6,796 research outputs found

    Spectral properties in the charge density wave phase of the half-filled Falicov-Kimball Model

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    We study the spectral properties of charge density wave (CDW) phase of the half-filled spinless Falicov-Kimball model within the framework of the Dynamical Mean Field Theory. We present detailed results for the spectral function in the CDW phase as function of temperature and UU. We show how the proximity of the non-fermi liquid phase affects the CDW phase, and show that there is a region in the phase diagram where we get a CDW phase without a gap in the spectral function. This is a radical deviation from the mean-field prediction where the gap is proportional to the order parameter

    Dynamical Mean-Field Theory - from Quantum Impurity Physics to Lattice Problems

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    Since the first investigation of the Hubbard model in the limit of infinite dimensions by Metzner and Vollhardt, dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) has become a very powerful tool for the investigation of lattice models of correlated electrons. In DMFT the lattice model is mapped on an effective quantum impurity model in a bath which has to be determined self-consistently. This approach lead to a significant progress in our understanding of typical correlation problems such as the Mott transition; furthermore, the combination of DMFT with ab-initio methods now allows for a realistic treatment of correlated materials. The focus of these lecture notes is on the relation between quantum impurity physics and the physics of lattice models within DMFT. Issues such as the observability of impurity quantum phase transitions in the corresponding lattice models are discussed in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, invited paper for the Proceedings of the "3rd International Summer School on Strongly Correlated Systems, Debrecen, 2004

    Husimi coordinates of multipartite separable states

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    A parametrization of multipartite separable states in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space is suggested. It is proved to be a diffeomorphism between the set of zero-trace operators and the interior of the set of separable density operators. The result is applicable to any tensor product decomposition of the state space. An analytical criterion for separability of density operators is established in terms of the boundedness of a sequence of operators.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, LaTe

    Sound Velocity Anomaly at the Mott Transition: application to organic conductors and V2O3

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    Close to the Mott transition, lattice degrees of freedom react to the softening of electron degrees of freedom. This results in a change of lattice spacing, a diverging compressibility and a critical anomaly of the sound velocity. These effects are investigated within a simple model, in the framework of dynamical mean-field theory. The results compare favorably to recent experiments on the layered organic \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)_2]Cl conductor . We predict that effects of a similar magnitude are expected for V2O3, despite the much larger value of the elastic modulus of this material.Comment: New discussion of the relation between the sound-velocity and the compressibility has been adde

    Competing itinerant and localized states in strongly correlated BaVS3_3

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    The electronic structure of the quasi-lowdimensional vanadium sulfide \bavs3 is investigated for the different phases above the magnetic ordering temperature. By means of density functional theory and its combination with dynamical-mean field theory, we follow the evolution of the relevant low-energy electronic states on cooling. Hence we go in the metallic regime from the room temperature hexagonal phase to the orthorhombic phase after the first structural transition, and close with the monoclinic insulating phase below the metal-insulator transition. Due to the low symmetry and expected intersite correlations, the latter phase is treated within cellular dynamical mean-field theory. It is generally discussed how the intriguing interplay between band-structure and strong-correlation effects leads to the stabilization of the various electronic phases with decreasing temperature.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to PR

    The geometrically-averaged density of states calculated from the local Green's function as a measure of localization

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    With the goal of measuring localization in disordered interacting systems, we examine the finite-size scaling of the geometrically-averaged density of states calculated from the local Green's function with finite energy resolution. Our results show that, unlike in a simple energy binning procedure, there is no limit in which the finite energy resolution is irrelevant.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; to be published in the proceedings of SCES '0

    Dynamical solutions of a quantum Heisenberg spin glass model

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    We consider quantum-dynamical phenomena in the SU(2)\mathrm{SU}(2), S=1/2S=1/2 infinite-range quantum Heisenberg spin glass. For a fermionic generalization of the model we formulate generic dynamical self-consistency equations. Using the Popov-Fedotov trick to eliminate contributions of the non-magnetic fermionic states we study in particular the isotropic model variant on the spin space. Two complementary approximation schemes are applied: one restricts the quantum spin dynamics to a manageable number of Matsubara frequencies while the other employs an expansion in terms of the dynamical local spin susceptibility. We accurately determine the critical temperature TcT_c of the spin glass to paramagnet transition. We find that the dynamical correlations cause an increase of TcT_c by 2% compared to the result obtained in the spin-static approximation. The specific heat C(T)C(T) exhibits a pronounced cusp at TcT_c. Contradictory to other reports we do not observe a maximum in the C(T)C(T)-curve above TcT_c.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Mott transition at large orbital degeneracy: dynamical mean-field theory

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    We study analytically the Mott transition of the N-orbital Hubbard model using dynamical mean-field theory and a low-energy projection onto an effective Kondo model. It is demonstrated that the critical interaction at which the insulator appears (Uc1) and the one at which the metal becomes unstable (Uc2) have different dependence on the number of orbitals as the latter becomes large: Uc1 ~ \sqrt{N} while Uc2 ~ N. An exact analytical determination of the critical coupling Uc2/N is obtained in the large-N limit. The metallic solution close to this critical coupling has many similarities at low-energy with the results of slave boson approximations, to which a comparison is made. We also discuss how the critical temperature associated with the Mott critical endpoint depends on the number of orbitals.Comment: 13 pages. Minor changes in V