138 research outputs found

    Combining in-house Pooling and Sequencing for Product Regeneration by Means of Event-driven Simulation

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    The condition of complex products in the transport industry, such as train couplings or aircraft turbines, is not exactly determinable before their disassembly and diagnosis in a maintenance plant. Thus, planning and control of their regeneration is impeded since work plans and spare part demand result at short notice. This paper presents a novel method, which combines a planning approach, the in-house pooling of components, and a controlling approach, the sequencing of components, by means of event-driven simulation. Thereby, mean cycle time, mean tardiness and on-time delivery can be optimized under the consideration of the volatile conditions. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.German Ministry of Economics and Energ

    Development of a Hybrid RANS/LES Method for Turbulent Mixing Layers

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    Significant research has been underway for several years in NASA Glenn Research Center's nozzle branch to develop advanced computational methods for simulating turbulent flows in exhaust nozzles. The primary efforts of this research have concentrated on improving our ability to calculate the turbulent mixing layers that dominate flows both in the exhaust systems of modern-day aircraft and in those of hypersonic vehicles under development. As part of these efforts, a hybrid numerical method was recently developed to simulate such turbulent mixing layers. The method developed here is intended for configurations in which a dominant structural feature provides an unsteady mechanism to drive the turbulent development in the mixing layer. Interest in Large Eddy Simulation (LES) methods have increased in recent years, but applying an LES method to calculate the wide range of turbulent scales from small eddies in the wall-bounded regions to large eddies in the mixing region is not yet possible with current computers. As a result, the hybrid method developed here uses a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) procedure to calculate wall-bounded regions entering a mixing section and uses a LES procedure to calculate the mixing-dominated regions. A numerical technique was developed to enable the use of the hybrid RANS-LES method on stretched, non-Cartesian grids. With this technique, closure for the RANS equations is obtained by using the Cebeci-Smith algebraic turbulence model in conjunction with the wall-function approach of Ota and Goldberg. The LES equations are closed using the Smagorinsky subgrid scale model. Although the function of the Cebeci-Smith model to replace all of the turbulent stresses is quite different from that of the Smagorinsky subgrid model, which only replaces the small subgrid turbulent stresses, both are eddy viscosity models and both are derived at least in part from mixing-length theory. The similar formulation of these two models enables the RANS and LES equations to be solved with a single solution scheme and computational grid. The hybrid RANS-LES method has been applied to a benchmark compressible mixing layer experiment in which two isolated supersonic streams, separated by a splitter plate, provide the flows to a constant-area mixing section. Although the configuration is largely two dimensional in nature, three-dimensional calculations were found to be necessary to enable disturbances to develop in three spatial directions and to transition to turbulence. The flow in the initial part of the mixing section consists of a periodic vortex shedding downstream of the splitter plate trailing edge. This organized vortex shedding then rapidly transitions to a turbulent structure, which is very similar to the flow development observed in the experiments. Although the qualitative nature of the large-scale turbulent development in the entire mixing section is captured well by the LES part of the current hybrid method, further efforts are planned to directly calculate a greater portion of the turbulence spectrum and to limit the subgrid scale modeling to only the very small scales. This will be accomplished by the use of higher accuracy solution schemes and more powerful computers, measured both in speed and memory capabilities

    Nonlinear parameters of surface EMG in schizophrenia patients depend on kind of antipsychotic therapy

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    ArticleWe compared a set of surface EMG (sEMG) parameters in several groups of schizophrenia (SZ, n = 74) patients and healthy controls (n = 11) and coupled them with the clinical data. sEMG records were quantified with spectral, mutual information (MI) based and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) parameters, and with approximate and sample entropies (ApEn and SampEn). Psychotic deterioration was estimated with Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and with the positive subscale of PANSS. Neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism (NIP) motor symptoms were estimated with Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS). Dyskinesia was measured with Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). We found that there was no difference in values of sEMG parameters between healthy controls and drug-naïve SZ patients. The most specific group was formed of SZ patients who were administered both typical and atypical antipsychotics (AP). Their sEMG parameters were significantly different from those of SZ patients taking either typical or atypical AP or taking no AP. This may represent a kind of synergistic effect of these two classes of AP. For the clinical data we found that PANSS, SAS, and AIMS were not correlated to any of the sEMG parameters. Conclusion: with nonlinear parameters of sEMG it is possible to reveal NIP in SZ patients, and it may help to discriminate between different clinical groups of SZ patients. Combined typical and atypical AP therapy has stronger effect on sEMG than a therapy with AP of only one class.Publisher's pdfhttp://purl.org/eprint/status/PeerReviewe

    Cytogenetic and molecular analyses of de novo translocation dic(9;13)(p11.2;p12) in an infertile male

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    BACKGROUND: Whole arm t(9;13)(p11;p12) translocations are rare and have been described only a few times; all of the previously reported cases were familial. RESULTS: We present here an infertile male carrier with a whole-arm reciprocal translocation dic(9;13)(p11.2;p12) revealed by GTG-, C-, and NOR-banding karyotypes with no mature sperm cells in his ejaculate. FISH and genome-wide 400 K CGH microarray (Agilent) analyses demonstrated a balanced chromosome complement and further characterised the abnormality as a dicentric chromosome (9;13): dic(9;13)(pter→p11.2::p12→qter),neo(9)(pter→p12→neo→p11.2). An analysis of the patient’s ejaculated cells identified immature germ cells at different phases of spermatogenesis but no mature spermatozoa. Most (82.5%) of the germ cells were recognised as spermatocytes at stage I, and the cell nuclei were most frequently found in pachytene I (41.8%). We have also undertaken FISH analysis and documented an increased rate of aneuploidy of chromosomes 15, 18, X and Y in the peripheral blood leukocytes of our patient. To study the aneuploidy risk in leukocytes, we have additionally included 9 patients with non-obstructive azoospermia with normal karyotypes. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that the azoospermia observed in the patient with the dic(9;13)(p11.2;p12) translocation was most likely a consequence of a very high proportion (90%) of association between XY bivalents and quadrivalent formations in prophase I

    A systematic re-examination of processing of MHCI-bound antigenic peptide precursors by ER aminopeptidase 1

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    Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) trims antigenic peptide precursors to generate mature antigenic peptides for presentation by major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) molecules and regulates adaptive immune responses. ERAP1 has been proposed to trim peptide precursors both in solution and in pre-formed MHCI-peptide complexes, but which mode is more relevant to its biological function remains controversial. Here, we compared ERAP1-mediated trimming of antigenic peptide precursors in solution or when bound to three MHCI alleles, HLA-B*58, HLA-B*08 and HLA-A*02. For all MHCI-peptide combinations, peptide binding onto MHCI protected against ERAP1-mediated trimming. In only a single MHCI-peptide combination, trimming of an HLA-B*08-bound 12mer progressed at a considerable rate, albeit still slower than in solution. Results from thermodynamic, kinetic and computational analyses suggested that this 12mer is highly labile and that apparent on-MHC trimming rates are always slower than that of MHCI-peptide dissociation. Both ERAP2 and leucine aminopeptidase, an enzyme unrelated to antigen processing, could trim this labile peptide from pre-formed MHCI complexes as efficiently as ERAP1. A pseudopeptide analogue with high affinity for both HLA-B*08 and the ERAP1 active site could not promote the formation of a ternary ERAP1-MHCI-peptide complex. Similarly, no interactions between ERAP1 and purified peptide loading complex (PLC) were detected in the absence or presence of a pseudopeptide trap. We conclude that MHCI binding protects peptides from ERAP1 degradation and that trimming in solution, along with the dynamic nature of peptide binding to MHCI, are sufficient to explain ERAP1 processing of antigenic peptide precursors

    Spatiotemporal control of actomyosin contractility by MRCKβ signaling drives phagocytosis

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    Phagocytosis requires actin dynamics, but whether actomyosin contractility plays a role in this morphodynamic process is unclear. Here, we show that in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), particle binding to Mer Tyrosine Kinase (MerTK), a widely expressed phagocytic receptor, stimulates phosphorylation of the Cdc42 GEF Dbl3, triggering activation of MRCKβ/myosin-II and its coeffector N-WASP, membrane deformation, and cup formation. Continued MRCKβ/myosin-II activity then drives recruitment of a mechanosensing bridge, enabling cytoskeletal force transmission, cup closure, and particle internalization. In vivo, MRCKβ is essential for RPE phagocytosis and retinal integrity. MerTK-independent activation of MRCKβ signaling by a phosphomimetic Dbl3 mutant rescues phagocytosis in retinitis pigmentosa RPE cells lacking functional MerTK. MRCKβ is also required for efficient particle translocation from the cortex into the cell body in Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis. Thus, conserved MRCKβ signaling at the cortex controls spatiotemporal regulation of actomyosin contractility to guide distinct phases of phagocytosis in the RPE and represents the principle phagocytic effector pathway downstream of MerTK

    Differentiation and Transplantation of Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cone Photoreceptors into a Mouse Model of End-Stage Retinal Degeneration

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    The loss of cone photoreceptors that mediate daylight vision represents a leading cause of blindness, for which cell replacement by transplantation offers a promising treatment strategy. Here, we characterize cone differentiation in retinas derived from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Similar to in vivo development, a temporal pattern of progenitor marker expression is followed by the differentiation of early thyroid hormone receptor β2-positive precursors and, subsequently, photoreceptors exhibiting cone-specific phototransduction-related proteins. We establish that stage-specific inhibition of the Notch pathway increases cone cell differentiation, while retinoic acid signaling regulates cone maturation, comparable with their actions in vivo. MESC-derived cones can be isolated in large numbers and transplanted into adult mouse eyes, showing capacity to survive and mature in the subretinal space of Aipl1−/− mice, a model of end-stage retinal degeneration. Together, this work identifies a robust, renewable cell source for cone replacement by purified cell suspension transplantation

    Antioxidant and lipid supplementation improve the development of photoreceptor outer segments in pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal organoids

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    The generation of retinal organoids from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) is now a well-established process that in part recapitulates retinal development. However, hPSC-derived photoreceptors that exhibit well-organized outer segment structures have yet to be observed. To facilitate improved inherited retinal disease modeling, we determined conditions that would support outer segment development in maturing hPSC-derived photoreceptors. We established that the use of antioxidants and BSA-bound fatty acids promotes the formation of membranous outer segment-like structures. Using new protocols for hPSC-derived retinal organoid culture, we demonstrated improved outer segment formation for both rod and cone photoreceptors, including organized stacked discs. Using these enhanced conditions to generate iPSC-derived retinal organoids from patients with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa, we established robust cellular phenotypes that could be ameliorated following adeno-associated viral vector-mediated gene augmentation. These findings should aid both disease modeling and the development of therapeutic approaches for the treatment of photoreceptor disorders

    First-in-Human Gene Therapy Trial of AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 in Adults and Children With CNGB3-associated Achromatopsia

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    PURPOSE: To assess the safety and efficacy of AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 in participants with CNGB3-associated achromatopsia (ACHM). DESIGN: Prospective, phase 1/2 (NCT03001310), open-label, nonrandomized clinical trial. METHODS: The study enrolled 23 adults and children with CNGB3-associated ACHM. In the dose-escalation phase, adult participants were administered 1 of 3 AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 dose levels in the worse-seeing eye (up to 0.5 mL). After a maximum tolerated dose was established in adults, an expansion phase was conducted in children ≥3 years old. All participants received topical and oral corticosteroids. Safety and efficacy parameters, including treatment-related adverse events and visual acuity, retinal sensitivity, color vision, and light sensitivity, were assessed for 6 months. RESULTS: AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 (11 adults, 12 children) was safe and generally well tolerated. Intraocular inflammation occurred in 9 of 23 participants and was mainly mild or moderate in severity. Severe cases occurred primarily at the highest dose. Two events were considered serious and dose limiting. All intraocular inflammation resolved following topical and systemic steroids. There was no consistent pattern of change from baseline to week 24 for any efficacy assessment. However, favorable changes were observed for individual participants across several assessments, including color vision (n = 6/23), photoaversion (n = 11/20), and vision-related quality-of-life questionnaires (n = 21/23). CONCLUSIONS: AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 for CNGB3-associated ACHM demonstrated an acceptable safety and tolerability profile. Improvements in several efficacy parameters indicate that AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 gene therapy may provide benefit. These findings, with the development of additional sensitive and quantitative end points, support continued investigation

    First-in-Human Gene Therapy Trial of AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 in Adults and Children With CNGB3-associated Achromatopsia

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    Purpose: To assess the safety and efficacy of AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 in participants with CNGB3-associated achromatopsia (ACHM). Design: Prospective, phase 1/2 (NCT03001310), open-label, nonrandomized clinical trial. Methods: The study enrolled 23 adults and children with CNGB3-associated ACHM. In the dose-escalation phase, adult participants were administered 1 of 3 AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 dose levels in the worse-seeing eye (up to 0.5 mL). After a maximum tolerated dose was established in adults, an expansion phase was conducted in children ≥3 years old. All participants received topical and oral corticosteroids. Safety and efficacy parameters, including treatment-related adverse events and visual acuity, retinal sensitivity, color vision, and light sensitivity, were assessed for 6 months. Results: AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 (11 adults, 12 children) was safe and generally well tolerated. Intraocular inflammation occurred in 9 of 23 participants and was mainly mild or moderate in severity. Severe cases occurred primarily at the highest dose. Two events were considered serious and dose limiting. All intraocular inflammation resolved following topical and systemic steroids. There was no consistent pattern of change from baseline to week 24 for any efficacy assessment. However, favorable changes were observed for individual participants across several assessments, including color vision (n = 6/23), photoaversion (n = 11/20), and vision-related quality-of-life questionnaires (n = 21/23). Conclusions: AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 for CNGB3-associated ACHM demonstrated an acceptable safety and tolerability profile. Improvements in several efficacy parameters indicate that AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 gene therapy may provide benefit. These findings, with the development of additional sensitive and quantitative end points, support continued investigation.</p
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