed, rotor time constant and inductive parameters of the motor. The results prove the excellent characteristics for torque response and efficiency, which confirm the validity of this control scheme. Due to the rapid response offered by the DTC, this causes a high star current inversor protections activating. To resolve this, is presents the implementation of a closed loop of current vector the optimum switching table that limits the current and put into operation to the DTC. Experimental tests demonstrate effectiveness.Peer Reviewe

    Design of buck DC-DC converters from the linear quadratic regulator approach

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    This paper presents the design guidelines of a control for step down (Buck) Direct Current to Direct Current (DC-DC) converter for hybrid and high power implementations. The DC-DC converter is analyzed and modeled with the state variables approach and based on the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) theory. A Continuous-Time Sigma Delta modulator performs the oversampled switching for the converter with benefits in the voltage ripple control. The proposed laws of control are implemented and verified though behavioral simulations in Mixed Signal mode verilogA descriptions. The results are shown with responses to different load values, showing control for every case. The proposed converter achieves a low output voltage ripple and a fast settling time