6 research outputs found

    Erasmus Programme Instruments for Enriching Young People’s Horizon

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    When economic crisis was raging through Europe, a social class was the most affected, in comparison with the others, that social class being represented by young people from all over Europe. That moment was the starting point in seeking for a solution to counteract the effects of this crisis among this social class. The solution found by the European Commission is represented by Erasmus + programme which has as main objectives: reduction of youth unemployment, increasing international experiences of young people, encouraging the cooperation between the research and educational institutions, encouraging volunteering, increasing the integration among the Member States of the European Union as well as with associated countries of the European Union. Erasmus will celebrate the 30 years’ anniversary of its opening, being one of the most successful programs ever undertaken at European Union level. By 2020 it is estimated that over 6 million young students will have benefited from the financial support for carrying out an international mobility. In this context, the following problems arise: Erasmus program is perfect or needs improvements, it truly contributes to the personal development of the participants in the project and if the money are allocated efficiently. These were some of the issues that I had in mind when I started this research

    The Perception of the Academics and Students Regarding the Entrepreneurial Education Iin Economic Education

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    The XXI century has brought radical transformations in the ways of organising the society as a whole and particularly of the academic world. It is known that the higher learning institutions have constantly positioned themselves among the sustainable institutions of the civilisation, fact due in large amount to their flexibility, but also to their power of anticipation, transformation, and innovation. The role of education in society, but especially of entrepreneurial education is in a constant state of change, and must be correlated with social requirements that keep evolving. The knowledge based economy focuses on continuous development of human education and their entrepreneurial capabilities. The modern economy needs specialists with entrepreneurial attitudes, and universities must assume an important role of providers of potential entrepreneurs. This requirement is also valid for the university community from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies; the purpose of this work was to find the perception of teachers and students in regards to using the professional competences through business education

    Traditional products – vectors of sustainable development on the regional and national markets

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    Traditional products represent an important component of the Romanian culture, of the Romanian identity, of the national heritage. In order to succeed imposing over fakes on the market, this product’s regime must be very well defined and regulated by the acting legislation. While also sanctioning those who produce the so called traditional products, for which they ask a price that is usually greater, offering – not in few cases, products which can affect the consumers’ health through their contents of additives or other substances that have no connection to the traditional preparation methods. The purpose of this paper was to review the main traditional Romanian products, by geographic area and finding the clients’ interest towards buying such products. The analysis is realised from the point of view of a sustainable development of this sector and by areas of provenience. In order to observe what types of traditional products are demanded on the market a research from secondary sources has been made, by analysing the information provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in the period of 1 – 20 September, and also a direct marketing research realised in the virtual environment, which followed the investigation of the main dimension/characteristics of the consumers behaviour towards the traditional products that exist on the Romanian market


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    The electric and autonomous vehicles market is on an upward trend, a development driven both by general factors such as the orientation of global policies towards the transition to clean energy and the reduction of carbon emissions, the development of future technologies in the context of the digital era, but also by particular aspects related to transport and traffic safety issues. In parallel, we are facing an expansion of the electric battery market, but also of the new supporting technologies (e.g. 5G) and specific infrastructures. This paper proposes an analysis of the current state and prospects of the electric and autonomous vehicles market, the competition between manufacturers at a global level, but also a brief assessment of the preconditions of the sector development (5G technology, electric batteries, EV charging stations etc.). The main results show a significant concentration of markets, but also the favorable position of Asian countries, with China taking the leading role

    The Contribution of Green Marketing in the Development of a Sustainable Destination through Advanced Clustering Methods

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    Against the backdrop of increasing concern for the environment, tourism activities have had a mixed impact. For example, in the field of marketing communications, the last few years have seen many companies promoting “green” tourism. In this context, this article aims to identify the group(s) focused on green tourism or sustainable development in order to predict their future trends. To achieve this objective, quantitative research was conducted based on an online survey distributed through social media. Several objectives were considered in the research, focusing on the behavior of the respondents, the decisive elements in choosing a destination, the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics, and the identification of groups oriented to the practice of green tourism. Univariate analysis was applied to the collected data (to identify the most appropriate variables for clustering) and multivariate analysis (using three types of methods: Ward, Centroid, and Two-Step Cluster). The following results emerged from the research analysis: characteristics of each segment in relation to question nine and profiles of all segments, of which the most representative (two, five, and six) stand out. The segments extracted with Ward’s method were created by the authors to highlight the most important characteristics: Smilers, Ecologists, Villagers, Relaxed, Luxury, Ecotourists, and Jobless. The research results contribute to a deeper understanding of Romanian customers’ needs when choosing a green destination, but also support the business community by providing economic actors with access to data to segment their solutions and services offered to customers, as well as the possibility to develop tailored products/services. The study represents a new approach to tourism and ‘green marketing’ in Romania by being the only one that shows to interested parties the seven specific consumer segments for the green tourism market in Romania, one that approaches the two fields in close connection. The results represent a significant theoretical advance for travel and tourism studies and provide valuable insights into the green tourism sector