15 research outputs found

    Fatty acid profile in adipose tissue of Non-Maternally Separated rats fed un-supplemented diet (A), Maternally Separated rats fed un-supplemented diet (B), Non-Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 (C), Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 (D), Non-Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 plus 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid and 0.5% (w/w) α-linolenic acid (E), Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 plus 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid and 0.5% (w/w) α-linolenic acid (F) for 7 weeks.

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048159#s3" target="_blank">Results</a> are expressed as percentage of total identified fatty acids. Data are Means ± SEM g/100 g FAME.</p><p><sup>A, B, C, D, E, F</sup> Different superscript letters within a column indicate significant difference (* = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, *** = p<0.001). FAME = fatty acid methyl esters. C16:0 palmitic acid; C16:1c9 palmitoleic acid; C18:0 stearic acid; C18:1<i>c</i>9 oleic acid; C18:1<i>t</i>9 elaidic acid<b>;</b> C18:2n-6 linoleic acid; C18:3n-3 linolenic acid; C20:1<i>c</i>11 eicosenoic acid; C20:4n-6 arachidonic acid.</p

    The average threshold value (pressure at which the animal shows the first pain behaviour) of each group. (* = p<0.05).

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    <p>White columns- Non separated rats fed un-supplemented diet, Chequered columns- Maternally separated fed un-supplemented diet, Horizontal lines- Non separated rats fed <i>Bifidobacterium breve</i> DPC 6330, Vertical lines- Maternally separated rats fed <i>Bifidobacterium breve</i> DPC 6330, Upward diagonal lines- Non separated rats fed <i>Bifidobacterium breve</i> DPC 6330 plus 0.5% linoleic acid and 0.5% α-linolenic acid, Downward diagonal lines- Maternally separated rats fed <i>Bifidobacterium breve</i> DPC6330 plus 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid and 0.5% (w/w) α-linolenic acid.</p

    Fatty acid profile in liver of Non-Maternally Separated rats fed un-supplemented diet (A), Maternally Separated rats fed un-supplemented diet (B), Non-Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 (C), Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 (D), Non-Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 plus 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid and 0.5% (w/w) α-linolenic acid (E), Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 plus 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid and 0.5% (w/w) α-linolenic acid (F) for 7 weeks.

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048159#s3" target="_blank">Results</a> are expressed as percentage of total identified fatty acids. Data are Means ± SEM g/100 g FAME. <sup>A, B, C, D, E, F</sup> Different superscript letters within a column indicate significant difference (* = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, *** = p<0.001). FAME = fatty acid methyl esters. C16:0 palmitic acid; C16:1c9 palmitoleic acid; C18:0 stearic acid; C18:1c9 oleic acid; C18:2n-6 linoleic acid; C18:3n-3 linolenic acid; C20:4n-6 arachidonic acid; C22:5n-3 docosapentaenoic acid; C22:6n-3 docosahexaenoic acid.</p

    Unweighted principal component analysis.

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    <p>For: a) control and treatment animals in day 0 (blue), control animals in day 21 (green) and treatment animals in day 21 (red) b) control animals in day 0 (blue) and control animals in day 21 (red) c) treatment animals in day 0 (blue) and treatment animals in day 21(red) d) control animals in day 21 (blue) and treatment animals in day 21 (red). UPGMA clustering and Jackkniffing for the unweighted UniFrac data e) For the UPGMA cladogram on the left: Orange colour represents animals in day 0; red for the control animals in day 21 and blue for the treatment animals in day21. d) For the Jackknife supported tree layout the labels are coloured according to the group as: Black for animals in day 0; red for the control animals in day 21 and blue for treatment animals in day 21. The lines are coloured by the Jackknife supported percentages: Red for 75–100% support; Green for 50–75% support; Yellow for 25–50% support and Blue for <25% support.</p

    Fatty acid profile in prefrontal cortex of Non-Maternally Separated rats fed un-supplemented diet (A), Maternally Separated rats fed un-supplemented diet (B), Non-Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 (C), Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 (D), Non-Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 plus 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid and 0.5% (w/w) α-linolenic acid (E), Maternally Separated rats fed <i>B. breve</i> DPC6330 plus 0.5% (w/w) linoleic acid and 0.5% (w/w) α-linolenic acid (F) for 7 weeks.

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048159#s3" target="_blank">Results</a> are expressed as percentage of total identified fatty acids. Data are Means ± SEM g/100 g FAME.</p><p><sup>A, B, C, D, E, F</sup> Different superscript letters within a column indicate significant difference (* = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, *** = p<0.001). FAME = fatty acid methyl esters. C16:0 palmitic acid; C16:1c9 palmitoleic acid; C18:0 stearic acid; C18:1<i>c</i>9 oleic acid; C18:1<i>t</i>9 elaidic acid; C18:2n-6 linoleic acid; C20:4n-6 arachidonic acid; C22:4 adrenic acid; C24:1 nervonic acid; C22:5n-3 docosapentaenoic acid; C22:6n-3 docosahexaenoic acid.</p