Traditional products – vectors of sustainable development on the regional and national markets


Traditional products represent an important component of the Romanian culture, of the Romanian identity, of the national heritage. In order to succeed imposing over fakes on the market, this product’s regime must be very well defined and regulated by the acting legislation. While also sanctioning those who produce the so called traditional products, for which they ask a price that is usually greater, offering – not in few cases, products which can affect the consumers’ health through their contents of additives or other substances that have no connection to the traditional preparation methods. The purpose of this paper was to review the main traditional Romanian products, by geographic area and finding the clients’ interest towards buying such products. The analysis is realised from the point of view of a sustainable development of this sector and by areas of provenience. In order to observe what types of traditional products are demanded on the market a research from secondary sources has been made, by analysing the information provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in the period of 1 – 20 September, and also a direct marketing research realised in the virtual environment, which followed the investigation of the main dimension/characteristics of the consumers behaviour towards the traditional products that exist on the Romanian market

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