13 research outputs found

    «Εμφάνιση ασθενειών, προπονητικό φορτίο και συνήθειες ύπνου σε νεαρές αθλήτριες υδατοσφαίρισης »

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν να καταγράψει την εμφάνιση ασθενειών, το προπονητικό φορτίο και τις συνήθειες ύπνου σε χρονικό διάστημα δεκαέξι εβδομάδων. Στην παρούσα μελέτη συμμετείχαν δώδεκα αθλήτριες (ηλικίας 14,5±0,65 έτη, βάρους 55±7kg και ύψους 161±0,03 cm). Οι αθλήτριες κλήθηκαν να καταγράψουν σε καθημερινή βάση για χρονικό διάστημα 16 εβδομάδων μέσω ερωτηματολογίων την δυσκολία της προπόνησης (10βάθμια κλίμακα του Borg), την διάρκεια της προπόνησης, την ώρα που έπεφταν για ύπνο το βράδυ, την ώρα που ξυπνούσαν κάθε πρωί, την ποιότητα ύπνου καθώς και αν είχαν κάποιο σύμπτωμα ασθενείας. Έπειτα υπολογίστηκε το οξύ προπονητικό φορτίο (προπονητικό φορτίο επτά ημερών) υπολογίζοντας την μέση τιμή του προπονητικού φορτίου (RPE Χ Προπονητική διάρκεια), το χρόνιο προπονητικό φορτίο (προηγούμενες 28 ημέρες), η μονοτονία της προπόνησης (οξύ προπονητικό φορτίο /την τυπική απόκλιση των 7 ημερών που κατεγράφη το οξύ προπονητικό φορτίο), καθώς και η καταπόνηση της προπόνησης υπολογίζοντας το σύνολο του προπονητικού φορτίου των 7 ημερών Χ την μονοτονία της προπόνησης (training monotony). Τέλος η διάρκεια ύπνου υπολογίστηκε λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την αυτό-αναφερόμενη ώρα που έπεσαν για ύπνο και την ώρα που ξύπνησαν. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι δεν υπήρχαν σημαντικές διαφορές μεταξύ ασθένειας και υγείας στο οξύ προπονητικό φορτίο καθώς και στην ποσότητα ύπνου που λάμβαναν τις προηγούμενες επτά ημέρες. Εντούτοις, παρατηρήθηκε ότι το χρόνιο προπονητικό φορτίο ήταν σημαντικά μεγαλύτερο όταν οι αθλήτριες ήταν ασθενείς από ότι υγιείς. Συμπερασματικά, φαίνεται ότιτο χρόνιο προπονητικό φορτίο είναι παράγοντας που πιθανά επηρεάζει την εμφάνιση ασθενειών σε νεαρές αθλήτριες υδατοσφαίρισης. Επομένως, είναι σημαντικό οι προπονητές να λάβουν υπόψιν το παραπάνω με σκοπό τη διατήρηση της υγείας των αθλητριών τους. Λέξεις-Κλειδιά: ασθένειες, προπονητικό φορτίο, συνήθειες ύπνου.όχ

    Study of trunk asymmetry in normal children and adolescents

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    The scoliometer readings in both standing and sitting position of 2071 children and adolescents (1099 boys and 972 girls) aged from 5 to 18 years old were studied. The angle of trunk rotation (ATR) was measured, in order to quantify the existing trunk asymmetry. Children and adolescents were divided in two groups according to the severity of trunk asymmetry. In the first group asymmetry was 1 to 6 degrees and in the second group was 7 or more degrees. Radiographic and leg length inequality evaluation were also performed in a number of children. The mean frequency of symmetric (ATR = 0 degrees) boys and girls was 67.06% and 65.01% for the standing screening position and 76.5% and 75.1% for the sitting position, respectively. The mean difference of frequency of asymmetry (ATR > 0 degrees) at standing minus sitting forward bending position for boys and girls was 10.22% and 9.37%, respectively. The mean frequency of asymmetry of 7 or more degrees was 3.23% for boys and 3.92% for girls at the standing forward bending position and 1.62% and 2.21% at the sitting, respectively. Girls are found to express higher frequency of asymmetry than boys. Right trunk asymmetry was more common than left. The sitting position is the preferred screening position for examining the rib or loin hump during school screening as it demonstrates the best correlation with the spinal deformity exposing the real trunk asymmetry

    Association between adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence and age at menarche in different geographic latitudes

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    BACKGROUND: Age at menarche is considered a reliable prognostic factor for idiopathic scoliosis and varies in different geographic latitudes. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence has also been reported to be different in various latitudes and demonstrates higher values in northern countries. A study on epidemiological reports from the literature was conducted to investigate a possible association between prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and age at menarche among normal girls in various geographic latitudes. An attempt is also made to implicate a possible role of melatonin in the above association. MATERIAL-METHODS: 20 peer-reviewed published papers reporting adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence and 33 peer-reviewed papers reporting age at menarche in normal girls from most geographic areas of the northern hemisphere were retrieved from the literature. The geographic latitude of each centre where a particular study was originated was documented. The statistical analysis included regression of the adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence and age at menarche by latitude. RESULTS: The regression of prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and age at menarche by latitude is statistically significant (p < 0.001) and are following a parallel declining course of their regression curves, especially in latitudes northern than 25 degrees. CONCLUSION: Late age at menarche is parallel with higher prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Pubarche appears later in girls that live in northern latitudes and thus prolongs the period of spine vulnerability while other pre-existing or aetiological factors are contributing to the development of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A possible role of geography in the pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis is discussed, as it appears that latitude which differentiates the sunlight influences melatonin secretion and modifies age at menarche, which is associated to the prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis

    Mitochondrial emitted electromagnetic signals mediate retrograde signaling

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    Recent evidence shows that mitochondria regulate nuclear transcriptional activity both in normal and cell stress conditions, known as retrograde signaling. Under normal mitochondrial function, retrograde signaling is associated with mitochondrial biogenesis, normal cell phenotype and metabolic profile. In contrast, mitochondrial dysfunction leads to abnormal (oncogenic) cell phenotype and altered bioenergetic profile (nucleus reprogramming). Despite intense research efforts, a concrete mechanism through which mitochondria determine the group of genes expressed by the nucleus is still missing. The present paper proposes a novel hypothesis regarding retrograde signaling. More specifically, it reveals the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and the accompanied strong electromagnetic field (EF) as key regulatory factors of nuclear activity. Mitochondrial emitted EFs extend in long distance and affect the function of nuclear membrane receptors. Depending on their frequencies, EFs can directly activate or deactivate different groups of nuclear receptors and so determine nuclear gene expression. One of the key features of the above hypothesis is that nuclear membrane receptors, besides their own endogenous or chemical ligands (hormones, lipids, etc.), can also be activated by electromagnetic signals. Moreover, normal MMP values (about -140 mV) are associated with the production of high ATP quantities and small levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) while the hyperpolarization observed in all cancer cell types leads to a dramatic fall in ATP production and an analogous increase in ROS. The diminished ATP and increased ROS production negatively affect the function of all cellular systems including nucleus. Restoration of mitochondrial function, which is characterized by the fluctuation of MMP and EF values within a certain (normal) range, is proposed as a necessary condition for normal nuclear function and cancer therapy. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    ATP Synthesis Revisited: New Avenues for the Management of Mitochondrial Diseases

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in the development of a wide spectrum of major human diseases, including diabetes mellitus, heart disorders, neurodegeneration and cancer. Several therapeutic approaches targeting mitochondrial function have been applied in most cases without however the desired outcome. The limited effectiveness of these therapeutic schemes is due to the fact that several important aspects of mitochondrial function have not been elucidated as yet, including the detailed mechanism of ATP production. Although it is known that electron transport chain (ETC) is the central machinery responsible for mitochondrial oxidative ATP production, major important functions attributed to ETC are still unresolved while other activities which are in fact carried out by the ETC have been overlooked. This review revisits ATP synthesis providing a detailed account of the experimentally-verified ETC functions focused on the ability of ETC to act as an electro-electric converter, able to accept different electrons from any given energy source (light, food or metals) in order to produce the correct voltage and store it in the form of electrostatic potentials (mitochondrial membrane potential). This stored electric energy, in the order of 3x10(7) V/m, can then be used by F1F0 ATP synthase for ATP production. The present review provides supportive evidence that this ETC function suffices to fully explain the missing parts of ATP production, thus redirecting the current therapeutic schemes for the management of mitochondrial diseases to a more complete and effective avenue

    A new model for mitochondrial membrane potential production and storage

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    Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) is the most reliable indicator of mitochondrial function. The MMP value range of -136 to -140 mV has been considered optimal for maximum ATP production for all living organisms. Even small changes from the above range result in a large fall in ATP production and a large increase in ROS production. The resulting bioenergetic deregulation is considered as the causative agent for numerous major human diseases. Normalization of MMP value improves mitochondrial function and gives excellent therapeutic results. In order for a systematic effective treatment of these diseases to be developed, a detailed knowledge of the mechanism of MMP production is absolutely necessary. However, despite the long-standing research efforts, a concrete mechanism for MMP production has not been found yet. The present paper proposes a novel mechanism of MMP production based on new considerations underlying the function of the two basic players of MMP production, the electron transport chain (ETC) and the F1F0 ATP synthase. Under normal conditions, MMP is almost exclusively produced by the electron flow through ETC complexes I-IV, creating a direct electric current that stops in subunit II of complex IV and gradually charges MMP. However, upon ETC dysfunction F1F0 ATP synthase reverses its action and starts to hydrolyze ATP. ATP hydrolysis further produces electric energy which is transferred, in the form of a direct electric current, from F1 to F0 where is used to charge MMP. This new model is expected to redirect current experimental research on mitochondrial bioenergetics and indicate new therapeutic schemes for mitochondrial disorders. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Immunoglobulin G4-related Disease: Presentation of the First Case with Isolated Pterygopalatine Fossa Involvement

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    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease is an immune-mediated fibroinflammatory disease with single or multiple organ involvement. Clinically it mimics several benign and malignant tumors, as well as infectious, and inflammatory disorders. It typically presents as multiple tumor-forming lesions. Histological and immunohistochemical findings are characteristic. Serum immunoglobulin G4 levels are usually increased. Systemic corticosteroid administration is the treatment of choice with good response, especially in early disease stages. We present the first case of immunoglobulin G4-related disease presenting as an isolated tumor forming lesion of the left pterygopalatine fossa. Imaging studies indicated a benign process. Histological findings were consistent with IgG4-related disease. The patient showed a good response to systemic corticosteroid treatment and remains free of symptoms 18 months following diagnosis