8 research outputs found

    Evolution of total blood glucose over 24 hours of rats sampled during young (red) and adult (blue) phases.

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    <p>Rats were from mothers fed on Low protein diet (square) with bolus of L-tryptophan (filled, LPT) or without (white, LPS) and Control diet (circle) with bolus of L-tryptophan (filled, CT) or without (white, CS). Data are expressed as means ±SEM. By three-way ANOVA we found a significant effect of the Zeitgeber (Hours) on both time series (p<0.001; A & B) and a significant interaction between Diet (Low protein, Control) and daily bolus (L-tryptophan or saline) for young phase (p = 0.0291; C) and for the adult phase (p = 0.0285; D). Note that interactions between factors shown on C and D are reversed. By applying Cosinor analysis, we found that the maximum at 16 h was representative of a rhythm for the group of rats fed as control and receiving daily bolus of L-tryptophan (Fourier analysis, autospectral plot and spectral density analysis gave a maximum at 16.7 h for CT series on A).</p

    Growth of offspring and amount of visceral fat at sacrifice.

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    <p>Evolution of body weight (A) and daily growth rate (B) of offspring receiving a daily bolus of tryptophan or of saline solution from Day-12 to 21 of age. Evolution of body weight of offspring after weaning (C) and visceral fat at day 140 (D). Four groups of rat pups are shown referred as LPS = Low-protein saline (n = 9 ); LPT = low-protein tryptophan (n = 9). Body weight s’ gain of low protein and control groups were divergent at day-7 and remained so independently of tryptophan supplementation. Data are expressed as means and ±SEM. *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001 by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test. (*LPS vs CS and #LPT vs CT). The body weight of offspring (n = 42) after weaning until 140-old age remained lower until the end of experiment (C) with similar visceral fat (g/100 g) at sacrifice (D). Data are expressed as means ±SEM. CS = control saline (n = 12 ); CT = control tryptophan (n = 12 ); LPS = Low-protein saline (n = 9 ); LPT = low-protein tryptophan (n = 9). *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001 by RM two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test (*LPS vs CS and #LPT vs CT.).</p

    Adhesion and colonization of primary cells on conventional plastics according to age.

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    <p>Cells were isolated by trypsinization from tail biopsies within 7 days of culture. Identical capacity to rise primary cultures were found for rats whatever their mother’s diet and perinatal treatment during the young phase. A significant loss in the capacity of colonization (p<0.05) was found for cellular preparations obtained from undernourished adult rats whatever the perinatal treatment (with or without a daily bolus of L-tryptophan).</p

    Immunodection of PERIOD1 on primary cell monolayers from young rats over 30 hours after a 2 h serum shock according to diets and tryptophan supplementation.

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    <p>A. Expression of PERIOD1 was found localized in the nucleus (yellow arrows) at 6 and 30 h after serum shock. Consistent observations of the nuclear localization of PERIOD1 at 6 h were indicative of correct cell synchronization by the serum shock. Re-occurence of nuclear staining at 30 h showed PERIOD1 cycling. The yellow bar at bottom of 6H plane stands for 10 µm. B. Quantification of nuclear PERIOD1 staining on confocal images of cellular monolayers by using the Hoechst staining to delineate nuclei area and to integrate PERIOD1 staining. By three-way ANOVA, we found a significant effect of diets (p = 0.0490), of daily bolus of L-tryptophan (p<0.0001) and of Hours (p = 0.0002). All factors were significantly interacting (p = 0.0148). Data are expressed as means ±SEM. A range of 31 to 74 nuclei were measured for the intensity of PERIOD1 from at least 3 cell lines per group.</p

    Relative food intake of pups between day-39 and day-42, from dams fed on low-protein or control diet during perinatal period.

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    <p>Rat pups received a daily bolus of L-tryptophan or Saline from day-12 to day-21. On rat pups from mothers fed on low protein diet, means of food intake measured in dark cycle were significantly different from control, irrespectively to L-tryptophan supplementation (Low-Protein Tryptophan (LPT, n = 9 pups); Low protein Saline (LPS, n = 9 pups); Control Tryptophan (CT, n = 12 pups), Control Saline (CS as white) *P<0.05 ***P<0.0001 by one way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test. Data are expressed as means ±SEM (*LPS vs CS and #LPT vs CT.).</p

    Daily percentages of food intake of rats during 4 days of observation of consumption every 4 h.

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    <p>The litter mate (n = 38) derived from dams fed control or low protein diet during perinatal period. The pups received L-tryptophan or saline (125 mg/kg body weight) between Day-12 and 21. Only litter mates LPT (45–55 old age) showed difference on the cycle of food intake during 4 consecutive days of observations. Data (g/100 g body weight) are expressed as means ±SEM. *<sup>#</sup>p<0.05 by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test.; *LPS X CT and CS; <sup>#</sup>LPT X LPS.</p