52 research outputs found

    Territorial inequalities induced by COVID-19 pose tough choices for regional policy

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    As the COVID-19 pandemic heads into its second year, the associated economic and social implications are still evolving. From the onset it has been clear that the twin health and economic crises are having differentiated impacts across regions, sectors and social groups. However, the scale and scope of these differences have been hard to predict. An emerging clarity on territorial impacts indicates that the pandemic has been re-shaping territorial disparities. This is putting pressure on domestic regional policy to define targeted responses in both the short- and long-term

    Chronic Renal Failure And Changes In Laboratory Performance

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    Хроничната бъбречна недостатъчност е състояние, което настъпва в резултат от необратима загуба на основните бъбречни функции. При напреднало хронично бъбречно заболяване терапевтичните възможности са ограничени и са насочени към ограничаване на прогресията на бъбречната недостатъчност, намаляване на сърдечно-съдовите усложнения, своевременно започване на бъбречно заместващо лечение, подобряване на преживяемостта и качеството на живот на болните. Тъй като честотата на хронично бъбречните заболявания е с нарастваща тенденция през последните години, от съществено значение е поставянето на ранната диагноза и насочване към нефролог за допълнително диагностично уточняване и провеждане на лечение.Chronic kidney failure is a condition that occurs as a result of irreversible loss of essential kidney function. In the case of progressive chronic kidney disease, therapeutic options are limited and are aimed at limiting the progression of renal failure, reducing cardiovascular complications, initiation of renal replacement therapy, improving survival and quality of life of the patients. The incidence of chronic kidney disease has been increasing in recent years, therefore early diagnosis as well as timely treatment by a nephrologist are very important

    Trends In Chronic Kidney Disease In Bulgaria

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    Хроничните бъбречни заболявания са едни от най-разпространените медицински състояния на зрялата и напредналата възраст, особено в развитите страни, където застаряването на населението им отрежда едно от първите места сред причините за смъртност. Те много често не се диагностицират преди развитието на крайната фаза на бъбречната недостатъчност поради липса на съществени клинични оплаквания от страна на пациентите, което обуславя нуждата от скрининг с определени лабораторни показатели. Както у нас, така и в световен мащаб, е налице тенденция за прогресивно нарастване на бъбречните заболявания, водещи до хронична бъбречна недостатъчност.Chronic kidney disease is one of the most widespread medical conditions of adults and elderly people. In developed countries where the aging population is increasing, kidney disease is the first among the causes of mortality. It is difficult to diagnose due to lack of complaints, indicating the need for screening through laboratory tests. In Bulgaria and in the world there is a tendency for a progressive increase of the kidney diseases leading to chronic kidney failure

    Antibacterial activity of 4-isopropyl-phenyl-methylidene-4- [1- (3,5,5,8,8-pentamethyl-6,7-dihydronaphthal-2-yl) ethenyl] benzohydrazyde

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    The increase in antibiotic resistance of microorganisms encourages the constant search for new compounds. Studies on the activity of hydrazones identify them as promising compounds for further microbiological research. The aim of the present study is to determine the antibacterial activity of newly synthesized 4-isopropyl-phenyl-methylidene-4- [1- (3,5,5,8,8-pentamethyl-6,7-dihydronaphthalen-2-yl) ethe- nyl] benzohydrazide, an analog of the antineoplastic preparation bexarotene. The assay was performed against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus

    Changes in the Constitutional Matter Affecting the Structure of the Judiciary During the Regime of 19 May 1934

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    This work was supported by the UNWE Research program (Reasearch Grant No 16/2021).The article “Changes in the constitutional matter affecting the structure of the judiciary during the regime of 19 May 1934” covers the changes in Bulgaria when on 19 May 1934, after a successful coup, the political circle ‘Zveno’ and the Military Union came to power. The coup was carried out in drastic violation of the constitution. A number of reforms had been undertaken in the country, some of which affected the constitutional structure. Particularly serious were those in the field of Bulgarian judicial organisation. The coup was carried out without the participation of the tsar, but was legitimized by him. The participants in the May 19 coup considered it necessary to change the procedure for the installation of the National Assembly. The constitutional powers of the Grand National Assembly were taken away by the government. The electoral right and the right of association guaranteed by the Tarnovo Constitution were violated. Amendments were also made to the administrative-territorial division of the country, which were implemented by ignoring the Constitution, where the names of the territorial units are explicitly mentioned. All these changes, euphemistically called “renewal”, affected the judicial system as well. The government of Kimon Georgiev, on the basis of Article 47 of the Tarnovo Constitution, issued on 24 November 1934 the Decree-Law on the Structure of the Courts. Interestingly, the structure of the 1926 law was adopted. Most of its text was reproduced, and the additions made concern primarily the internal structuring of some chapters and the introduction of new paragraphs. It was a major reform of the Bulgarian judicial [email protected]Университет за национално и световно стопанство (University of National and World Economy; Sofia, Bulgaria)Bacharov D.G., Za nesmenyaemostta na prokurorite, „Sadiyski vestnik”, br. 2 [Бачаров Дим. Г., За несменяемостта на прокурорите, „Съдийски вестник” 1919, С., бр. 2].Bozukova K., Prokuraturata, „Balgariya XX v., ABV KOOP” 2000 [Бозукова К., Прокуратурата, „България XX в., АБВ КООП” 2000, С.].Central State Archives, f. 242 k, op. 2, a. e. 1552, l. 51 [Централен държавен архив (ЦДА), ф. 242 к, оп. 2, а. е. 1552, л. 51].Central State Archives, f. 242 k, op. 2, a. e. 365, l. 19, 25, 27 [Централен държавен архив (ЦДА), ф. 242 к, оп. 2, а. е. 365, л. 19, 25, 27].Central State Archives, f. 242 к, a. e. 2, op. 1554, l. 70 [Централен държавен архив (ЦДА), ф. 242 к, а.е. 2, оп. 1554, л. 70].Dimitrov E., Prokurorskiyat nadzor i lichnostta na prokur ora, „Sadiyski vestnik” 1935, br. 2 [Димитров Евст. Ст, Прокурорският надзор и личността на прокурора, „Съдийски вестник” 1935, С., бр. 2.]Dimitrov I., Balgarskata demokratichna obshtestvenost, fashizam i vojnata 1934-1939, Sofia 1976 [Димитров И., Българската демократична общественост, фашизъм и войната 1934-1939, С., 1976.].Dragiev A., V zashtita na prokurorskata nezavisimost, „Sadiyski vestnik” 1927, br. 13 и 14 [Драгиев Ат., В защита на прокурорската независимост, „Съдийски вестник” 1927, С., бр. 13 и 14].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 42/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр.42/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 58/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр. 58/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 72/1943 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр.72/1943].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 83/1938 [Държавен вестник (ДВ),бр. 83/1938].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 92/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр. 92/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 96/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), 96/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 100/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр. 100/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 114/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр. 114/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 134/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), 134/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br.161/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), 161/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 174/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр. 174/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 182/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр. 182/1934].Darzhaven vestnik, br.183/1935 [ Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр.183/1935].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 234/1937 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр. 234/1937].Darzhaven vestnik, br. 210/1934 [Държавен вестник (ДВ), бр.210/1934].Georgiev B., Burzhoaznite I drebnoburzhoaznite partii v Balgariya 1934-1939, Sofia 1971 [Георгиев В., Буржоазните и дребнобуржоазните партии в България 1934–1939, С., 1971].Hristov A., Formirane na Balgariya kato socialna darzhava – ot grizha za bednite kam darzhavnata socialna politika (30-te godini na XX vek), „GSU na Fakultetat po pedagogika” 2020 [Христов Ал., Формиране на България като социална държава – от грижа за бедните към държавна социална политика (30-те години на XX век), „ГСУ на Факултет по педагогика” 2020, С.].Istoriya na Balgariya (1919–1944), t. IX, Sofia 2012 [История на България (1919–1944), т. IX, С., 2012].Krasteva M., Direktsiyata za obshtestvenata obnova na natsionalnata propaganda prez pogleda na karikaturista Rayko Aleksiev (1934-1943 y.), „Kulturno-istorichesko nasledstvo: opazvane, predstavyane, digitalizatsiya” 2019, t. 5, broy 1 [М. Кръстева, Дирекцията за обществена обнова и дирекцията на националната пропаганда през погледа на карикатуриста Райко Алексиев (1934–1943 г.), „Културно-историческо наследство: oпазване, представяне, дигитализация” 2019, т. 5, брой 1].Manolova M., Istoriya na darzhavata i pravoto. Treta balgarska darzhava 1878-1944 g., Sofia 1944 [Манолова М., История на държавата и правото. Трета българска държава 1878-1944 г., С., 1944.].Marinov L., Okoliyskite prokurori, „Sadiyski vestnik” 1935, br. 8 [Маринов Л., Око лийските прокурори, „Съдийски вестник” 1935, С., бр. 8].Mitankov V.N., Nesmenyaemostta na sadiite kato konstitucionen printsip, „Pravna missal” 1936, kn. 9 [Митаков В.Н., Несменяемостта на съдиите като конституционен принцип, „Правна мисъл” 1936, С., кн. 9].Naredba-zakon za razturyane na gradskite I selski obshtini [Наредба-закон за разтурянето на градските и селски общини].Nesmenyaemostta na prokurorite tryabva da bade prokarana, „Sadiyski vestnik” 1924, br. 14 [Несменяемостта на прокурорите трябва да бъде прокарана, „Съдийски вестник” 1924, С., бр. 14].Partanov K., Nesmenyaema prokuratura i pri oblastnite sadilishta., „Sadiyski vestnik” 1939, br. 10 [Партов К., Несменяема прокуратура и при и областните съдилища, „Съдийски вестник” 1939, С., бр. 10].Priturka kam „Darzhaven vestnik”, br. бр. 38, 19/1934 [Притурка към „Държавен вестник”, бр. 38 от 19 май 1934].Stenografski dnevnici, XXV ONS, IV RS, 19.03.1943, p. 1062 [Стенографски дневници, XXV ОНС, IV РС, 19.03.1943, с. 1062].Tenishev P.D., Dayte nesmenyaemost na prokurorite, „Sadiyski vestnik” 1924, br. 19 [Тенишев П.Д., Дайте несменяемост и на прокурорите, „Съдийски вестник” 1924, С., бр. 19].Tokushev D., Istoriya na novobalgarskata darzhava i pravo (1878–1944), Sofia 2008 [Токушев Д., История на новобългарската държава и право (1878–1944), С., 2008].Tokushev D., Sadebnata vlast v Balgariya (ot drevnostta do nashi dni), Sofia 2003 [Токушев Д., Съдебната власт в България (от древността до наши дни), С., 2003].Yochev E., Naredba-zakon za ustraoystvo na sadilishtata ot 1934 g., „Nauchni trudove na Rusenskiya universitet” 2010, tom 49, seriya 7 [Йочев Е., Наредбатазакон за устройството на съдилищата от 1934 г., „Научни трудове на Русенския университет” 2010, том 49, серия 7].Yochev E., Sayuz/sdruzhenie na balgarskite sadii po vremeto na devetnadesetomayskoto pravitelstvo, „Yuridicheski svyat”, kn. 1 Sofia, Siela [Йочев Е., Съюзът/ сдружението на българските съдии по време на деветнадесетомайското правителство, „Юридически свят”, кн. 1, С., Сиела].Yochev E., Naredba-zakon za ustraoystvo na sadilishtata ot 1934 g., „Nauchni trudove na Rusenskiya universitet” 2010, tom 49, seriya 7 [Йочев Е., Наредбата-закон за устройството на съдилищата от 1934 г.], http://conf.uni-ruse.bg/bg/docs/cp10/7/7-6.pdf (visited 17.10.2021, 13:00).2028711

    Synthesis and in vitro antimicrobial evaluation of a new metronidazole derivative

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    INTRODUCTION: For decades there has been active work on the synthesis, identification, and exploration of heterocyclic compounds. However, the imidazole nucleus is the main scaffold in molecules with various pharmacological properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, antineoplastic, antiviral, antidiabetic, etc. This work describes a synthesis of new metronidazole amide derivative by condensation of -(2-methyl-5-nitro-1Н-imidazole-1-yl)acetic acid with 2-(diethylamino)ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (procaine). The chemical structure of the new compound was confirmed by its IR and UV-VIS spectral data and was evaluated for in vitro potential antimicrobial activity against standard bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231.AIM: The present study aimed to synthesize, characterize, and evaluate the potential antimicrobial activity of a new metronidazole amide compound against standard bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans 10231. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The new amide metronidazole derivative 2-(diethylamine) ethyl 4-(2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole-1-yl)acetamide)benzoate was tested for in vitro antibacterial activity by the following described methods: cup-plate technique, minimum inhibitory concentration determination (MIC), and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) determination.RESULTS: A synthesis of a new metronidazole amide derivative was made by condensation of -(2-methyl-5-nitro-1Н-imidazole-1-yl)acetic acid with 2-(diethylamino)ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (procaine). The chemical structure of the new compound was confirmed by its IR and UV-VIS spectral data and was evaluated for in vitro potential antimicrobial activity against standard bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. CONCLUSION: The obtained data assess the same antimicrobial activity of the new compound and metronidazole against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The highest sensitivity was observed against Candida albicans

    Light at the end of the tunnel? Moving into the next programme phase

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    Heading into a second winter facing the challenges of a global pandemic, ESIF programme managers continue to juggle responsibilities across two programme periods. The tail-end of the 2014-20 programme period remains busy, particularly in terms of monitoring and processing expenditure claims and making payments to beneficiaries. This is workload now exacerbated by many projects needing extensions into 2023, due to the impact of COVID-19. 2023 is expected to be a demanding year

    In vitro study of antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Origanum vulgare against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

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    INTRODUCTION: Essential oils are aromatic and volatile liquids, extracted from different plant parts with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, and biological properties. For example, the essential oil of oregano presents antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential antimicrobial activity of two (for external and internal use) commercial essential oils of Origanum vulgare against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in Medical College, Varna, Bulgaria. The antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oils was determined by the use of the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test.RESULTS: Antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oils (for external and internal use) was efficient in the control of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. This inhibitory effect was observed by the inhibitory diameters above 21 mm.CONCLUSION: The future evaluation of natural essential oils with a relatively high in vitro activity could be researched in the treatment of various infectious diseases.

    Being a home patient with Parkinson's disease

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    Awareness of the visitors of solar studios in Varna and Dobrich about the health risks from their use

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    Bulgaria is one of the countries with the highest number of cases of skin cancer worldwide. The consequences of intensive exposure to UV radiation are an important health and social issue. Artificial indoor tanning has been offered widely during the last years and this has lead to plenty of discussions mainly related to the risks of the uncontrolled offer of such services, and to the need of safety and health regulations. The purpose of the study is to determine the levels of health risk awareness amongst the clients of solar studios in Varna and Dobrich. A survey was conducted involving 116 people of which 97 women and 19 men. According to the results, only 57.9% have been informed by a cosmetician. Only 70% of the clients have been given regularly instructions for the use of the solarium. Almost one quarter of the participants in the survey stated that they chose a solar studio because of the radiation parameters. More than 50% of the interviewed exposed to artificial UV radiation the zones of their bodies with pigmentary formations while 55.3% of the clients of artificial tan studios naturally have light skin, which means they are exposed to a higher risk of malignant new formations. Based on these results, activities aimed at raising the population`s awareness about the effects of UV radiation and about protection measures, as well as at building habits of safe behavior when using artificial UV radiation sources, should be planned and implemented